#==============   MESSAGE 1 ( length=87309 )               ==============

1-4       identifier = GRIB

5-6       reserved = MISSING

7         discipline = 0 [Meteorological products  (grib2/tables/11/0.0.table) ]

8         editionNumber = 2

9-16      totalLength = 87309

======================   SECTION_1 ( length=21, padding=0 )    ======================

1-4       section1Length = 21

5         numberOfSection = 1

6-7       centre = 98 [European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (grib1/0.table) ]

8-9       subCentre = 0

10        tablesVersion = 11 [Pre-operational to be implemented by next amendment (grib2/tables/1.0.table) ]

11        localTablesVersion = 0 [Local tables not used. Only table entries and templates from the current master table are valid  (grib2/tables/11/1.1.table) ]

12        significanceOfReferenceTime = 1 [Start of forecast  (grib2/tables/11/1.2.table) ]

13-14     year = 2013

15        month = 1

16        day = 2

17        hour = 0

18        minute = 0

19        second = 0

20        productionStatusOfProcessedData = 7 [Sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction project test  (S2S)  (grib2/tables/11/1.3.table) ]

21        typeOfProcessedData = 4 [Perturbed forecast products  (grib2/tables/11/1.4.table) ]

======================   SECTION_3 ( length=72, padding=0 )    ======================

1-4       section3Length = 72

5         numberOfSection = 3

6         sourceOfGridDefinition = 0 [Specified in Code table 3.1  (grib2/tables/11/3.0.table) ]

7-10      numberOfDataPoints = 29040

11        numberOfOctectsForNumberOfPoints = 0

12        interpretationOfNumberOfPoints = 0 [There is no appended list  (grib2/tables/11/3.11.table) ]

13-14     gridDefinitionTemplateNumber = 0 [Latitude/longitude  (Also called equidistant cylindrical, or Plate Carree)  (grib2/tables/11/3.1.table) ]

15        shapeOfTheEarth = 6 [Earth assumed spherical with radius of 6 371 229.0 m  (grib2/tables/11/3.2.table) ]

16        scaleFactorOfRadiusOfSphericalEarth = MISSING

17-20     scaledValueOfRadiusOfSphericalEarth = MISSING

21        scaleFactorOfEarthMajorAxis = MISSING

22-25     scaledValueOfEarthMajorAxis = MISSING

26        scaleFactorOfEarthMinorAxis = MISSING

27-30     scaledValueOfEarthMinorAxis = MISSING

31-34     Ni = 240

35-38     Nj = 121

39-42     basicAngleOfTheInitialProductionDomain = 0

43-46     subdivisionsOfBasicAngle = MISSING

47-50     latitudeOfFirstGridPoint = 90000000

51-54     longitudeOfFirstGridPoint = 0

55        resolutionAndComponentFlags = 48 [00110000]

56-59     latitudeOfLastGridPoint = -90000000

60-63     longitudeOfLastGridPoint = 358500000

64-67     iDirectionIncrement = 1500000

68-71     jDirectionIncrement = 1500000

72        scanningMode = 0 [00000000]

======================   SECTION_4 ( length=44, padding=0 )    ======================

1-4       section4Length = 44

5         numberOfSection = 4

6-7       NV = 0

8-9       productDefinitionTemplateNumber = 60 [Individual ensemble re-forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time (grib2/tables/11/4.0.table) ]

10        parameterCategory = 2 [Momentum  (grib2/tables/11/4.1.0.table) ]

11        parameterNumber = 2 [u-component of wind  (m/s)  (grib2/tables/11/ ]

12        typeOfGeneratingProcess = 4 [Ensemble forecast  (grib2/tables/11/4.3.table) ]

13        backgroundProcess = 255

14        generatingProcessIdentifier = 144

15-16     hoursAfterDataCutoff = MISSING

17        minutesAfterDataCutoff = MISSING

18        indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange = 1 [Hour  (grib2/tables/11/4.4.table) ]

19-22     forecastTime = 48

23        typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 100 [Isobaric surface  (Pa)  (grib2/tables/11/4.5.table) ]

24        scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface = 0

25-28     scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface = 100000

29        typeOfSecondFixedSurface = 255 [Missing  (grib2/tables/11/4.5.table) ]

30        scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface = MISSING

31-34     scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface = MISSING

35        typeOfEnsembleForecast = 255 [Missing  (grib2/tables/11/4.6.table) ]

36        perturbationNumber = 1

37        numberOfForecastsInEnsemble = 5

38-39     YearOfModelVersion = 2014

40        MonthOfModelVersion = 1

41        DayOfModelVersion = 2

42        HourOfModelVersion = 0

43        MinuteOfModelVersion = 0

44        SecondOfModelVersion = 0

======================   SECTION_5 ( length=21, padding=0 )    ======================

1-4       section5Length = 21

5         numberOfSection = 5

6-9       numberOfValues = 29040

10-11     dataRepresentationTemplateNumber = 0 [Grid point data - simple packing (grib2/tables/11/5.0.table) ]

12-15     referenceValue = -22.0613

16-17     binaryScaleFactor = -18

18-19     decimalScaleFactor = 0

20        bitsPerValue = 24

21        typeOfOriginalFieldValues = 0 [Floating point  (grib2/tables/11/5.1.table) ]

======================   SECTION_6 ( length=6, padding=0 )     ======================

1-4       section6Length = 6

5         numberOfSection = 6

6         bitMapIndicator = 255 [A bit map does not apply to this product  (grib2/tables/11/6.0.table) ]

======================   SECTION_7 ( length=87125, padding=0 )   ======================

1-4       section7Length = 87125

5         numberOfSection = 7

6-87125   codedValues = (29040,87120) {

-1.6148193359e+01, -1.6008544922e+01, -1.5857177734e+01, -1.5696044922e+01, -1.5523193359e+01, -1.5340576172e+01, -1.5147216797e+01, -1.4943115234e+01,

-1.4729248047e+01, -1.4504638672e+01, -1.4270263672e+01, -1.4027099609e+01, -1.3773193359e+01, -1.3510498047e+01, -1.3238037109e+01, -1.2956787109e+01,

-1.2666748047e+01, -1.2366943359e+01, -1.2060302734e+01, -1.1743896484e+01, -1.1420654297e+01, -1.1089599609e+01, -1.0749755859e+01, -1.0403076172e+01,

-1.0049560547e+01, -9.6892089844e+00, -9.3220214844e+00, -8.9489746094e+00, -8.5690917969e+00, -8.1833496094e+00, -7.7927246094e+00, -7.3962402344e+00,

-6.9938964844e+00, -6.5876464844e+00, -6.1774902344e+00, -5.7624511719e+00, -5.3425292969e+00, -4.9206542969e+00, -4.4938964844e+00, -4.0651855469e+00,

-3.6325683594e+00, -3.1989746094e+00, -2.7624511719e+00, -2.3229980469e+00, -1.8835449219e+00, -1.4421386719e+00, -9.9975585938e-01, -5.5639648438e-01,

-1.1303710938e-01, 3.3032226562e-01, 7.7368164062e-01, 1.2170410156e+00, 1.6584472656e+00, 2.0998535156e+00, 2.5383300781e+00, 2.9768066406e+00,

3.4123535156e+00, 3.8449707031e+00, 4.2756347656e+00, 4.7033691406e+00, 5.1281738281e+00, 5.5490722656e+00, 5.9660644531e+00, 6.3791503906e+00,

6.7883300781e+00, 7.1916503906e+00, 7.5910644531e+00, 7.9846191406e+00, 8.3732910156e+00, 8.7561035156e+00, 9.1330566406e+00, 9.5031738281e+00,

9.8674316406e+00, 1.0223876953e+01, 1.0574462891e+01, 1.0917236328e+01, 1.1253173828e+01, 1.1580322266e+01, 1.1900634766e+01, 1.2212158203e+01,

1.2514892578e+01, 1.2809814453e+01, 1.3095947266e+01, 1.3372314453e+01, 1.3639892578e+01, 1.3898681641e+01, 1.4147705078e+01, 1.4386962891e+01,

1.4616455078e+01, 1.4835205078e+01, 1.5044189453e+01, 1.5243408203e+01, 1.5431884766e+01, 1.5609619141e+01, 1.5776611328e+01, 1.5932861328e+01,

1.6078369141e+01, 1.6213134766e+01, 1.6336181641e+01, 1.6447509766e+01

... 28940 more values

} # data_g2simple_packing codedValues

======================   SECTION_8 ( length=4, padding=0 )     ======================

1-4       7777 = 7777