

  • Richard Sanders
  • Boris Kelly-Gerreyn
  • Ann Zinkann 
  • Dorothee Bakker
  • Adrienne Sutton 
  • Maciej Telszewski 
  • Katherine L. Hill
  • Champika Gallage 
  • Belén Martín Míguez
  • Oxana Tarasova 


  • Gain an understanding of your ambitions and how AG-Ocean might support them

  • Identify where your efforts need to be focused within our collaboration

  • Explore areas where AG-Ocean advocacy and support could further enhance the value to your work

  • Provide clarity on the work of AG-Ocean and our focus areas

  • Solicit feedback on the Engagement Plan to ensure it addresses your needs effectively

  • Agree on next steps and ensure alignment for continued collaboration.


Boris Kelly-Gerreyn as as the chair of the Advisory Group on the Ocean (AG-Ocean) run the meeting.

The discussion was about the engagement strategy (here). 

  • the group is only 12 months old
  • the main focus is on strengthening the connection between ocean community and the INF Commission
  • includes 18 experts and serves in advisory fuction

Potential join activities between G3W and AG-Ocean:

  • facilitation of research
  • joint resource mobilization for research and operational activities
  • partnership for the implementation of G3W
  • joint work on ocean carbon strategy
  • joint network design
  • better engagement in standartization of observations (for this ocean community was invited to contribute to GGMT-2024)

Action items

Gianpaolo Balsamo to provide comments on the engagement plan (where the connection with G3W may be beneficial)

Gianpaolo Balsamo to decide about the time of the network design workshop

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