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## Copyright 2009-2020 ECMWF.
## This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence version 2.0 
## which can be obtained at 
## In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities 
## granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation 
## nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. 

# This file is used to define the standard defaults for ECF.
# Most are *variables* used in the server
# Some like ECF_TASK_THRESHOLD are used to debug job generation
# ******************************************************************
# Warning: Do *NOT* use quotes around the value part.
# ******************************************************************

#  *******************************************************************
#  * ECF_HOME is typically the home/root for all '.ecf' files
#  * Can be overridden with a environment variable of the same name
#  *******************************************************************

#  ******************************************************************
#  * The name of check point file. i.e. defs file with state
#  * Can be overridden with a environment variable of the same name
#  * default: is <host>.<port>.ecf.check
#  * Note: Any settings will be prepended with <host>.<port>.
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_CHECK = ecf.check

#  ******************************************************************
#  * The name of the backup checkpoint file
#  * Can be overridden with a environment variable of the same name
#  * default: is <host>.<port>.ecf.check.b
#  * Note: Any settings will be prepended with <host>.<port>.
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_CHECKOLD = ecf.check.b

#  ******************************************************************
#  * The intervals within the server that the checkpoint file should 
#  * be saved.
#  * Can be overridden with a environment variable of the same name
#  ******************************************************************

#  ******************************************************************
#  * Check point configuration:
#  * 
#  * Mode must be one of: 
#  *   CHECK_NEVER    /* No auto checkpointing                       */
#  *   CHECK_ON_TIME  /* At intervals specified by ECF_CHECKINTERVAL */
#  *   CHECK_ALWAYS   /* After any change                            */
#  * The checkpoint filenames can be configured using environment variables
#  ******************************************************************

#  ******************************************************************
#  * The port number, this must be consistent between client and server
#  * If we get "Address in use" then both client/server number should changed.
#  * Also if two servers are started on the same machine with same port
#  * then we will also get "Address in use" error and server will bomb out.
#  * Can be overridden with a environment variable of the same name
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_PORT = 3141

#  ******************************************************************
#  * The name of log file.
#  * default log file name is: <host>.<port>.ecf.log, i.e. machine1.3141.ecf.log
#  * this is required since we can have multiple servers for a single
#  * machine, where each server will have a separate port number.
#  * Can be overridden with a environment variable of the same name
#  *
#  * Note: Any settings will be prepended with <host>.<port>.
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_LOG = ecf.log
#  ******************************************************************
#  * The period in second for which we should traverse dependencies
#  * and submit jobs. This should *RARELY* need changing, as it can affect
#  * correspondence with real time
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_INTERVAL = 60       

#  ******************************************************************
#  * The standard command use for job submission. 
#  * Provides DEFAULT can be overridden by user variable
#  ******************************************************************

#  ******************************************************************
#  * Define variable for killing any jobs. 
#  * Provides DEFAULT can be overridden by user variable
#  * The output of the command should be written to %ECF_JOB%.kill
#  * ecmwf: ${ECF_KILL:=/home/ma/emos/bin/ecfkill} %USER% %HOST% %ECF_RID% %ECF_JOB% > %ECF_JOB%.kill 2>&1
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_KILL_CMD = kill -15 %ECF_RID%  

#  ******************************************************************
#  * This is run by the SERVER 
#  * define variable of obtaining status. 
#  * Provides DEFAULT can be overridden by user variable
#  * The output of the command should be written to %ECF_JOB%.stat
#  * ecmwf: ${ECF_STAT:=trimurti} %USER% %HOST% %ECF_RID% %ECF_JOB% status> %ECF_JOB%.stat 2>&1
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_STATUS_CMD = ps --pid %ECF_RID% -f > %ECF_JOB%.stat 2>&1

#  ******************************************************************
#  * This is run by the CLIENT .  check from GUI
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_CHECK_CMD = ps --pid %ECF_RID% -f

#  ******************************************************************
#  * define variables used for url command. 
#  * Provides DEFAULT can be overriden by user variables
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_URL_CMD    = ${BROWSER:=firefox} -new-tab %ECF_URL_BASE%/%ECF_URL%
ECF_URL        = display/ECFLOW/ecflow+home

#  ******************************************************************
#  * Defines the character used in ECF_ pre-processing. i.e. identifies includes
#  * and is also used in variable substitution in '.ecf' scripts
#  ******************************************************************

#  ******************************************************************
#  * The ECF_LISTS is used to identify a file, that lists the user 
#  * who can access the server via client commands. Each client command 
#  * (ignoring task based commands, i.e. init, complete, event, meter, label)
#  * will encode the user name of the process initiating the client request
#  * This is then compared with list of users in the ecf.lists file.
#  * If this file is empty, then no authentication is done
#  * Each server can potionally have a different list.
#  * default: <host>.<port>.ecf.lists
#  * Note: Any settings will be prepended with <host>.<port>.
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_LISTS = ecf.lists

#  ******************************************************************
#  * Password file: Use when every user needs password authentication
#  * Each server can potionally have a different password file.
#  * default: <host>.<port>.ecf.passwd
#  * Note: Any settings will be prepended with <host>.<port>.
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_PASSWD = ecf.passwd

#  ******************************************************************
#  * Password file:, when only a few users need password, typically
#  * when a users UID on the remote client, does not match that on the server
#  * Each server can potionally have a different password file.
#  * default: <host>.<port>.ecf.custom_passwd
#  * Note: Any settings will be prepended with <host>.<port>.
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_CUSTOM_PASSWD = ecf.custom_passwd

# ***************************************************************************
# * Report on an task taking longer than the threshold. !!
# *    export ECF_TASK_THRESHOLD=4000
# ***************************************************************************
ECF_TASK_THRESHOLD = 4000         
