



Represent  WMO activities related to short-lived climate pollutants at the conference. This meeting is a new format of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition for which O. Tarasova represents WMO as a focal point. The meeting consisted of the plenary sessions and the break out sessions. O.Tarasova attended the sessions of the agriculture and waste hubs.

At the Climate and Clean Air Conference, attendees discussed progress on scaling up financing and implementing effective policies to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) such as cutting methane, black carbon and (HFCs), which are the fastest and cheapest way to reduce near-term warming and clean the air.

Meeting materials

Discussions were conducted with a few countries that could have national sectoral demonstration projects including Viet Nam (rice), Costa Rica (rice), Moldova (waste), Brazil (general agriculture). Follow up discussions are required to shape IG3IS feasibility studies for specific sectors.

During the first day, a draft resolution of Air Quality for UNEA-6 was introduced by the US. This resolution was also discussed during the meeting on the International Cooperation of Air Pollution that was hosted by WMO (as an organization co-chair Task Force on Measurement and Modelling under LRTAP convention).

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