Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Please take a not of ECFLOW-1436, as the way certain relative triggers are used has changed.

Code Block
titleecflow 4.11.0 or less
family f1
   task t1
       trigger f1 == aborted
   task t2
       trigger ./f1 == aborted

Code Block
titlecorrected triggers in ecflow 4.12.0
family f1
   task t1
        trigger ../f1 == aborted
   task t2
        trigger ../f1 == aborted

You can detect these triggers in ecflow 4.12.0. If you are generated your suite definitions in python, then you can use:

Code Block
module load ecflow/4.12.0  # the 4.12.0 release has the new check

Code Block
titleCheck Triggers
# build your suite defeinitions
def = ...
print defs.check()  # this will check the trigger expressions

Alternatively you can use:

Code Block
titleCheck triggers on the comand line
ecflow_client --get > tmp.def
module swap ecflow/4.12.0
ecflow_client --load tmp.def check_only

If you have already converted to using ecflow 4.12.0 server, you can check your trigger expressions using:

Code Block
module load ecflow/4.12.0
ecflow_client --check=_all_



  • [ECFLOW-1148] - ecFlowUI: random crash when variables panel is visible and clicking on another node
  • [ECFLOW-1318] - ecFlowUI: multiple selection in treeview is clipped to viewport
  • [ECFLOW-1375] - server: %includeonce misspelled as %includeoncde behaves like %include
  • [ECFLOW-1376] - server: Incorrectly spelled preprocessing directives (e.g. %fred) are not treated as error
  • [ECFLOW-1379] - ecFlowUI: some dates from log appear in local time instead of UTC
  • [ECFLOW-1400] - ecFlowUI: zoom results in wrong period in timeline view
  • [ECFLOW-1413] - ecFlowUI: adjust initial width of duration columns in timeline view
  • [ECFLOW-1414] - ecFlowUi: ECFLOW Variables with values starting with '--' cannot be set through ecflowUI
  • [ECFLOW-1418] - ecFlowUI: timeline view shows incorrect contents when switching between servers
  • [ECFLOW-1419] - ecFlowUI: disabled suite filter is not correctly applied to timeline view
  • [ECFLOW-1420] - ecFlowUI: zoom in timeline view selects wrong period
  • [ECFLOW-1423] - ecFlowUI: header labels missing in duration view in timeline
  • [ECFLOW-1424] - ecFlowUI: duration view column contents are overlapping in timeline
  • [ECFLOW-1428] - ecFlowUI: duration view in timeline does not get updated on refresh
  • [ECFLOW-1432] - ecFlowUI: crash when running url command for a server node
  • [ECFLOW-1433] - server: replace firefox --remote openURL with firefox -new-tab
  • [ECFLOW-1435] - ecFlowUI: crash on startup in tree node model
  • [ECFLOW-1438] - ecFlowUI: zoom stretching to the right border does not work in timeline view
  • [ECFLOW-1439] - ecFlowUI: compilation fails with Qt4
