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ERA5 monthly averaged data at single and pressure levels has recently been added to the CDS.Users are now able to check the status of the CDS queue. You will be able to view status of requests submitted by yourself (you need to log into the CDS) and other users:

This article describes how users can access ERA5 data via the Climate Data Store (CDS) infrastructure.


  1. Go to the C3S climate data store (CDS).
  2. On the top menu bar, click on 'Datasets'.
  3. On the left-hand side menu, expand 'Product type' and select Product type of interest (e.g. 'Reanalysis' for ERA5 datasets). Or you can search 'ERA5' in the search box.
  4. Follow the ERA5 dataset title link of interest to the full dataset record.

    The full dataset record includes:

    • Overview tab. This gives a description of the selected dataset and metadata information (e.g. spatial details, file format, variables, etc).
    • Documentation tab. This provides links to detailed documentation about the dataset.
    • Download data tab. This is a Download data web form. Using this web interface, you can:
      • make selections as per your requirements
      • submit your request online (you will need to login if not already logged in)  
        (warning)(warning) Tip: Upon submitting the download form, you will be prompted to accept the data licence (if you have not yet accepted it)! Please note that whether you are downloading the data through the web interface or through the CDS API, you must accept the data licence.
      • display the API script which corresponds to your selection, by clicking on the Show API request button.
  5. Go to the Download data tab to make your selection for ERA5 data retrieval.
  6. Click on button 'Submit Form' to submit  your data request. Provided you have accepted the Copernicus Licence, 'your requests' page will be displayed showing the status of your submitted request.


Some ERA5 datasets do not appear in CDS, but they are accessible through CDS API, for example, ERA5 model level data archived at ECMWF's MARS archive. This implies, in some situations, accessing data not available on disks but archived in the tape library.
(warning)Please be aware that there is an additional queueing system for downloading data from the ECMWF's MARS archive - expect several hours to several days for submitted requests to complete at this time.

(warning)You will have to use ECMWF MARS keywords in the CDS API request AND follow the MARS efficiency rules to avoid disappointment with your data retrieval! You must also retrieve dataset 'reanalysis-era5-complete'.

We provide some examples of retrieval scripts but of course a wide range of scripts can be built. Under any circumstances, to make sure you are using the correct MARS keywords and values, we ask you to proceed as follows:
