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The following section describes commands that are used to create dependencies between nodes in a suite.
A node can be made dependent in following ways: time/date, other node(s) or limited from running by some resource. There can be multiple time dependencies which may be expressed using the time of day, the day of the week, or the date. A node dependency is expressed as a logical statement about another node and its state, like taskname == complete. A dependency may involve several other nodes, preferably all in the same suite.
A node that is dependent cannot be started as long as some dependency is holding it. For triggers, the phrase trigger is set means a trigger has expired, and trigger is not set means it is still holding. By default, a node depends on its parent. So, for example, a task cannot start if the family to which it belongs is still waiting on a dependency.
A node can have many time dependencies, but only one, albeit complex, trigger. When a suite begins, the trigger and all the time dependencies hold the node. The node stays queued as long as the trigger is not set. Only one of the dependency types (time, date or day, and trigger) can expire at a time, the others still remain holding or in use. If the trigger is set, one of the possible time dependencies may expire and let the node go. When the node completes, the expired time dependency is marked as being used, and the other two time dependencies are processed.
The node can be dependent because:

  • Server is halted or shutdown
  • Its parent is dependent
  • It is triggered by a state of another node
  • It is waiting for time of day
  • It is waiting for date of year
  • It is waiting for day of a week
  • Limit it uses does not have a free token
  • It is migrated (restored at begin)
  • It is suspended

The following sections discuss the different dependency types, and give examples of how to use them together.