This page includes a list of scientific work that fully or partly include diagnostics and verification, and/or description of, and/or examples of use of the Copernicus Arctic Regional Reanalysis (CARRA) data set. The list includes references, links and abstract of peer-reviewed work. The list is not necessarily complete in terms of including all published work on and with the CARRA data set, but provides a starting point to seek information on the quality of different aspects of the data set and possible use cases in the literature. The list is organized alphabetical, not necessarily by relevance. After the list peer-reviewed studies a selection of other publications/presentations of relevance is listed.
Peer-reviewed studies
Batrak, Y., Cheng, B., and Kallio-Myers, V. (2024). Sea ice cover in the Copernicus Arctic Regional Reanalysis, The Cryosphere, 18, 1157–1183,
The Copernicus Arctic Regional Reanalysis (CARRA) is a novel regional high-resolution atmospheric reanalysis product that covers a considerable part of the European Arctic including substantial amounts of ice-covered areas. Sea ice in CARRA is modelled by means of a one-dimensional thermodynamic sea ice parameterisation scheme, which also explicitly resolves the evolution of the snow layer over sea ice. In the present study, we assess the representation of sea ice cover in CARRA and validate it against a wide set of satellite products and observations from ice mass balance buoys. We show that CARRA adequately represents general interannual trends towards thinner and warmer ice in the Arctic. Compared to ERA5, sea ice in CARRA shows a reduced warm bias in the ice surface temperature. The strongest improvement was observed for winter months over the central Arctic and the Greenland and Barents seas where a 4.91 °C median ice surface temperature error in ERA5 is reduced to 1.88 °C in CARRA on average. Over Baffin Bay, intercomparisons suggest the presence of a cold winter-time ice surface temperature bias in CARRA. No improvement over ERA5 was found in the ice surface albedo with spring-time errors in CARRA being up to 0.08 higher on average than those in ERA5 when computed against the CLARA-A2 satellite retrieval product. Summer-time ice surface albedos are comparable in CARRA and ERA5. Sea ice thickness and snow depth in CARRA adequately resolve the annual cycle of sea ice cover in the Arctic and bring added value compared to ERA5. However, limitations of CARRA indicate potential benefits of utilising more advanced approaches for representing sea ice cover in next-generation reanalyses.
Bouchayer, C., Nanni, U., Lefeuvre, P.-M., Hult, J., Steffensen Schmidt, L., Kohler, J., Renard, F., and Schuler, T. V. (2024). Multi-scale variations of subglacial hydro-mechanical conditions at Kongsvegen glacier, Svalbard, The Cryosphere, 18, 2939–2968,
The flow of glaciers is largely controlled by changes at the ice–bed interface, where basal slip and sediment deformation drive basal glacier motion. Determining subglacial conditions and their responses to hydraulic forcing remains challenging due to the difficulty of accessing the glacier bed. Here, we monitor the interplay between surface runoff and hydro-mechanical conditions at the base of the Kongsvegen glacier in Svalbard. From July 2021 to August 2022, we measured both subglacial water pressure and till strength. Additionally, we derived median values of subglacial hydraulic gradient and radius of channelized subglacial drainage system from seismic power, recorded at the glacier surface. To characterize the variations in the subglacial conditions caused by changes in surface runoff, we investigate the variations of the following hydro-mechanical properties: measured water pressure, measured sediment ploughing forces, and derived hydraulic gradient and radius, over seasonal, multi-day, and diurnal timescales. We discuss our results in light of existing theories of subglacial hydrology and till mechanics to describe subglacial conditions. We find that during the short, low-melt-rate season in 2021, the subglacial drainage system evolved at equilibrium with runoff, increasing its capacity as the melt season progressed. In contrast, during the long and high-melt-rate season in 2022, the subglacial drainage system evolved transiently to respond to the abrupt and large water supply. We suggest that in the latter configuration, the drainage capacity of the preferential drainage axis was exceeded, promoting the expansion of hydraulically connected regions and local weakening of ice–bed coupling and, hence, enhanced sliding.
Box, J. E., Nielsen, K. P., Yang, X., Niwano, M., Wehrlé, A., van As, D., Fettweis, X., Køltzow, Morten A. Ø., Palmason, B., Fausto, R. S., van den Broeke, M. R., Huai, B., Ahlstrøm, A. P., Langley, K., Dachauer, A., and Noël, B. (2023). Greenland ice sheet rainfall climatology, extremes and atmospheric river rapids. Meteorological Applications, 30(4), e2134.
Greenland rainfall has come into focus as a climate change indicator and from a variety of emerging cryospheric impacts. This study first evaluates rainfall in five state-of-the-art numerical prediction systems (NPSs) (CARRA, ERA5, NHM-SMAP, RACMO, MAR) using in situ rainfall data from two regions spanning from land onto the ice sheet. The new EU Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Arctic Regional ReAnalysis (CARRA), with a relatively fine (2.5 km) horizontal grid spacing and extensive within-model-domain observational initialization, has the lowest average bias and highest explained variance relative to the field data. ERA5 inland wet bias versus CARRA is consistent with the field data and other research and is presumably due to more ERA5 topographic smoothing. A CARRA climatology 1991–2021 has rainfall increasing by more than one-third for the ice sheet and its peripheral ice masses. CARRA and in situ data illuminate extreme (above 300 mm per day) local rainfall episodes. A detailed examination CARRA data reveals the interplay of mass conservation that splits flow around southern Greenland and condensational buoyancy generation that maintains along-flow updraft ‘rapids’ 2 km above sea level, which produce rain bands within an atmospheric river interacting with Greenland. CARRA resolves gravity wave oscillations that initiate as a result of buoyancy offshore, which then amplify from terrain-forced uplift. In a detailed case study, CARRA resolves orographic intensification of rainfall by up to a factor of four, which is consistent with the field data.
Dorff, H., Konow, H., Schemann, V., and Ament, F. (2024). Observability of moisture transport divergence in Arctic atmospheric rivers by dropsondes, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 8771–8795,
This study emulates dropsondes to elucidate the extent to which sporadic airborne sondes adequately represent divergence of moisture transport in Arctic atmospheric rivers (ARs). The convergence of vertically integrated moisture transport (IVT) plays a crucial role as it favours precipitation that significantly affects Arctic sea ice properties. Long-range research aircraft can transect ARs and drop sondes to determine theirIVTdivergence. In order to assess the representativeness of future sonde-basedIVTdivergence in Arctic ARs, we disentangle the sonde-based deviations from an ideal instantaneousIVTdivergence, which result from undersampling by a limited number of sondes and from the flight duration.
Our synthetic study uses C3S Arctic Regional Reanalysis (CARRA) reanalyses to set up an idealised scenario for airborne AR observations. For nine Arctic spring ARs, we mimic flights transecting each AR in CARRA and emulate sonde-basedIVTrepresentation by picking single vertical profiles. The emulation quantifiesIVTdivergence observability by two approaches. First, sonde-basedIVTand its divergence are compared to the continuousIVTinterpolated onto the flight cross-section. The comparison specifies uncertainties of discrete sonde-basedIVTvariability and divergence. Second, we determine how temporal AR evolution affectsIVTdivergence values by contrasting time-propagating sonde-based values with the divergence based on instantaneous snapshots.
For our Arctic AR cross-sections, we find that coherent wind and moisture variabilities contribute less than 10 % to the total transport. Both quantities are uncorrelated to a great extent. Moisture turns out to be the more variable quantity. We show that sounding spacing greater than 100 km results in errors greater than 10 % of the totalIVTalong AR cross-sections. ForIVTdivergence, the Arctic ARs exhibit similar differences in moisture advection and mass convergence across the embedded front as mid-latitude ARs, but we identify moisture advection as being dominant. Overall, we confirm the observability ofIVTdivergence with an uncertainty of around 25 %–50 % using a sequence of at least seven sondes per cross-section. Rather than sonde undersampling, it is the temporal AR evolution over the flight duration that leads to high deviations in divergence components. In order to realise the estimation ofIVTdivergence from dropsondes, flight planning should consider not only the sonde positioning, but also the minimisation of the flight duration. Our benchmarks quantify sonde-based uncertainties as essential preparatory work for the upcoming airborne closure of the moisture budget in Arctic ARs.
Duyck, E., Gelderloos, R., and de Jong, M. F. (2022). Wind-driven freshwater export at Cape Farewell. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2021JC018309.
Increased freshwater input to the Subpolar North Atlantic from Greenland ice melt and the Arctic could strengthen stratification in deep convection regions and impact the overturning circulation. However, freshwater pathways from the east Greenland shelf to deep convection regions are not fully understood. We investigate the role of strong wind events at Cape Farewell in driving surface freshwaters from the East Greenland Current to the Irminger Sea. Using a high-resolution model and an atmospheric reanalysis, we identify strong wind events and investigate their impact on freshwater export. Westerly tip jets are associated with the strongest and deepest freshwater export across the shelfbreak, with a mean of 37.5 mSv of freshwater in the first 100 m (with reference salinity 34.9). These wind events tilt isohalines and extend the front offshore, especially over Eirik Ridge. Moderate westerly events are associated with weaker export across the shelfbreak (mean of 15.9 mSv) but overall contribute to more freshwater export throughout the year, including in summer, when the shelf is particularly fresh. Particle tracking shows that half of the surface waters crossing the shelfbreak during tip jet events are exported away from the shelf, either entering the Irminger Gyre, or being driven over Eirik Ridge. During strong westerly wind events, sea ice detaches from the coast and veers toward the Irminger Sea, but the contribution of sea ice to freshwater export at the shelfbreak is minimal compared to liquid freshwater export due to limited sea ice cover at Cape Farewell.
Frank, L., Jonassen, M. O., Skogseth, R., and Vihma, T. (2023). Atmospheric climatologies over Isfjorden, Svalbard. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD038011.
The Isfjorden region at the west coast of Spitsbergen is the most easily accessible area in the Svalbard Archipelago, making it a perfect outdoor laboratory for Arctic research. Due to its location in the high Arctic together with its complex terrain, the climatic conditions vary substantially both in time and space. Based on a new high-resolution reanalysis, we present climatologies of five major atmospheric variables over the Isfjorden region during 2011–2021 with special focus on local effects. For example, we find that topographic channeling effects often lead to differences in near-surface wind speeds of several m s−1over small horizontal distances. During winter, the fjord acts as a heat and moisture island, ultimately impacting the adjacent low-elevation land areas. These land–sea gradients reverse during summer. High mountain areas surrounding the fjord experience substantially different climatic conditions, with for example, seasonal precipitation doubling from sea level to approximately 700 m. The spatial variability over the Isfjorden region is in general found to be smaller than its temporal counterpart but larger than the diurnal cycle. Besides these findings, this study furthermore demonstrates the importance of high-resolution regional atmospheric reanalyses compared to global products for the characterization of the local micro-climate over Arctic fjords and the interaction with surrounding land areas.
Frison, L., Queyrel, J., and Feral L. (2022). Characterization and modeling of tropospheric propagation at high latitudes for satcom systems. 27th Ka and Broadband Communications Conference (Ka 2022) and the 39th International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC 2022), Oct 2022, Stresa, Italy.
The work presented in this paper aims at developing and evaluating the potentialities of a highresolution meteorological model coupled with an electromagnetic module to produce reliable tropospheric attenuation statistics at polar latitudes. To do so, an Atmospheric Numerical Simulator (ANS) based on the high-resolution weather model PWRF-ARW dedicated to polar latitudes is used to generate 3D daily states of the atmosphere in Svalbard (Norway, 80° north latitude) at high spatial (2×2km²) and temporal (5mn) resolutions. Because of considerable computational times, this preliminary work focuses on the simulation of a single day (2017/02/21) during which typical polar precipitations occur. First, the PWRF meteorological outputs relevant for propagation purposes (3D atmospheric datacubes) are compared with reference reanalysis data (Arome-Arctic, CARRA, ERA5) as well as meteorological measurements collected during the THOR7 propagation experiment based on the Svalbard archipelago. Second, an electromagnetic module is used to convert the PWRF meteorological output datacubes into tropospheric attenuation time series simulating the link at Ka band between the THOR7 beacon and the SvalSat teleport. These are compared with the experimental time series collected during the THOR7 propagation experiment. Synthetic attenuation statistics are also produced for that specific day and compared to the experimental statistics derived from the THOR7 propagation experiment. On the 2017/02/21, the results show a good agreement between PWRF outputs and the other meteorological data sources. Additionally, if the synthetic attenuation times series reproduces quite well the experimental time series dynamics, the statistical analysis reveals overestimations that could be explained by either an approximative modeling of the hydrometeors in mixed-phase or wrong predicted hydrometeors contents.
Grinsted, A., Rathmann, N. M., Mottram, R., Solgaard, A. M., Mathiesen, J., and Hvidberg, C. S. (2024). Failure strength of glacier ice inferred from Greenland crevasses, The Cryosphere, 18, 1947–1957,
Ice fractures when subject to stress that exceeds the material failure strength. Previous studies have found that a von Mises failure criterion, which places a bound on the second invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor, is consistent with empirical data. Other studies have suggested that a scaling effect exists, such that larger sample specimens have a substantially lower failure strength, implying that estimating material strength from laboratory-scale experiments may be insufficient for glacier-scale modeling. In this paper, we analyze the stress conditions in crevasse onset regions to better understand the failure criterion and strength relevant for large-scale modeling. The local deviatoric stress is inferred using surface velocities and reanalysis temperatures, and crevasse onset regions are extracted from a remotely sensed crevasse density map. We project the stress state onto the failure plane spanned by Haigh–Westergaard coordinates, showing how failure depends on mode of stress. We find that existing crevasse data are consistent with a Schmidt–Ishlinsky failure criterion that places a bound on the absolute value of the maximal principal deviatoric stress, estimated to be158±44 kPa. Although the traditional von Mises failure criterion also provides an adequate fit to the data with a von Mises strength of265±73 kPa, it depends only on stress magnitude and is indifferent to the specific stress state, unlike Schmidt–Ishlinsky failure which has a larger shear failure strength compared to tensile strength. Implications for large-scale ice flow and fracture modeling are discussed.
Recently, climate extremes have been grabbing attention as important drivers of environmental change. Here, we assemble an observational inventory of energy and mass fluxes to quantify the ice loss from glaciers on the Russian High Arctic archipelago of Novaya Zemlya. Satellite altimetry reveals that 70 ± 19% of the 149 ± 29 Gt mass loss between 2011 and 2022 occurred in just four high-melt years. We find that 71 ± 3% of the melt, including the top melt cases, are driven by extreme energy imports from atmospheric rivers. The majority of ice loss occurs on leeward slopes due to foehn winds. 45 of the 54 high-melt days (>1 Gt d−1) in 1990 to 2022 show a combination of atmospheric rivers and foehn winds. Therefore, the frequency and intensity of atmospheric rivers demand accurate representation for reliable future glacier melt projections for the Russian High Arctic.
Hallerstig, M., Køltzow, M. Ø. and Mayer, S. (2024). Developing a methodology for user-oriented verification of polar low forecasts. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1–23. Available from:
Polar lows exhibit features with very sharp weather contrasts. In weather forecasting, a small misplacement of areas with hazardously high wind speeds can have fatal impacts for people living in polar regions. Therefore, a novel application of spatial verification methods for objective metrics of size, shape, and location of areas with hazardous weather is tested. To separate the effect of errors in polar low location and direction of motion from errors relative to the polar low centre, surface wind fields from the limited-area weather forecasting model Applications of Research to Operations at Mesoscale-Arctic and Copernicus Climate Change Service Arctic Regional Reanalysis are centred at the polar low centre and rotated according to the direction of background flow surrounding the polar low. Then the possibilities of the features-based verification methods SAL (structure, amplitude, location) and MODE (Method for Object-based Diagnostic Evaluation) are explored using a test case from October 2019. The study demonstrates that the methodology can provide valuable information about forecast performance. MODE is a flexible method with metrics that focus on characteristics of individual objects and can be adapted to questions at hand. For example, a measure of storm eye size was added. SAL, on the other hand, provides effective summary metrics for the full domain and proved particularly useful for evaluation of the overall distribution of wind speed. To evaluate the number of correctly or incorrectly identified areas with harsh weather rather than their details about their shape, contingency scores are more suitable. Applied to a larger dataset, this methodology can assess performance as a function of forecast length, as well as geographical area, and the type of polar low. The methodology can also be applied to other types of low-pressure systems, such as extratropical cyclones.
Hansche, I., Shahi, S., Abermann, J., and Schöner, W. (2023). The vertical atmospheric structure of the partially glacierised Mittivakkat valley, southeast Greenland. Journal of Glaciology, 1-12.
Air temperature inversions, a situation in which atmospheric temperature increases with height, are key components of the Arctic planetary boundary layer. The present study investigates the spatial and temporal variations of temperature inversions over different surface types (rock, gravel, snow, ice) along the Mittivakkat valley (southeast Greenland). For this purpose, 113 vertical profiles with high spatio-temporal resolution of air temperature and relative humidity were collected with unoccupied aerial vehicles (UAVs) during a 13-day field campaign in summer 2019. Air temperature inversions were present in 83% of the profiles, of which 24% were surface-based inversions and 76% were elevated inversions. The proglacial area covered with bare rock and gravel induces surface heating and convection during the day and, through interaction with local circulation patterns, leads to the frequent formation of elevated inversions. In contrast, the glacier surface itself acts as a persistent cooling surface and leads to the formation of surface-based inversions. A low-level fog layer that forms under the inversion layer may be causing non-linear vertical ablation gradients on Mittivakkat Gletsjer. Furthermore, we demonstrate that atmospheric measurements using UAVs can better capture small-scale processes than other products like radiosonde or modeled reanalysis data.
Helgason, H. B. and Nijssen, B. (2023). LamaH-Ice: LArge-SaMple Data for Hydrology and Environmental Sciences for Iceland, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. [preprint],, in review.
Access to mountainous regions for monitoring streamflow, snow and glaciers is often difficult, and many rivers are thus not gauged and hydrological measurements are limited. Consequently, cold-region watersheds, particularly heavily glacierized ones, are poorly represented in large-sample hydrology (LSH) datasets. We present a new LSH dataset for Iceland, termed LamaH-Ice (LArge-SaMple DAta for Hydrology and Environmental Sciences for Iceland). Glaciers and ice caps cover about 10 % of Iceland and while streamflow has been measured for several decades, these measurements have not been published in a consistent manner before. The dataset provides daily and hourly hydrometeorological timeseries and catchment characteristics for 107 river basins in Iceland, covering an area of almost 46,000 km2(45 % of Iceland’s area), with catchment sizes ranging from 4 to about 7,500 km2. LamaH-Ice conforms to the structure of existing LSH datasets and includes most variables offered in these datasets, as well as additional information relevant to cold-region hydrology, e.g., timeseries of snow cover, glacier mass balance and albedo. LamaH-Ice also includes dynamic catchment characteristics to account for changes in land cover, vegetation, and glacier extent. A large majority of the watersheds in LamaH-Ice are not subject to human activities, such as diversions and flow regulations. Streamflow measurements under natural flow conditions are highly valuable to hydrologists seeking to model and comprehend the natural hydrological cycle or estimate climate change trends. The LamaH-Ice dataset (Helgason and Nijssen, 2023) is intended for the research community to improve the understanding of hydrology in cold-region environments.
Isaksen, K., Nordli, Ø., Ivanov, B., Koltzow, M. A. Ø, Aaboe, S, Gielten H. M., Mezghani, A., Eastwood, S., Førland, E., Benestad, R. E., Hanssen-Bauer, I., Brækkan, R., Sviashchennikov, P., Demin, V., Revina, A., and Karandasheva, T. (2022). Exceptional warming over the Barents area. Sci Rep 12, 9371 (2022).
In recent decades, surface air temperature (SAT) data from Global reanalyses points to maximum warming over the northern Barents area. However, a scarcity of observations hampers the confidence of reanalyses in this Arctic hotspot region. Here, we study the warming over the past 20–40 years based on new available SAT observations and a quality controlled comprehensive SAT dataset from the northern archipelagos in the Barents Sea. We identify a statistically significant record-high annual warming of up to 2.7 °C per decade, with a maximum in autumn of up to 4.0 °C per decade. Our results are compared with the most recent global and Arctic regional reanalysis data sets, as well as remote sensing data records of sea ice concentration (SIC), sea surface temperature (SST) and high-resolution ice charts. The warming pattern is primarily consistent with reductions in sea ice cover and confirms the general spatial and temporal patterns represented by reanalyses. However, our findings suggest even a stronger rate of warming and SIC-SAT relation than was known in this region until now.
Jiang, C., X. Gao, S. Wang, H. Zhu, A. Xu, Q. An, M. Zhu, and G. Liu (2023). Comparison of ZTD derived from CARRA, ERA5 and ERA5-Land over the Greenland based on GNSS, Advances in Space Research
High-accuracy reanalysis products are beneficial to the retrieval and modeling of zenith tropospheric delay (ZTD) in GNSS positioning and the study of GNSS Meteorology. The performance of meteorological parameters and ZTD derived from Copernicus Arctic Regional ReAnalysis (CARRA), ERA5 and ERA5-Land over the Greenland covering the year of 2020 are comprehensively compared and analyzed in this study. Firstly, the accuracies of the atmospheric pressure, temperature and water vapor pressure retrieved from three reanalysis data are compared with the observations obtained from 6 radiosondes and 30 automatic weather stations. The results show that the accuracy of temperature data from ERA5 pressure-level in the height range of 23–30 km is higher than that of CARRA pressure-level. The atmospheric pressure, temperature and water vapor pressure from CARRA single-level are superior to those of ERA5 single-level and ERA5-Land. Secondly, the ZTD derived from CARRA, ERA5 and ERA5-Land are compared with GNSS final ZTD data from 37 UNAVCO stations. The Root Mean Square error (RMS) values of ERA5 pressure-level ZTD is 6.7 mm, showing slightly better accuracy than CARRA pressure-level ZTD of 10.7 mm. The RMS values of ZTD derived from CARRA single-level, ERA5 single-level and ERA5-Land based on the Saastamoinen model are 11.9 mm, 13.4 mm and 22.7 mm, respectively, which indicates that CARRA single-level ZTD shows best consistency with GNSS ZTD among three single-level reanalysis data. Moreover, the reanalysis-derived ZTD show obviously poorer accuracy in warm-season than that in cold-season.
Khachatrian, E., Asemann, P., Zhou, L., Birkelund, Y., Esau, I., and Ricaud, B. (2024). Exploring the Potential of Sentinel-1 Ocean Wind Field Product for Near-Surface Offshore Wind Assessment in the Norwegian Arctic. Atmosphere 2024, 15, 146.
The exploitation of offshore wind resources is a crucial step towards a clean energy future. It requires an advanced approach for high-resolution wind resource evaluations. We explored the suitability of the Sentinel-1 Level-2 OCN ocean wind field (OWI) product for offshore wind resource assessments. The SAR data were compared to in situ observations and three reanalysis products: the global reanalysis ERA5 and two regional reanalyses CARRA and NORA3. This case study matches 238 scenes from 2022 for the Goliat station, an oil platform located 85 km northwest of Hammerfest in the Barents Sea, where a new offshore wind park has been proposed. The analysis showed that despite their unique limitations in spatial and temporal resolutions, all data sources have similar statistical properties (RMSE, correlation coefficient, and standard deviation). The Weibull parameters characterizing the wind speed distributions showed strong similarities between the Sentinel-1 and all reanalysis data. The Weibull parameters of the in situ measurements showed an underestimation of wind speed compared to all other sources. Comparing the full reanalysis datasets with the subsets matching the SAR scenes, only slight changes in Weibull parameters were found, indicating that, despite its low temporal resolution, the Sentinel-1 Level 2 OWI product can compete with the more commonly used reanalysis products in the estimation of offshore wind resources. Its high spatial resolution, which is unmatched by other methods, renders it especially valuable in offshore areas close to complex coastlines and in resolving weather events at a smaller scale.
Kirbus, B., Schirmacher, I., Klingebiel, M., Schäfer, M., Ehrlich, A., Slättberg, N., Lucke, J., Moser, M., Müller, H., and Wendisch, M. (2024). Thermodynamic and cloud evolution in a cold-air outbreak during HALO-(AC)3: quasi-Lagrangian observations compared to the ERA5 and CARRA reanalyses, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 3883–3904,
Arctic air masses undergo intense transformations when moving southward from closed sea ice to warmer open waters in marine cold-air outbreaks (CAOs). Due to the lack of measurements of diabatic heating and moisture uptake rates along CAO flows, studies often depend on atmospheric reanalysis output. However, the uncertainties connected to those datasets remain unclear. Here, we present height-resolved airborne observations of diabatic heating, moisture uptake, and cloud evolution measured in a quasi-Lagrangian manner. The investigated CAO was observed on 1 April 2022 during the HALO-(AC)3campaign. Shortly after passing the sea-ice edge, maximum diabatic heating rates over 6 K h−1and moisture uptake over 0.3 were measured near the surface. Clouds started forming and vertical mixing within the deepening boundary layer intensified. The quasi-Lagrangian observations are compared with the fifth-generation global reanalysis (ERA5) and the Copernicus Arctic Regional Reanalysis (CARRA). Compared to these observations, the mean absolute errors of ERA5 versus CARRA data are 14 % higher for air temperature over sea ice (1.14 K versus 1.00 K) and 62 % higher for specific humidity over ice-free ocean (0.112 g kg−1versus 0.069 g kg−1). We relate these differences to issues with the representation of the marginal ice zone and corresponding surface fluxes in ERA5, as well as the cloud scheme producing excess liquid-bearing, precipitating clouds, which causes a too-dry marine boundary layer. CARRA's high spatial resolution and demonstrated higher fidelity towards observations make it a promising candidate for further studies on Arctic air mass transformations.
Køltzow M., Schyberg H., Støylen E., and Yang X. (2022). Value of the Copernicus Arctic Regional Reanalysis (CARRA) in representing near-surface temperature and wind speed in the north-east European Arctic. Polar Research, 41.
The representation of 2-m air temperature and 10-m wind speed in the high-resolution (with a 2.5-km grid spacing) Copernicus Arctic Regional Reanalysis (CARRA) and the coarser resolution (ca. 31-km grid spacing) global European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts fifth-generation reanalysis (ERA5) for Svalbard, northern Norway, Sweden and Finland is evaluated against observations. The largest differences between the two reanalyses are found in regions with complex terrain and coastlines, and over the sea ice for temperature in winter. In most aspects, CARRA outperforms ERA5 in its agreement with the observations, but the value added by CARRA varies with region and season. Furthermore, the added value by CARRA is seen for both parameters but is more pronounced for temperature than wind speed. CARRA is in better agreement with observations in terms of general evaluation metrics like bias and standard deviation of the errors, is more similar to the observed spatial and temporal variability and better captures local extremes. A better representation of high-impact weather like polar lows, vessel icing and warm spells during winter is also demonstrated. Finally, it is shown that a substantial part of the difference between reanalyses and observations is due to representativeness issues, that is, sub-grid variability, which cannot be represented in gridded data. This representativeness error is larger in ERA5 than in CARRA, but the fraction of the total error is estimated to be similar in the two analyses for temperature but larger in ERA5 for wind speed.
Lundesgaard, Ø., Sundfjord, A., Lind, S., Nilsen, F., and Renner, A. H. H. (2022). Import of Atlantic Water and sea ice controls the ocean environment in the northern Barents Sea, Ocean Sci., 18, 1389–1418,
The northern Barents Sea is a cold, seasonally ice-covered Arctic shelf sea region that has experienced major warming and sea ice loss in recent decades. Here, a 2-year observational record from two ocean moorings provides new knowledge about the seasonal hydrographic variability in the region and about the ocean exchange across its northern margin. The combined records of temperature, salinity, and currents show the advection of warmer and saltier waters of Atlantic origin into the Barents Sea from the north. The source of these warmer water masses is the Atlantic Water boundary current that flows along the continental slope north of Svalbard. Time-varying southward inflow through cross-shelf troughs was the main driver of the seasonal cycle in ocean temperature at the moorings. Inflows were intensified in autumn and early winter, in some cases occurring below the sea ice cover and halocline water. On shorter timescales, subtidal current variability was correlated with the large-scale meridional atmospheric pressure gradient, suggesting wind-driven modulation of the inflow. The mooring records also show that import of sea ice into the Barents Sea has a lasting impact on the upper ocean, where salinity and stratification are strongly affected by the amount of sea ice that has melted in the area. A fresh layer separated the ocean surface from the warm mid-depth waters following large sea ice imports in 2019, whereas diluted Atlantic Water was found close to the surface during episodes in autumn 2018 following a long ice-free period. Thus, the advective imports of ocean water and sea ice from surrounding areas are both key drivers of ocean variability in the region.
Moore, G. W. K., and Imrit, A. A. (2022). Impact of resolution on the representation of the mean and extreme winds along Nares Strait. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2022JD037443.
Nares Strait is the long and narrow strait bounded by steep topography that connects the Arctic Ocean's Lincoln Sea to the North Atlantic's Baffin Bay. The winds that blow along the strait play an important role in modulating ice and water exports from the Arctic Ocean as well as in helping to establish the Arctic's largest and most productive polynya that forms at its southern terminus. However, its remote location has limited our knowledge of the winds along the strait. Here we use weather station data from the region as well as two reanalyses and an operational analysis with nominal horizontal resolutions that vary from ∼30 to ∼2.5 km to characterize the wind field in the vicinity of the strait. The strait has a width that varies from ∼40 to ∼100 km and as such the wind field is typically ageostrophic and controlled by the pressure gradient in the along-strait direction. We show that model resolution plays a role in the representation of both the mean and extreme winds along the strait through the ability to represent this ageostrophic flow. Higher windspeeds occur in the vicinity of Smith Sound and are associated with a left-hand corner jet. Kane Basin, the widest section of the strait, is characterized by a gradient in windspeed with higher speeds in the center of the basin and lower winds in the eastern basin that is the result of sheltering by the steep topography of the upstream Washington Land peninsula.
Moore, G.W.K., Howell, S.E.L. and Brady, M. (2023). Evolving relationship of Nares Strait ice arches on sea ice along the Strait and the North Water, the Arctic’s most productive polynya. Sci Rep, 13, 9809 (2023).
Nares Strait, the waterway that separates northwest Greenland from Ellesmere Island, is a major pathway along which sea ice leaves the Arctic, including the planet’s oldest and thickest sea ice that is experiencing an accelerated loss. Ice arches that develop during the winter at the Strait’s northern or southern terminus can remain stable for months at a time during which the transport of sea ice ceases. The Arctic’s most productive polynya, the North Water (NOW) orPikialasorsuaq(West Greenlandic for ‘great upwelling’) forms at the Strait’s southern end. There is evidence that a warming climate and the concomitant thinning of Arctic sea ice is weakening the arches and it has been proposed that this may impact the stability of NOW and the complex ecosystem that it sustains. Here we employ a categorization of recent winters with respect to the presence or absence of ice arches to explore their impact on sea ice along the Strait and over the NOW. We find that winters during which a southern ice arch is absent are associated with a reduced and thinner ice cover along the Strait with ice conditions over the NOW similar to that during winters with a southern arch. In winters, without a southern arch, there is also an acceleration of the winds along the Strait that contributes to the presence of reduced ice cover. Ocean color remote sensing data suggests that current levels of primary productivity over the NOW are independent of the presence or absence of an ice arch. The results suggest more research is needed to assess the stability of the NOW, with respect to reduced ice cover and primary productivity, in a future where ice arches cease to form along Nares Strait.
New environmental extremes are currently underway and are much greater than those in previous records. These are mostly regional, singular events that are caused by global change/local weather combinations and are larger than the impact of linear temperature increases projected using climate models. These new states cannot easily be assigned probabilities because they often have no historical analogs. Thus, the term super climate extremes is used. Examples are the loss of sea ice and ecosystem reorganization in northern marine Alaska, heatwave extreme in western Canada, and the loss of snow in Greenland. New combined extreme occurrences, which are reported almost daily, lead to a new, higher level of climate change urgency. The loss of sea ice in 2018–2019 was a result of warmer Arctic temperatures and changes in the jet stream. They resulted in a chain of impacts from southerly winds, the northward movement of predatory fish, and the reduction of food security for coastal communities. Record temperatures were measured in southwestern British Columbia following previous drought conditions, a confluence of two storm tracks, and warming through atmospheric subsidence. Greenland’s losses had clear skies and jet stream events. Such new extremes are present indicators of climate change. Their impacts result from the interaction between physical and ecological processes, and they justify the creation of a new climate change category based on super climate extremes.
Schmidt, L. S., Schuler, T. V., Thomas, E. E., and Westermann, S. (2023). Meltwater runoff and glacier mass balance in the high Arctic: 1991–2022 simulations for Svalbard, The Cryosphere, 17, 2941–2963,
The Arctic is undergoing increased warming compared to the global mean, which has major implications for freshwater runoff into the oceans from seasonal snow and glaciers. Here, we present high-resolution (2.5 km) simulations of glacier mass balance, runoff, and snow conditions on Svalbard from 1991–2022, one of the fastest warming regions in the world. The simulations are created using the CryoGrid community model forced by Copernicus Arctic Regional ReAnalysis (CARRA) (1991–2021) and AROME-ARCTIC forecasts (2016–2022). Updates to the water percolation and runoff schemes are implemented in the CryoGrid model for the simulations. In situ observations available for Svalbard, including automatic weather station data, stake measurements, and discharge observations, are used to carefully evaluate the quality of the simulations and model forcing.
We find a slightly negative climatic mass balance (CMB) over the simulation period of−0.08 but with no statistically significant trend. The most negative annual CMB is found for Nordenskiöldland (−0.73 ), with a significant negative trend of−0.27 per decade for the region. Although there is no trend in the annual CMB, we do find a significant increasing trend in the runoff from glaciers of 0.14 per decade. The average runoff was found to be 0.8 . We also find a significant negative trend in the refreezing of−0.13 per decade.
Using AROME-ARCTIC forcing, we find that 2021/22 has the most negative CMB and highest runoff over the 1991–2022 simulation period investigated in this study. We find the simulated climatic mass balance and runoff using CARRA and AROME-ARCTIC forcing are similar and differ by only 0.1 in climatic mass balance and by 0.2 in glacier runoff when averaged over all of Svalbard. There is, however, a clear difference over Nordenskiöldland, where AROME-ARCTIC simulates significantly higher mass balance and significantly lower runoff. This indicates that AROME-ARCTIC may provide similar high-quality predictions of the total mass balance of Svalbard as CARRA, but regional uncertainties should be taken into consideration.
The simulations produced for this study are made publicly available at a daily and monthly resolution, and these high-resolution simulations may be re-used in a wide range of applications including studies on glacial runoff, ocean currents, and ecosystems.
Spolaor, A., Scoto, F., Larose, C., Barbaro, E., Burgay, F., Bjorkman, M. P., Cappelletti, D., Dallo, F., de Blasi, F., Divine, D., Dreossi, G., Gabrieli, J., Isaksson, E., Kohler, J., Martma, T., Schmidt, L. S., Schuler, T. V., Stenni, B., Turetta, C., Luks, B., Casado, M., and Gallet, J.-C. (2024). Climate change is rapidly deteriorating the climatic signal in Svalbard glaciers, The Cryosphere, 18, 307–320,
The Svalbard archipelago is particularly sensitive to climate change due to the relatively low altitude of its main ice fields and its geographical location in the higher North Atlantic, where the effect of Arctic amplification is more significant. The largest temperature increases have been observed during winter, but increasing summer temperatures, above the melting point, have led to increased glacier melt. Here, we evaluate the impact of this increased melt on the preservation of the oxygen isotope (δ18O) signal in firn records.δ18O is commonly used as a proxy for past atmospheric temperature reconstructions, and, when preserved, it is a crucial parameter to date and align ice cores. By comparing four different firn cores collected in 2012, 2015, 2017 and 2019 at the top of the Holtedahlfonna ice field (1100 m a.s.l.), we show a progressive deterioration of the isotope signal, and we link its degradation to the increased occurrence and intensity of melt events. Our findings indicate that, starting from 2015, there has been an escalation in melting and percolation resulting from changes in the overall atmospheric conditions. This has led to the deterioration of the climate signal preserved within the firn or ice. Our observations correspond with the model's calculations, demonstrating an increase in water percolation since 2014, potentially reaching deeper layers of the firn. Although theδ18O signal still reflects the interannual temperature trend, more frequent melting events may in the future affect the interpretation of the isotopic signal, compromising the use of Svalbard ice cores. Our findings highlight the impact and the speed at which Arctic amplification is affecting Svalbard's cryosphere.
van der Schot, J., Abermann, J., Silva, T., Rasmussen, K., Winkler, M., Langley, K., and Schöner, W. (2024). Seasonal snow cover indicators in coastal Greenland from in-situ observations, a climate model and reanalysis, EGUsphere [preprint],
Seasonal snow cover has important climatic and ecological implications for the ice-free regions of coastal Greenland. Here we present, for the first time, a dataset of quality-controlled snow depth measurements from nine locations in coastal Greenland with varying periods between 1997 and 2021. Using a simple modelling approach (∆snow) we estimate snow water equivalent values solely based on the daily time series of snow depth. Snow pit measurements from two locations enable us to evaluate the ∆snow model. As there is very little in-situ data available for Greenland, we then test the performance of the regional atmospheric climate model (RACMO2.3p2, 5.5 km spatial resolution) and reanalysis product (CARRA, 2.5 km spatial resolution) at the nine locations with snow observations. Using the combined information from all three data sources, we study spatio-temporal characteristics of the seasonal snow cover in coastal Greenland by the example of six ecologically relevant snow indicators (maximum snow water equivalent, melt onset, melt duration, snow cover duration, snow cover onset, snow cover end). In particular, we evaluate the ability of RACMO2.3p2 and CARRA to simulate these snow indicators at the nine different locations, perform a time series analysis of the indicators and assess their spatial variability. The different locations have considerable spatial and temporal variability in snow cover characteristics and seasonal maximum snow water equivalent(amount of liquid water stored in the snowpack)values range from less than 50 mm w.e. to greater than 600 mm w.e. The correlation coefficients between maximum snow water equivalent output from ∆snow and CARRA/RACMO are 0.73 and 0.48 respectively. Correlation coefficients are highest for maximum snow water equivalent and snow cover duration, and model and reanalysis output underestimate snow cover onset. We find little evidence of statistically significant (p < 0.05) trends at varied periods between 1997 and 2021 except for the earlier onset of snow melt in Zackenberg (−8 days/decade, p = 0.02, based upon RACMO output). While we stress the need for context-specific validation, this study suggests that in most cases snow depth or snow water equivalent output from CARRA can describe spatial-temporal characteristics of seasonal snow cover, particularly changes in melt onset and snow cover end.
Vickers H., Saloranta T., Køltzow M., van Pelt Ward J. J., and Malnes E., (2024). An analysis of winter rain-on-snow climatology in Svalbard, Frontiers in Earth Science, Vol 12,
Rain-on-snow (ROS) events are becoming an increasingly common feature of the wintertime climate Svalbard in the High Arctic due to a warming climate. Changes in the frequency, intensity, and spatial distribution of wintertime ROS events in Svalbard are important to understand and quantify due their wide-ranging impacts on the physical environment as well as on human activity. Due to the sparse nature of ground observations across Svalbard, tools for mapping and long-term monitoring of ROS events over large spatial areas are reliant on remote sensing, snow models and atmospheric reanalyses. However, different methods of identifying and measuring ROS events can often present different interpretations of ROS climatology. This study compares a recently published Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) based ROS dataset for Svalbard to ROS derived from two snow models and a reanalysis dataset for 2004–2020. Although the number of ROS events differs across the datasets, all datasets exhibit both similarities and differences in the geographical distribution of ROS across the largest island, Spitsbergen. Southern and western coastal areas experience ROS most frequently during the wintertime, with the early winter (November–December) experiencing overall most events compared to the spring (March–April). Moreover, we find that different temperature thresholds are required to obtain the best spatial agreement of ROS events in the model and reanalysis datasets with ground observations. The reanalysis dataset evaluated against ground observations was superior to the other datasets in terms of accuracy due to the assimilation of ground observations into the dataset. The SAR dataset consistently scored lowest in terms of its overall accuracy due to many more false detections, an issue which is most likely explained by the persistence of moisture in the snowpack following the end of a ROS event. Our study not only highlights some spatial differences in ROS frequency and trends but also how comparisons between different datasets can confirm knowledge about the climatic variations across Svalbard wherein-situobservations are sparse.
A selection of relevant conference abstracts and not peer-reviewed literature
Dahlgren, P. and Valkonen, T., 2021: Use of wind retrievals in regional reanalysis, 15th International Winds Workshop, online, abstract available in abstract brochure here:
Kallio-Myers, V., Batrak, Y., and Cheng, B.: Comparison of Arctic sea-ice albedo between CARRA and ERA5 reanalyses and satellite based CLARA-A2, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1510,, 2023.
Landgren, O., Lutz, J., Dobler, A., and Isaksen, K.: Multi-decadal convection-permitting climate simulation over Svalbard and its benefit for assessing the future of cultural heritage sites, EMS Annual Meeting 2022, Bonn, Germany, 5–9 Sep 2022, EMS2022-556,, 2022
Maniktala, D., 2022, Analysing seasonal snow cover trends and patterns on Svalbard, student thesis, Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology, Earth Sciences, Department of Earth Sciences, LUVAL.
Nielsen, K. P., Schyberg, H., Yang, X., Støylen, E., Dahlgren, P., Amstrup, B., Peralta, C., Køltzow, M., and Bojarova, J.: 24 years of C3S Arctic regional reanalysis, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15178,, 2021.
Schyberg, H. The Copernicus Arctic Regional Reanalysis, WCRP-WWRP Symposium on Data Assimilation and Reanalysis / 2021 ECMWF Annual Seminar on Observations, 13-18 September 2021,
Schyberg, H., Yang, X., Støylen, E., Dahlgren, P., S. Madsen, M., Køltzow, M., and Olesen, M.: Evolution of the Copernicus Arctic Regional Reanalysis, EMS Annual Meeting 2022, Bonn, Germany, 5–9 Sep 2022, EMS2022-535,, 2022.
Slättberg, N., Maturilli, M., and Dahlke, S.: Fram Strait Marine Cold Air Outbreaks and associated surface heat fluxes in the ERA5 & CARRA reanalyses, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14048,, 2023.
Torres-Alavez, A., Landgren, O., Boberg, F., Christensen, O. B., Mottram, R., Olesen, M., Van Ulft, B., Verro, K., and Batrak, Y.: Assessing Performance of a new High Resolution polar regional climate model with remote sensing and in-situ observations: HCLIM in the Arctic and Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14090,, 2023.
This document has been produced in the context of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).
The activities leading to these results have been contracted by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, operator of C3S on behalf of the European Union (Delegation agreement signed on 11/11/2014). All information in this document is provided "as is" and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose.
The users thereof use the information at their sole risk and liability. For the avoidance of all doubt, the European Commission and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts have no liability in respect of this document, which is merely representing the author's view.