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This service is under development and not widely accessible. Please continue to use the existing ECAccess service!

Table of Contents

Downloading tsh 

The tsh application is required to perform user authentication once every eight hours.


Run tsh, giving the location of our gateway:

Code Block
tsh login


Subsequent Occasions

Code Block
tsh login


If you're already logged in to the ECMWF website, or have recently logged in to this service, the password prompt might be skipped.

Connecting to hosts through the gateway

OpenSSH 7.3 or newer klater has a simple command line option , to connect via our gateway ( to ) to the destination-host:

Code Block
ssh -J username@destination-host

For example, if your username is ab0 and you wish to connect to ecgate:

Code Block
ssh -J ab0@ecgate


For OpenSSH clients older than 7.3, the following will work in your ~/.ssh/config file:

Code Block
Host ecgate
  Username ab0
  ProxyCommand /usr/bin/ssh -q -W %h:%p



passwordless login

With the initial configuration you may be prompted for a password at the destination-host.

For login without a password, add the Teleport certificate authority to your 

At the destination host end, openssh needs to be configured to trust the SSH Certificate that your client is passing.

This can be done at the server level for all users, or by an individual user within their own account.


If a user configures this for their own account, it will potentially allow access to any other system using the same $HOME filesystem.

A user can add the following to their ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file:

Code Block
cert-authoritycurl ssh-rsafs AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDN85frMTtRzQaVjkHGM3NTOJDhttps:/5awWn2i1sAofzlO0PXM1jX/H+4zQKn1+ATUqU+TTU2v3V7fhZm0cWqRrofSLDVC80FkCFqzZRq2E4kMBP5sx4yf/mBKLzJ6luE8eV/3W0V6KEch5TV2ON8ltwFPWjB3D/puPU010UOJH/arlpW5h+n9dAtBCAtVuMYBEz/5uWcKcTJkFe2usQTVmpiEmt/yAx4LfLTFPs2+izLo+N3dBW92HFnKnQftZI5s8ysOENbKmxdWfcxdID5E91oneAvkmEKBeUutlYY3GV9621iuKnlEw6WF8wfQapdozzhSyb+LhqPDiBRotnerhA69/ clustername=tele&type=user

A server administrator can place the same key into /etc/ssh/

They would then add the following to their /etc/ssh/sshd_config  file:

Code Block
AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/ssh/ / >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys .ssh/authorized_keys2


Having a dedicated file for the trusted key means that it can easily be rotated using configuration automation.This configuration will allow access to any host which mounts the same $HOME directory. 

SCP, X11 and Port Forwarding

scp , X11, and port forwarding will all work through the Teleport gateway.

Of course, such features also need to be permitted on the destination server or workstation.


X11 forwarding will work in a couple of months when we have an update from the vendor


See the AUTHORIZED_KEYS section of the sshd man page for how to configure restrictions on users coming via Teleport.