A Web Map Service (WMS) is available through a server at ECMWF ( to request dynamic maps over HTTP for a selection of CAMS Global and European air quality products.
GetCapabilities request
To get the selection of the available CAMS public layers please use the following syntax:
Accessing available CAMS Global air quality layers
The table shows the list of all the public CAMS Global air quality layers (last reviewed on 19-05-2021):
Variables | Units | Layers | Notes |
Black carbon aerosol optical depth at 550 nm | dimensionless | composition_bbaod550 | |
Carbon Dioxide at 850 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_co2_850 | |
Carbon Dioxide at 500 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_co2_500 | |
Carbon Dioxide at 300 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_co2_300 | |
Carbon Dioxide at 50 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_co2_50 | |
Carbon Monoxide at upper level | kg kg-1 | composition_co_upper level | |
Carbon Monoxide at 850 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_co_850 | |
Carbon Monoxide at 700 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_co_850 | Mole fractions of carbon monoxide at 700 hPa level illustrate long-range transport of pollutants. |
Carbon Monoxide at 500 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_co_500 | |
Carbon Monoxide at 300 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_co_300 | |
Carbon Monoxide at 50 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_co_50 | |
Carbon Monoxide at surface | kg kg-1 | composition_co_surface | |
Fire radiative power | W m-2 | composition_fire | |
Dust aerosol optical depth at 550 nm | dimensionless | composition_duaod550 | Dust aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 550 nanometers is a measure of the amount of dust particles in the atmosphere which block sunlight by absorbing or by scattering light. |
Formaldehyde at 850 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_hcho_850 | |
Formaldehyde at 500 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_hcho_500 | |
Formaldehyde at 300 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_hcho_300 | |
Formaldehyde at 50 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_hcho_50 | |
Formaldehyde at surface | kg kg-1 | composition_hcho_surface | |
Methane at 850 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_ch4_850 | |
Methane at 500 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_ch4_500 | |
Methane at 300 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_ch4_300 | |
Methane at 50 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_ch4_50 | |
Nitrogen dioxide at 850 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_no2_850 | |
Nitrogen dioxide at 500 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_no2_500 | |
Nitrogen dioxide at 300 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_no2_300 | |
Nitrogen dioxide at 50 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_no2_50 | |
Nitrogen dioxide at surface | kg kg-1 | composition_no2_surface | |
Particulate matter d < 10 µm | kg m-3 | composition_pm10 | |
Particulate matter d < 2.5 µm | kg m-3 | composition_pm2p2 | |
Ozone at 850 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_o3_850 | |
Ozone at 500 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_o3_500 | |
Ozone at 300 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_o3_300 | |
Ozone at 50 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_o3_50 | |
Ozone at surface | kg kg-1 | composition_o3_surface | Mole fractions of ozone at the surface illustrate photochemical activity which drives much of tropospheric chemistry. |
Sea salt aerosol optical depth at 550 nm | dimensionless | composition_ssaod | |
Sulphate aerosol optical depth at 550 nm | dimensionless | composition_suaod | |
Sulphur dioxide at 850 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_so2_850 | |
Sulphur dioxide at 500 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_so2_500 | |
Sulphur dioxide at 300 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_so2_300 | |
Sulphur dioxide at 50 hPa | kg kg-1 | composition_so2_50 | |
Sulphur dioxide at surface | kg kg-1 | composition_so2_surface | |
Total aerosol optical depth at 550 nm | dimensionless | composition_aod550 | Aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 550 nanometers is a measure of the total amount of particles in the atmosphere (dust, smoke, pollution, sea salt) which block sunlight by absorbing or by scattering light |
Total column Carbon Monoxide | kg m-2 | composition_co_totalcolumn | |
Total column Formaldehyde | kg m-2 | composition_hcho_totalcolumn | |
Total column Nitrogen dioxide | kg m-2 | composition_no2_totalcolumn | |
Total column Ozone | kg m-2 | composition_o3_totalcolumn | |
Total column Sulphur dioxide | kg m-2 | composition_so2_totalcolumn | |
Total sky UV index forecast | composition_uvindex | ||
Clear-sky UV index | composition_uvindex_clearsky |
Examples of requests
A sample request, to select of CAMS Global air quality layers, uses the following syntax:${layers},grid,foreground&styles=${styles}&width=${width}&bbox=-90,-180,90,180
Please check the table above for the right layers
If styles is not defined, the default one is used.
The width is defined as the number of pixel.
The convention for the geographical boundaries (bbox) is South, West, North, East.
Default style
Please find an example for a request of Total optical depth at 550 nm (composition_aod550) on the entire globe (-90,-180,90,180) with a default style:
Please find an example for a request of Dust aerosol optical depth at 550 nm (composition_duaod550) over Europe (30,-10,70,40) with a default style:
sh_BuYlRd_aod style
Please find an example for a request of Total optical depth at 550 nm (composition_aod550) on the entire globe (-90,-180,90,180) with sh_BuYlRd_aod style
Please find an example for a request of Dust aerosol optical depth at 550 nm (composition_duaod550) over Europe (30,-10,70,40) with sh_BuYlRd_aod style:
Accessing CAMS European air quality WMS products
From 1st July 2020, the access method to the European air quality WMS is through the server at ECMWF which hosts CAMS Service. Please be aware that:
- based on usage statistics initially only hourly ensemble surface forecast fields are available
- to ease the migration, legacy layer names are encoded in a layer metadata of the GetCapabilities response as "legacy name: OLD_NAME" keyword.
- the default styles and the style names are the same as before the migration
The following table lists the available CAMS European air quality layers and the corresponding legacy layer names (last reviewed on 21-01-2021):
Variables | Units | legacy layer name | new layer name |
Ammonia | µg m-3 | NH3__SPECIFIC_HEIGHT_LEVEL_ABOVE_GROUND | composition_europe_nh3_forecast_surface |
Birch pollen | grains m-3 | BIRCHPOLLEN__GROUND_OR_WATER_SURFACE | composition_europe_pol_birch_forecast_surface |
Carbon monoxide | µg m-3 | CO__SPECIFIC_HEIGHT_LEVEL_ABOVE_GROUND | composition_europe_co_forecast_surface |
Dust | µg m-3 | DUST__SPECIFIC_HEIGHT_LEVEL_ABOVE_GROUND | composition_europe_dust_forecast_surface |
Grass pollen | grains m-3 | GRASSPOLLEN__GROUND_OR_WATER_SURFACE | composition_europe_pol_grass_forecast_surface |
Non-methane VOCs | µg m-3 | NMVOC__SPECIFIC_HEIGHT_LEVEL_ABOVE_GROUND | composition_europe_nmvoc_forecast_surface |
Nitrogen dioxide | µg m-3 | NO2__SPECIFIC_HEIGHT_LEVEL_ABOVE_GROUND | composition_europe_no2_forecast_surface |
Nitrogen monoxide | µg m-3 | NO__SPECIFIC_HEIGHT_LEVEL_ABOVE_GROUND | composition_europe_no_forecast_surface |
Olive pollen | grains m-3 | OLIVEPOLLEN__GROUND_OR_WATER_SURFACE | composition_europe_pol_olive_forecast_surface |
Ozone | µg m-3 | O3__SPECIFIC_HEIGHT_LEVEL_ABOVE_GROUND | composition_europe_o3_forecast_surface |
Particulate matter d < 2.5 µm (PM2.5) | µg m-3 | PM25__SPECIFIC_HEIGHT_LEVEL_ABOVE_GROUND | composition_europe_pm2p5_forecast_surface |
Particulate matter d < 10 µm (PM10) | µg m-3 | PM10__SPECIFIC_HEIGHT_LEVEL_ABOVE_GROUND | composition_europe_pm10_forecast_surface |
Particulate matter d < 2.5 µm (PM2.5), fossil fuel carbon only | µg m-3 | EC_FF__SPECIFIC_HEIGHT_LEVEL_ABOVE_GROUND | composition_europe_ec_ff_forecast_surface |
Particulate matter d < 2.5 µm (PM2.5), wood burning carbon only | µg m-3 | EC_WB__SPECIFIC_HEIGHT_LEVEL_ABOVE_GROUND | composition_europe_ec_wb_forecast_surface |
Particulate matter d < 10 µm (PM10), wildfires only | µg m-3 | PM_WF_USI__SPECIFIC_HEIGHT_LEVEL_ABOVE_GROUND | composition_europe_pm_wf_forecast_surface |
Peroxyacyl nitrates | µg m-3 | PANS__SPECIFIC_HEIGHT_LEVEL_ABOVE_GROUND | composition_europe_pans_forecast_surface |
Ragweed pollen | grains m-3 | RAGWEED__GROUND_OR_WATER_SURFACE | composition_europe_pol_ragw_forecast_surface |
Secondary inorganic aerosol | µg m-3 | SIA__SPECIFIC_HEIGHT_LEVEL_ABOVE_GROUND | composition_europe_sia_forecast_surface |
Sulphur dioxide | µg m-3 | SO2__SPECIFIC_HEIGHT_LEVEL_ABOVE_GROUND | composition_europe_so2_forecast_surface |
Nitrogen dioxide (analysis, daily mean) | µg m-3 | composition_europe_no2_analysis_surface | |
Ozone (analysis, daily mean) | µg m-3 | composition_europe_o3_analysis_surface | |
Particulate matter d < 2.5 µm (PM2.5) (analysis, daily mean) | µg m-3 | composition_europe_pm2p5_analysis_surface | |
Particulate matter d < 10 µm (PM10) (analysis, daily mean) | µg m-3 | composition_europe_pm10_analysis_surface |
Examples of request
A sample request, to select of CAMS Global air quality layers, uses the following syntax:${LAYERS}&FORMAT=image/png&REQUEST=GetMap&CRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=${BBOX}&WIDTH=${WIDTH}&HEIGHT=${HEIGHT}
Please check the table above for the right layers.
The width and height are defined as the number of pixel.
The convention for the geographical boundaries (bbox) is South, West, North, East.
Please find an example for a request of Ammonia (composition_europe_nh3_forecast_surface) over Europe (30.05, -24.95, 71.95, 44.95) with a default style:
Please find the all CAMS Global and European air quality products galleries: