To evaluate the needs for capacity development, a survey of Member countries has been conducted. Data collection took place from October 13th to December 12th 2023, encompassing responses from a total of 45 countries. The objective is to grasp the member countries’ capabilities for Implementation of G3W. The analysis of the survey is available on 1.9.1 Survey Analysis.

The implementation of the G3W must be accompanied by a comprehensive capacity building and training programme. Action items below list the actions under which the activities will be implemented towards reaching the required capacity of Members for G3W implementation:  

magnifying glass tilted left Section 9: At a Glance

C1: Establish a competence framework for participation in G3W. 

C2: Continuous evaluation of the GHG capacities contributing to G3W.

C3: Develop capacities among the Members regarding use of G3W data. 

C4: Establish GHGs training programmes for Member. 

C5: Develop twinning and exchange programmes between countries to develop national capacities in GHGs observations, modelling, data management and data utilization.

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