
Snow depth from offline LDAS and coupled LDAS based on CY48R1 has been compared. Open-loop experiment by offline LDAS has positive biases around the edge of snow-covered areas against coupled LDAS. However, the differences become smaller by assimilating IMS in offline LDAS. Offline snow depth analysis will make it possible to be more consistent between initial conditions for reforecast and operational forecast.

Experiment settings

Experiment nameIDModel versionHorizontal resolutionAtmospheric forcingSnow depth analysisSoil moisture analysisStart dateEnd date
Open-loop by offline LDAShsts48r1TCo319ERA5NoNoSep 1998Dec 2021
Offline LDAShtyv48r1TCo319ERA5YesYesSep 1998Dec 2021
Coupled LDAS (48r1 control)hut848r1TCo399CoupledYesYesDec 2020Feb 2021

Results (monthly averages of snow depth in Jan 2021)

hut8 (coupled LDAS)htyv (Offline LDAS)hsts (open-loop by offline land surface model)

htyv - hut8hsts - hut8

Other related results

You can refer to my poster presentation at the EARSeL workshop in Feb 2023: EARSeL_Ochi.pdf


  1. Hi Kenta, 

    Excellent, we clearly see that the differences between the coupled and offline snow are much reduced when IMS is assimilated. Is it SWE?

    1. Thank you very much for your comment. These plots show snow depth (unit: m). I think it will be similar if we have a look at SWE.