Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titleFixed issues table

Fixed issues number

Issue typeWrong DataRecovery period (some data could still be wrong)Recovery Finished (all the data has been fixed)
E1.WEB-API retrievals
  • Monthly statistics of wind speed (param=207) from the MetOffice seasonal forecast system (origin=egrr):
    • stream=msmm, type=em/hcmean/fcmean/fcmin/fcmax/fcstd
    • stream=mmsa, type=em/fcmean
  • Start dates: 2017-09-01, 2017-10-01 and 2017-11-01

between 2017/11/24 at 11:00 GMT and 2017/11/28 at 12:00 GMT

after 2017/11/28 at 12:00 GMT


CDS retrievals
(forms and API) & WebAPI retrievals

  • Pressure variables data from GCFS2.0-v20171123 (DWD GCFS2.0) data
    • Affects data from monthly and daily CDS catalogue entries for start date 2011-06-01 and member=13
    • All variables (including 'single-level') have been substituted during the recovery process

between 2019/03/12 at 11:30 GMT and 2019/03/12 at 12:05 GMT

after 2019/03/12 at 12:05 GMT


CDS retrievals
(forms and API)

Monthly statistics and anomalies data are temporarily not available for the following systems and dates:
NOTE that high-frequency data in the "daily" CDS catalogue entries are not affected

UK MetOffice (system=14): November hindcasts (1993-2016)

between 2019/10/25 at 11:00 GMT and 2019/10/25 at 12:00 GMTafter 2019/10/25 at 12:00 GMT

CDS retrievals
(forms and API) & WebAPI retrievals

Snowfall amount from CMCC-CM2-v20160423 (CMCC SPSv3) data:
  • Affects all data from monthly and daily CDS catalogue entries
    • Start dates:
      • all November start dates for hindcasts (1993-2016)

between 2019/11/07 at 11:00 GMT and 2019/11/07 at 17:00 GMT

after 2019/11/07 at 17:00 GMT


CDS retrievals

(forms and API) & WebAPI retrievals

Snowfall amount from CMCC-CM2-v20160423 (CMCC SPSv3) data:
  • Affects all data from monthly and daily CDS catalogue entries
    • Start dates:
      • all December and January start dates for hindcasts (1993-2016)
between 2019/11/25 at 11:00 GMT and 2019/11/25 at 14:00 GMTafter 2019/11/25 at 14:00 GMT

CDS retrievals

(forms and API) & WebAPI retrievals

Snowfall amount from CMCC-CM2-v20160423 (CMCC SPSv3) data:

  • Affects all data from monthly and daily CDS catalogue entries
    • Start dates:
      • November 2018 real-time forecast.
  • It also affects monthly anomalies CDS catalogue entry
    • Start dates: 2018-11-01
between 2019/11/27 at 17:00 GMT and 2019/11/27 at 18:00 GMTafter 2019/11/27 at 18:00 GMT

CDS retrievals

(forms and API) & WebAPI retrievals

Snowfall amount from CMCC-CM2-v20160423 (CMCC SPSv3) data:

  • Affects monthly anomalies CDS catalogue entry
    • Start dates: 2018-12-01,  2019-01-01
between 2019/11/28 at 16:20 GMT and 2019/11/29 at 13:00 GMTafter 2019/11/29 at 13:00 GMT

CDS retrievals
(forms and API)

Monthly statistics and anomalies data are temporarily not available for the following systems and dates:
NOTE that high-frequency data in the "daily" CDS catalogue entries are not affected

NCEP CFSv2: November hindcasts (1993-2016) and real-time forecasts for 2019

after 2019/12/13 at 12:00 GMT


titleNot fixed issues table

Not fixed issues number

Issue typeWrong DataRecovery period (some data could still be wrong)Recovery Finished (all the data has been fixed)

CDS retrievals
(forms and API)

Monthly statistics and anomalies data are temporarily not available for the following systems and dates:
NOTE that high-frequency data in the "daily" CDS catalogue entries are not affected

NCEP CFSv2: October  hindcasts (1993-2016) and real-time forecasts for October and November 2019

recovery has not been yet started

NOTE: the current plan is to make the data available on  early January 2020

recovery has not been yet started

CDS retrievals
(forms and API)

Pressure level variables from CMCC-CM2-v20160423 (CMCC SPSv3) data.

It affects all hindcast data from the following start dates and ensemble members:

March: 2013 (member 34)
April: 2013 (members 20 and 33)
May: 2013 (members 23, 29 and 32)
June: 2013 (member 26)
July: 1993 (members 11 and 12); 2013 (member 31)
August: 1994 (member 9); 2013 (members 21, 22, 25, 27 and 28)
September: 1998 (member 19)

All variables (pressure levels and single level)from CMCC-CM2-v20160423 (CMCC SPSv3) data.

It affects all hindcast data from the following start dates and ensemble members:

March: 2013 (member 33)
July: 1996 (member 9)

data with a fix for the affected start dates/members will be provided
(Estimated date to be determined)

data with a fix for the affected start dates/members will be provided
(Estimated date to be determined)


CDS retrievals
(forms and API)

Real-time forecast data from CMCC-CM2-v20160423 (CMCC SPSv3) data.

It affects anomalies calculated using the wrong data specified in E5.a, specifically:

Pressure variables: March to September 2019
All variables: March 2019, July 2019

archived (wrong) data won't be overwrittenarchived (wrong) data won't be overwritten
