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Table of Contents


The global production system is used to produce the daily forecasts of pollutants, aerosols and greenhouse gases across the globe. Satellite observations of atmospheric composition are merged with a detailed computer simulation of the atmosphere using a method called data assimilation. The resulting analyses, i.e. maps of atmospheric composition, are used as initial conditions for the daily forecasts of atmospheric composition. Analyses and forecasts for aerosols and chemical species are produced twice a day.

A global production system is also used to assimilate re-processed observations from many satellites for the last few decades, using the same data assimilation process. The result is called reanalysis and it provides a consistent data set that can be used for scientific studies and trend analyses. The current atmospheric composition reanalysis produced by the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service is the CAMS global reanalysis (EAC4).

The IFS model and data assimilation system configurations (47r1)

The model used in the CAMS Global atmospheric composition forecast is the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) that also produces ECMWF weather forecasts, but with additional modules enabled for aerosols, reactive gases and greenhouse gases that have been developed within CAMS and precursor projects GEMS and MACC. The following processes of atmospheric composition are considered:

  • transport of trace gases and aerosols
  • injection of emissions
  • uptake and release by vegetation and the land and sea surface
  • removal by dry deposition at the surface
  • removal by scavenging in precipitation
  • chemical conversion
  • aerosol microphysics

Emissions and surface fluxes of the trace gases and aerosols used in the global CAMS productions are:

  • anthropogenic emissions from the CAMS-GLOB-ANT inventory (available from the ADS)
  • natural and biogenic emissions from the CAMS-GLOB-NAT and CAMS-GLOB-BIO data sets (available from the ADS)
  • biomass burning emissions inferred from satellite observations of fire activity (GFAS v1.4)
  • wind-blown desert dust and sea salt emissions modelled by the IFS depending on the meteorological forecasts
  • CO2 fluxes from vegetation modelled by the C-TESSEL surface scheme (specifically for the CAMS GHG system) 
  • natural and biogenic fluxes provided from additional climatological data sets 

For details about simulations and assimilation of chemistry, carbon dioxide, methane and aerosols please see References.

The IFS uses a four-dimensional variational data assimilation method (4D-VAR) for the assimilation of a wide range of meteorological observations as well as satellite retrievals of atmospheric composition.

The IFS model documentation for various model cycles can be found on Please note that the IFS cycle changes during the years, and this page documents the current operational cycle (47r1); please have a look at the table below for details of changes from previous cycles.

Configuration for CAMS Global atmospheric composition global forecasts (daily)

Twice a day (at 00:00 and 12:00 UTC), CAMS issues a five-day forecast of global atmospheric composition. The forecast consists of 56 reactive traces gases in the troposphere, stratospheric ozone and seven different types of aerosol: desert dust, sea salt, organic matter, black carbon, sulphate, and (since 9 July 2019) nitrate and ammonium.

The initial conditions of the forecast are obtained by combining a previous forecast with satellite observations of aerosol optical depth, ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) , and sulfur dioxide (SO2) through the 4D-VAR data assimilation process.

Satellite observations of fire radiative power (GFAS) from the day before the forecast start are used to derive timely biomass burning emissions for the forecast. 

The forecasts are evaluated at quarterly intervals by an external team lead by KNMI and evaluation reports can be found here:

Evolution of the CAMS global forecasting system

The IFS undergoes changes regularly in order to improve the forecast. Changes are listed below with their identifier (Cycle 46r1 for instance) or a specific title when the cycle number did not change.

Implementation dateCycleSummary of changesResolution changeNew species
6 October 202047r1Atmospheric composition, MeteorologyHorizontal: 40km, Vertical: 137 levelsnone
9 July 201946r1Atmospheric composition, MeteorologyHorizontal: 40km, Vertical: from 60 to 137 levelsAerosols: nitrate and ammonium
26 June 201845r1Atmospheric composition, MeteorologyHorizontal: 40km, Vertical: 60 levelsnone
26 September 201743r3Atmospheric composition, MeteorologyHorizontal: 40km, Vertical: 60 levelsnone
24 January 201743r1Atmospheric compositionMeteorologyHorizontal: 40km, Vertical: 60 levelsnone
21 June 201641r1Atmospheric compositionMeteorologyHorizontal: from 80km to 40km, Vertical: 60 levelsnone

Data access

The data is now available from the Atmosphere Data Store (ADS), either interactively through its download web form or programmatically using the CDS API service:


A subset of the CAMS Global atmospheric composition forecast data for the latest three days can be accessible also through the FTP dissemination service. For list of variables available please see here.

The data remains also listed in ECMWF's public data catalogue. To access the data use the ECMWF Web API with ‘dataset’:'cams_nrealtime'. Please have a a look at the following link for Python CAMS real-time examples

Users with access to MARS can also browse the data on the MARS catalogue under class=mc and expver= 0001.

Data availability (HH:MM)

CAMS Global analyses and forecasts:

00 UTC forecast data availability guaranteed by 10:00 UTC

12 UTC forecast data availability guaranteed by 22:00 UTC

It is possible that the data will be available earlier but without guarantee.

Spatial grid

CAMS Global atmospheric composition forecasts data currently has a resolution of approximately 40 km (approximately 0.35 degrees). The data are archived either as spectral coefficients with a triangular truncation of T511 or on a reduced Gaussian grid with a resolution of N256These grids are so called "linear grids", sometimes referred to as TL511. 


PLEASE NOTE: CAMS Global atmospheric composition forecasts data available from the ADS has been pre-interpolated to a regular 0.4°x 0.4° latitude/longitude grid.

Temporal frequency

The CAMS Global 5-day forecasts run twice daily from 00 and 12 UTC and the data are available every hour (for surface fields) and every 3 hours (for model- and pressure-level fields). The analyses are available every 6 hours at 00 UTC, 06 UTC, 12 UTC and 18 UTC.


From 21 June 2016 CAMS Global data is produced twice daily, with basetime 00:00 and 12:00 UTC.

Until 21 June 2016 CAMS Global data was produced only once a day, with basetime 00:00 UTC.

Data format

Model level fields are in GRIB2 format. All other fields are in GRIB1, unless otherwise indicated. NetCDF format is available on ADS but it is experimental.

Level listings

Pressure levels: 1000/950/925/900/850/800/700/600/500/400/300/250/200/150/100/70/50/30/20/10/7/5/3/2/1

Model levels: 1/to/137, which are described at Before 9 July 2019, the vertical levels were 60, which are described at

Parameter listings

Physical characteristics of the different types of aerosols (i.e mass density, the radius mode and geometric standard deviation of the lognormal size distribution and the bin limits and hygroscopic factor), are available in Rémy et al. (2019). The suggested reference for the IFS aerosol optical properties and hygroscopic growth tables is Bozzo at al (2020).

Parameters labelled as "Fast access" are stored on disk while parameters labelled as "slow access" are stored on tape. Retrieval of this data will be MUCH SLOWER than disk-resident data.


PLEASE NOTE: *Total column (in kg m-2) is available at the surface (model level 137 for MARS users; before 9 July 2019, model level 60). Total column refers to the total amount of the selected variable in a column of air extending from the surface of the Earth to the top of the atmosphere (model level 1 for MARS users). Total column can also be referred to as total <selected variable>, or vertically integrated <selected variable>.

Table 1: single level parameters (last reviewed on )

NameUnitsVariable name in CDS APIShortnameParam IDAccess typeNote
10 metre U wind componentm s-110m_u_component_of_wind10u165Fast access
10 metre V wind componentm s-110m_v_component_of_wind10v166Fast access
10 metre wind gust in the last 3 hoursm s-110m_wind_gust_in_the_last_3_hours10fg3228028

2 metre dewpoint temperatureK2m_dewpoint_temperature2d168Fast access
2 metre temperatureK2m_temperature2t167Fast access
Ammonium aerosol optical depth at 550 nmdimensionlessammonium_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmamaod550210251Fast access
Asymmetry factor at 1020 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_1020nmasymmetry1020215164

Asymmetry factor at 1064 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_1064nmasymmetry1064215165

Asymmetry factor at 1240 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_1240nmasymmetry1240215166

Asymmetry factor at 1640 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_1640nmasymmetry1640215167

Asymmetry factor at 2130 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_2130nmasymmetry2130215179

Asymmetry factor at 340 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_340nmasymmetry340215150

Asymmetry factor at 355 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_355nmasymmetry355215151

Asymmetry factor at 380 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_380nmasymmetry380215152

Asymmetry factor at 400 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_400nmasymmetry400215153

Asymmetry factor at 440 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_440nmasymmetry440215154

Asymmetry factor at 469 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_469nmasymmetry469215155

Asymmetry factor at 500 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_500nmasymmetry500215156

Asymmetry factor at 532 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_532nmasymmetry532215157

Asymmetry factor at 550 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_550nmasymmetry550215158

Asymmetry factor at 645 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_645nmasymmetry645215159

Asymmetry factor at 670 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_670nmasymmetry670215160

Asymmetry factor at 800 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_800nmasymmetry800215161

Asymmetry factor at 858 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_858nmasymmetry858215162

Asymmetry factor at 865 nmdimensionlessasymmetry_factor_865nmasymmetry865215163

Black Carbon Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nmdimensionlessblack_carbon_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmbcaod550210211Fast access
Boundary layer heightmboundary_layer_heightblh159

Clear-sky direct solar radiation at surfaceJ m-2clear_sky_direct_solar_radiation_at_surfacecdir228022

Clear sky surface photosynthetically active radiationJ m-2clear_sky_surface_photosynthetically_active_radiationparcs20

Cloud base heightmcloud_base_heightcbh228023

Convective available potential energyJ kg-1convective_available_potential_energycape59

Convective inhibitionJ kg-1convective_inhibitioncin228001

Convective precipitationmconvective_precipitationcp143

Direct solar radiationJ m-2direct_solar_radiationdsrp47

Downward UV radiation at the surfaceJ m-2downward_uv_radiation_at_the_surfaceuvb57

Dry deposition of ammonium aerosolkg m-2 s-1dry_deposition_of_ammonium_aerosolaerddpam215206

Dry deposition of coarse-mode nitrate aerosolkg m-2 s-1dry_deposition_of_coarse_mode_nitrate_aerosolaerddpnic215192

Dry deposition of dust aerosol (0.03 - 0.55 um)kg m-2 s-1dry_deposition_of_dust_aerosol_0.03-0.55umaerddpdus215028

Dry deposition of dust aerosol (0.55 - 9 um)kg m-2 s-1dry_deposition_of_dust_aerosol_0.55-9umaerddpdum215029

Dry deposition of dust aerosol (9 - 20 um)kg m-2 s-1dry_deposition_of_dust_aerosol_9-20umaerddpdul215030

Dry deposition of fine-mode nitrate aerosolkg m-2 s-1dry_deposition_of_fine_mode_nitrate_aerosolaerddpnif215191

Dry deposition of hydrophilic black carbon aerosolkg m-2 s-1dry_deposition_of_hydrophilic_black_carbon_aerosolaerddpbchphil215068

Dry deposition of hydrophilic organic matter aerosolkg m-2 s-1dry_deposition_of_hydrophilic_organic_matter_aerosolaerddpomhphil215052

Dry deposition of hydrophobic black carbon aerosolkg m-2 s-1dry_deposition_of_hydrophobic_black_carbon_aerosolaerddpbchphob215067

Dry deposition of hydrophobic organic matter aerosolkg m-2 s-1dry_deposition_of_hydrophobic_organic_matter_aerosolaerddpomhphob215051

Dry deposition of sea salt aerosol (0.03 - 0.5 um)kg m-2 s-1dry_deposition_of_sea_salt_aerosol_0.03-0.5umaerddpsss215004

Dry deposition of sea salt aerosol (0.5 - 5 um)kg m-2 s-1dry_deposition_of_sea_salt_aerosol_0.5-5umaerddpssm215005

Dry deposition of sea salt aerosol (5 - 20 um)kg m-2 s-1dry_deposition_of_sea_salt_aerosol_5-20umaerddpssl215006

Dry deposition of sulphate aerosolkg m-2 s-1dry_deposition_of_sulphate_aerosolaerddpsu215082

Dust aerosol (0.03 - 0.55 um) optical depthdimensionlessdust_aerosol_0.03-0.55um_optical_depth_550nmaeroddus215046

Dust aerosol (0.55 - 9 um) optical depthdimensionlessdust_aerosol_0.55-9um_optical_depth_550nmaeroddum215047

Dust aerosol (9 - 20 um) optical depthdimensionlessdust_aerosol_9-20um_optical_depth_550nmaeroddul215048

Dust Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nmdimensionlessdust_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmduaod550210209Fast access
Evaporationm of water equivalentevaporatione182

Forecast albedo(0 - 1)forecast_albedofal243

Friction velocitym s-1friction_velocityzust228003

Height of convective cloud topmheight_of_convective_cloud_tophcct228046

High cloud cover(0 - 1)high_cloud_coverhcc188

Hydrophilic black carbon aerosol optical depthdimensionlesshydrophilic_black_carbon_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmaerodbchphil215080

Hydrophilic organic matter aerosol optical depthdimensionlesshydrophilic_organic_matter_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmaerodomhphil215064

Hydrophobic black carbon aerosol optical depthdimensionlesshydrophobic_black_carbon_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmaerodbchphob215079

Hydrophobic organic matter aerosol optical depthdimensionlesshydrophobic_organic_matter_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmaerodomhphob215063

Lake cover(0 - 1)lake_covercl26

Land-sea mask(0 - 1)land_sea_masklsm172Fast access
Large-scale precipitationmlarge_scale_precipitationlsp142

Leaf area index, high vegetationm2 m-2leaf_area_index_high_vegetationlai_hv67

Leaf area index, low vegetationm2 m-2leaf_area_index_low_vegetationlai_lv66

Lifting threshold speedm s-1lifting_threshold_speedaerlts210053

Low cloud cover(0 - 1)low_cloud_coverlcc186

Mean sea level pressurePamean_sea_level_pressuremsl151Fast access
Medium cloud cover(0 - 1)medium_cloud_covermcc187

Nitrate aerosol optical depth at 550 nmdimensionlessnitrate_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmniaod550210250Fast access
Coarse-mode nitrate aerosol optical depth at 550 nmdimensionlessnitrate_coarse_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmaerodnic215204

Fine-mode nitrate aerosol optical depth at 550 nmdimensionlessnitrate_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmaerodnif215203

Organic Matter Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nmdimensionlessorganic_matter_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmomaod550210210Fast access
Particulate matter d < 10 umkg m-3particulate_matter_10umpm10210074Fast access

PM10 and PM25 global products

Particulate matter d < 2.5 umkg m-3particulate_matter_2.5umpm2p5210073Fast access

PM10 and PM25 global products

Particulate matter d < 1 umkg m-3particulate_matter_1umpm1210072Fast access
Photosynthetically active radiation at the surfaceJ m-2photosynthetically_active_radiation_at_the_surfacepar58

Potential evaporationmpotential_evaporationpev228251

Precipitation typecode table (4.201)precipitation_typeptype260015

Sea ice area fraction(0 - 1)sea_ice_coverci31

Sea salt aerosol (0.03 - 0.5 um) optical depthdimensionlesssea_salt_aerosol_0.03-0.5um_optical_depth_550nmaerodsss215022

Sea salt aerosol (0.5 - 5 um) optical depthdimensionlesssea_salt_aerosol_0.5-5um_optical_depth_550nmaerodssm215023

Sea salt aerosol (5 - 20 um) optical depthdimensionlesssea_salt_aerosol_5-20um_optical_depth_550nmaerodssl215024

Sea Salt Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nmdimensionlesssea_salt_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmssaod550210208Fast access
Sea surface temperatureKsea_surface_temperaturesst34

Sedimentation of ammonium aerosolkg m-2 s-1sedimentation_of_ammonium_aerosolaersdmam215207

Sedimentation of coarse-mode nitrate aerosolkg m-2 s-1sedimentation_of_coarse_mode_nitrate_aerosolaersdmnic215194

Sedimentation of dust aerosol (0.03 - 0.55 um)kg m-2 s-1sedimentation_of_dust_aerosol_0.03-0.55umaersdmdus215031

Sedimentation of dust aerosol (0.55 - 9 um)kg m-2 s-1sedimentation_of_dust_aerosol_0.55-9umaersdmdum215032

Sedimentation of dust aerosol (9 - 20 um)kg m-2 s-1sedimentation_of_dust_aerosol_9-20umaersdmdul215033

Sedimentation of fine-mode nitrate aerosolkg m-2 s-1sedimentation_of_fine_mode_nitrate_aerosolaersdmnif215193

Sedimentation of hydrophilic black carbon aerosolkg m-2 s-1sedimentation_of_hydrophilic_black_carbon_aerosolaersdmbchphil215070

Sedimentation of hydrophilic organic matter aerosolkg m-2 s-1sedimentation_of_hydrophilic_organic_matter_aerosolaersdmomhphil215054

Sedimentation of hydrophobic black carbon aerosolkg m-2 s-1sedimentation_of_hydrophobic_black_carbon_aerosolaersdmbchphob215069

Sedimentation of hydrophobic organic matter aerosolkg m-2 s-1sedimentation_of_hydrophobic_organic_matter_aerosolaersdmomhphob215053

Sedimentation of sea salt aerosol (0.03 - 0.5 um)kg m-2 s-1sedimentation_of_sea_salt_aerosol_0.03-0.5umaersdmsss215007

Sedimentation of sea salt aerosol (0.5 - 5 um)kg m-2 s-1sedimentation_of_sea_salt_aerosol_0.5-5umaersdmssm215008

Sedimentation of sea salt aerosol (5 - 20 um)kg m-2 s-1sedimentation_of_sea_salt_aerosol_5-20umaersdmssl215009

Sedimentation of sulphate aerosolkg m-2 s-1sedimentation_of_sulphate_aerosolaersdmsu215083

Single scattering albedo at 1020 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_1020nmssa1020215146

Single scattering albedo at 1064 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_1064nmssa1064215147

Single scattering albedo at 1240 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_1240nmssa1240215148

Single scattering albedo at 1640 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_1640nmssa1640215149

Single scattering albedo at 2130 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_2130nmssa2130215178

Single scattering albedo at 340 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_340nmssa340215132

Single scattering albedo at 355 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_355nmssa355215133

Single scattering albedo at 380 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_380nmssa380215134

Single scattering albedo at 400 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_400nmssa400215135

Single scattering albedo at 440 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_440nmssa440215136

Single scattering albedo at 469 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_469nmssa469215137

Single scattering albedo at 500 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_500nmssa500215138

Single scattering albedo at 532 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_532nmssa532215139

Single scattering albedo at 550 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_550nmssa550215140

Single scattering albedo at 645 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_645nmssa645215141

Single scattering albedo at 670 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_670nmssa670215142

Single scattering albedo at 800 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_800nmssa800215143

Single scattering albedo at 858 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_858nmssa858215144

Single scattering albedo at 865 nm(0 - 1)single_scattering_albedo_865nmssa865215145

Skin reservoir contentm of water equivalentskin_reservoir_contentsrc198

Skin temperatureKskin_temperatureskt235

Snow albedo(0 - 1)snow_albedoasn32

Snow depthm of water equivalentsnow_depthsd141

Soil clay content%soil_clay_contentaerscc210054

Sulphate Aerosol Optical Depth at 550nmdimensionlesssulphate_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmsuaod550210212

Sunshine durationssunshine_durationsund189

Surface geopotentialm2 s-2surface_geopotentialz129Fast access
Surface latent heat fluxJ m-2surface_latent_heat_fluxslhf147

Surface net solar radiationJ m-2surface_net_solar_radiationssr176

Surface net solar radiation, clear skyJ m-2surface_net_solar_radiation_clear_skyssrc210

Surface net thermal radiationJ m-2surface_net_thermal_radiationstr177

Surface net thermal radiation, clear skyJ m-2surface_net_thermal_radiation_clear_skystrc211

Surface pressurePasurface_pressuresp134Fast access
Surface sensible heat fluxJ m-2surface_sensible_heat_fluxsshf146

Surface solar radiation downward clear-skyJ m-2surface_solar_radiation_downward_clear_skyssrdc228129

Surface solar radiation downwardsJ m-2surface_solar_radiation_downwardsssrd169

Surface thermal radiation downward clear-skyJ m-2surface_thermal_radiation_downward_clear_skystrdc228130

Surface thermal radiation downwardsJ m-2surface_thermal_radiation_downwardsstrd175

TOA incident solar radiationJ m-2toa_incident_solar_radiationtisr212

Top net solar radiationJ m-2top_net_solar_radiationtsr178

Top net solar radiation, clear skyJ m-2top_net_solar_radiation_clear_skytsrc208

Top net thermal radiationJ m-2top_net_thermal_radiationttr179

Top net thermal radiation, clear skyJ m-2top_net_thermal_radiation_clear_skyttrc209

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 1020 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_1020nmaodabs1020215110

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 1064 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_1064nmaodabs1064215111

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 1240 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_1240nmaodabs1240215112

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 1640 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_1640nmaodabs1640215113

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 2130 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_2130nmaodabs2130215176

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 340 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_340nmaodabs340215096

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 355 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_355nmaodabs355215097

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 380 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_380nmaodabs380215098

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 400 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_400nmaodabs400215099

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 440 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_440nmaodabs440215100

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 469 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_469nmaodabs469215101

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 500 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_500nmaodabs500215102

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 532 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_532nmaodabs532215103

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 550 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmaodabs550215104

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 645 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_645nmaodabs645215105

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 670 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_670nmaodabs670215106

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 800 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_800nmaodabs800215107

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 858 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_858nmaodabs858215108

Total absorption aerosol optical depth at 865 nmdimensionlesstotal_absorption_aerosol_optical_depth_865nmaodabs865215109

Total aerosol optical depth at 1020 nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_1020nmaod1020210227

Total aerosol optical depth at 1064 nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_1064nmaod1064210228

Total aerosol optical depth at 1240nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_1240nmaod1240210216Fast access
Total aerosol optical depth at 1640 nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_1640nmaod1640210229

Total aerosol optical depth at 2130 nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_2130nmaod2130210230

Total aerosol optical depth at 340 nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_340nmaod340210217

Total aerosol optical depth at 355 nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_355nmaod355210218

Total aerosol optical depth at 380 nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_380nmaod380210219

Total aerosol optical depth at 400 nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_400nmaod400210220

Total aerosol optical depth at 440 nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_440nmaod440210221

Total aerosol optical depth at 469nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_469nmaod469210213Fast access
Total aerosol optical depth at 500 nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_500nmaod500210222

Total aerosol optical depth at 532 nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_532nmaod532210223

Total aerosol optical depth at 550nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmaod550210207Fast access
Total aerosol optical depth at 645 nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_645nmaod645210224

Total aerosol optical depth at 670nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_670nmaod670210214Fast access
Total aerosol optical depth at 800 nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_800nmaod800210225

Total aerosol optical depth at 858 nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_858nmaod858210226

Total aerosol optical depth at 865nmdimensionlesstotal_aerosol_optical_depth_865nmaod865210215Fast access
Total cloud cover(0 - 1)total_cloud_covertcc164

Total column acetonekg m-2total_column_acetonetc_ch3coch3218052

Total column acetone productkg m-2total_column_acetone_producttc_aco2218053

Total column aldehydeskg m-2total_column_aldehydestc_ald2218012

Total column aminekg m-2total_column_aminetc_nh2218040

Total column ammoniakg m-2total_column_ammoniatc_nh3218019

Total column ammoniumkg m-2total_column_ammoniumtc_nh4218021

Total column Carbon monoxidekg m-2total_column_carbon_monoxidetcco210127Fast access
Total column cloud ice waterkg m-2total_column_cloud_ice_watertciw79

Total column cloud liquid waterkg m-2total_column_cloud_liquid_watertclw78

Total column dimethyl sulfidekg m-2total_column_dimethyl_sulfidetc_dms218018

Total column dinitrogen pentoxidekg m-2total_column_dinitrogen_pentoxidetc_n2o5218033

Total column  ethanekg m-2total_column_ethanetc_c2h6218045Fast access
Total column ethanolkg m-2total_column_ethanoltc_c2h5oh218046

Total column ethenekg m-2total_column_ethenetc_c2h4218010

Total column Formaldehydekg m-2total_column_formaldehydetchcho210128Fast access
Total column formic acidkg m-2total_column_formic_acidtc_hcooh218043

Total column hydrogen peroxidekg m-2total_column_hydrogen_peroxidetc_h2o2218003Fast access
Total column hydroperoxy radicalkg m-2total_column_hydroperoxy_radicaltc_ho2218028

Total column hydroxyl radicalkg m-2total_column_hydroxyl_radicaltc_oh218030Fast access
Total column HYPROPO2kg m-2total_column_hypropo2tc_hypropo2218055

Total column IC3H7O2kg m-2total_column_ic3h7o2tc_ic3h7o2218054

Total column  isoprenekg m-2total_column_isoprenetc_c5h8218016Fast access
Total column  leadkg m-2total_column_leadtc_pb218026

Total column methacrolein MVKkg m-2total_column_methacrolein_mvktc_ispd218050

Total column  methacrylic acidkg m-2total_column_methacrylic_acidtc_mcooh218044

Total column methanekg m-2total_column_methanetc_ch4218004Fast access
Total column  methane sulfonic acidkg m-2total_column_methane_sulfonic_acidtc_msa218022

Total column methanolkg m-2total_column_methanoltc_ch3oh218042

Total column methyl glyoxalkg m-2total_column_methyl_glyoxaltc_ch3cocho218023

Total column methyl peroxidekg m-2total_column_methyl_peroxidetc_ch3ooh218007

Total column methylperoxy radicalkg m-2total_column_methylperoxy_radicaltc_ch3o2218029

Total column nitratekg m-2total_column_nitratetc_no3_a218051

Total column nitrate radicalkg m-2total_column_nitrate_radicaltc_no3218032

Total column nitric acidkg m-2total_column_nitric_acidtc_hno3218006Fast access
Total column Nitrogen dioxidekg m-2total_column_nitrogen_dioxidetcno2210125Fast access
Total column nitrogen monoxidekg m-2total_column_nitrogen_monoxidetc_no218027Fast access
Total column nitrogen oxides Transpkg m-2total_column_nitrogen_oxides_transptc_noxa218056

Total column NO to alkyl nitrate operatorkg m-2total_column_no_to_alkyl_nitrate_operatortc_xo2n218039

Total column NO to NO2 operatorkg m-2total_column_no_to_no2_operatortc_xo2218038

Total column olefinskg m-2total_column_olefinstc_ole218011

Total column  organic etherskg m-2total_column_organic_etherstc_ror218036

Total column organic nitrateskg m-2total_column_organic_nitratestc_onit218015

GEMS Total column ozonekg m-2total_column_ozonegtco3210206Fast access
Total column PAR budget correctorkg m-2total_column_par_budget_correctortc_rxpar218037

Total column paraffinskg m-2total_column_paraffinstc_par218009

Total column pernitric acidkg m-2total_column_pernitric_acidtc_ho2no2218034

Total column peroxideskg m-2total_column_peroxidestc_rooh218014

Total column peroxy acetyl radicalkg m-2total_column_peroxy_acetyl_radicaltc_c2o3218035

Total column  peroxyacetyl nitratekg m-2total_column_peroxyacetyl_nitratetc_pan218013Fast access
Total column  polar stratospheric cloudkg m-2total_column_polar_stratospheric_cloudtc_psc218041

Total column propanekg m-2total_column_propanetc_c3h8218047Fast access
Total column propenekg m-2total_column_propenetc_c3h6218048

Total column Radonkg m-2total_column_radontcra210183

Total column rain waterkg m-2total_column_rain_watertcrw228089

Total column snow waterkg m-2total_column_snow_watertcsw228090

Source/gain of ammonium aerosolkg m-2 s-1total_column_source_of_ammonium_aerosolaersrcam215205

Source/gain of coarse-mode nitrate aerosolkg m-2 s-1total_column_source_of_coarse_mode_nitrate_aerosolaersrcnic215190

Source/gain of dust aerosol (0.03 - 0.55 um)kg m-2 s-1total_column_source_of_dust_aerosol_0.03-0.55umaersrcdus215025

Source/gain of dust aerosol (0.55 - 9 um)kg m-2 s-1total_column_source_of_dust_aerosol_0.55-9umaersrcdum215026

Source/gain of dust aerosol (9 - 20 um)kg m-2 s-1total_column_source_of_dust_aerosol_9-20umaersrcdul215027

Source/gain of fine-mode nitrate aerosolkg m-2 s-1total_column_source_of_fine_mode_nitrate_aerosolaersrcnif215189

Source/gain of hydrophilic black carbon aerosolkg m-2 s-1total_column_source_of_hydrophilic_black_carbon_aerosolaersrcbchphil215066

Source/gain of hydrophilic organic matter aerosolkg m-2 s-1total_column_source_of_hydrophilic_organic_matter_aerosolaersrcomhphil215050

Source/gain of hydrophobic black carbon aerosolkg m-2 s-1total_column_source_of_hydrophobic_black_carbon_aerosolaersrcbchphob215065

Source/gain of hydrophobic organic matter aerosolkg m-2 s-1total_column_source_of_hydrophobic_organic_matter_aerosolaersrcomhphob215049

Source/gain of sea salt aerosol (0.03 - 0.5 um)kg m-2 s-1total_column_source_of_sea_salt_aerosol_0.03-0.5umaersrcsss215001

Source/gain of sea salt aerosol (0.5 - 5 um)kg m-2 s-1total_column_source_of_sea_salt_aerosol_0.5-5umaersrcssm215002

Source/gain of sea salt aerosol (5 - 20 um)kg m-2 s-1total_column_source_of_sea_salt_aerosol_5-20umaersrcssl215003

Source/gain of sulphate aerosolkg m-2 s-1total_column_source_of_sulphate_aerosolaersrcsu215081

Total column stratospheric ozonekg m-2total_column_stratospheric_ozonetc_o3s218024

Total column Sulphur dioxidekg m-2total_column_sulphur_dioxidetcso2210126Fast access
Total column supercooled liquid waterkg m-2total_column_supercooled_liquid_watertcslw228088

Total column terpeneskg m-2total_column_terpenestc_c10h16218049

Total column waterkg m-2total_column_watertcw136

Total column water vapourkg m-2total_column_water_vapourtcwv137Fast access
Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 1020 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_1020nmaodfm1020215128

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 1064 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_1064nmaodfm1064215129

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 1240 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_1240nmaodfm1240215130

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 1640 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_1640nmaodfm1640215131

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 2130 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_2130nmaodfm2130215177

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 340 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_340nmaodfm340215114

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 355 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_355nmaodfm355215115

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 380 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_380nmaodfm380215116

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 400 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_400nmaodfm400215117

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 440 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_440nmaodfm440215118

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 469 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_469nmaodfm469215119

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 500 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_500nmaodfm500215120

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 532 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_532nmaodfm532215121

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 550 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_550nmaodfm550215122

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 645 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_645nmaodfm645215123

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 670 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_670nmaodfm670215124

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 800 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_800nmaodfm800215125

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 858 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_858nmaodfm858215126

Total fine mode (r < 0.5 um) aerosol optical depth at 865 nmdimensionlesstotal_fine_mode_aerosol_optical_depth_865nmaodfm865215127

Total precipitationmtotal_precipitationtp228

Total sky direct solar radiation at surfaceJ m-2total_sky_direct_solar_radiation_at_surfacefdir228021

UV biologically effective dosedimensionlessuv_biologically_effective_doseuvbed214002Fast access
UV biologically effective dose clear-skydimensionlessuv_biologically_effective_dose_clear_skyuvbedcs214003Fast access
Vertically integrated mass of ammonium aerosolkg m-2vertically_integrated_mass_of_ammonium_aerosolaermssam215211

Vertically integrated mass of coarse-mode nitrate aerosolkg m-2vertically_integrated_mass_of_coarse_mode_nitrate_aerosolaermssnic215202

Vertically integrated mass of dust aerosol (0.03 - 0.55 um)kg m-2vertically_integrated_mass_of_dust_aerosol_0.03-0.55umaermssdus215043

Vertically integrated mass of dust aerosol (0.55 - 9 um)kg m-2vertically_integrated_mass_of_dust_aerosol_0.55-9umaermssdum215044

Vertically integrated mass of dust aerosol (9 - 20 um)kg m-2vertically_integrated_mass_of_dust_aerosol_9-20umaermssdul215045

Vertically integrated mass of fine-mode nitrate aerosolkg m-2vertically_integrated_mass_of_fine_mode_nitrate_aerosolaermssnif215201

Vertically integrated mass of hydrophilic black carbon aerosolkg m-2vertically_integrated_mass_of_hydrophilic_black_carbon_aerosolaermssbchphil215078

Vertically integrated mass of hydrophilic organic matter aerosolkg m-2vertically_integrated_mass_of_hydrophilic_organic_matter_aerosolaermssomhphil215062

Vertically integrated mass of hydrophobic black carbon aerosolkg m-2vertically_integrated_mass_of_hydrophobic_black_carbon_aerosolaermssbchphob215077

Vertically integrated mass of hydrophobic organic matter aerosolkg m-2vertically_integrated_mass_of_hydrophobic_organic_matter_aerosolaermssomhphob215061

Vertically integrated mass of sea salt aerosol (0.03 - 0.5 um)kg m-2vertically_integrated_mass_of_sea_salt_aerosol_0.03-0.5umaermsssss215019

Vertically integrated mass of sea salt aerosol (0.5 - 5 um)kg m-2vertically_integrated_mass_of_sea_salt_aerosol_0.5-5umaermssssm215020

Vertically integrated mass of sea salt aerosol (5 - 20 um)kg m-2vertically_integrated_mass_of_sea_salt_aerosol_5-20umaermssssl215021

Vertically integrated mass of sulphate aerosolkg m-2vertically_integrated_mass_of_sulphate_aerosolaermsssu215087

Vertically integrated moisture divergencekg m-2vertically_integrated_moisture_divergencevimd213


Wet deposition of ammonium aerosol by convective precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_ammonium_aerosol_by_convective_precipitationaerwdcam215209

Wet deposition of ammonium aerosol by large-scale precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_ammonium_aerosol_by_large_scale_precipitationaerwdlam215208

Wet deposition of coarse-mode nitrate aerosol by convective precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_coarse_mode_nitrate_aerosol_by_convective_precipitationaerwdcnic215198

Wet deposition of coarse-mode nitrate aerosol by large-scale precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_coarse_mode_nitrate_aerosol_by_large_scale_precipitationaerwdlnic215196

Wet deposition of dust aerosol (0.03 - 0.55 um) by convective precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_dust_aerosol_0.03-0.55um_by_convective_precipitationaerwdccdus215037

Wet deposition of dust aerosol (0.03 - 0.55 um) by large-scale precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_dust_aerosol_0.03-0.55um_by_large_scale_precipitationaerwdlsdus215034

Wet deposition of dust aerosol (0.55 - 9 um) by convective precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_dust_aerosol_0.55-9um_by_convective_precipitationaerwdccdum215038

Wet deposition of dust aerosol (0.55 - 9 um) by large-scale precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_dust_aerosol_0.55-9um_by_large_scale_precipitationaerwdlsdum215035

Wet deposition of dust aerosol (9 - 20 um) by convective precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_dust_aerosol_9-20um_by_convective_precipitationaerwdccdul215039

Wet deposition of dust aerosol (9 - 20 um) by large-scale precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_dust_aerosol_9-20um_by_large_scale_precipitationaerwdlsdul215036

Wet deposition of fine-mode nitrate aerosol by convective precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_fine_mode_nitrate_aerosol_by_convective_precipitationaerwdcnif215197

Wet deposition of fine-mode nitrate aerosol by large-scale precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_fine_mode_nitrate_aerosol_by_large_scale_precipitationaerwdlnif215195

Wet deposition of hydrophilic black carbon aerosol by convective precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_hydrophilic_black_carbon_aerosol_by_convective_precipitationaerwdccbchphil215074

Wet deposition of hydrophilic black carbon aerosol by large-scale precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_hydrophilic_black_carbon_aerosol_by_large_scale_precipitationaerwdlsbchphil215072

Wet deposition of hydrophilic organic matter aerosol by convective precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_hydrophilic_organic_matter_aerosol_by_convective_precipitationaerwdccomhphil215058

Wet deposition of hydrophilic organic matter aerosol by large-scale precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_hydrophilic_organic_matter_aerosol_by_large_scale_precipitationaerwdlsomhphil215056

Wet deposition of hydrophobic black carbon aerosol by convective precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_hydrophobic_black_carbon_aerosol_by_convective_precipitationaerwdccbchphob215073

Wet deposition of hydrophobic black carbon aerosol by large-scale precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_hydrophobic_black_carbon_aerosol_by_large_scale_precipitationaerwdlsbchphob215071

Wet deposition of hydrophobic organic matter aerosol by convective precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_hydrophobic_organic_matter_aerosol_by_convective_precipitationaerwdccomhphob215057

Wet deposition of hydrophobic organic matter aerosol by large-scale precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_hydrophobic_organic_matter_aerosol_by_large_scale_precipitationaerwdlsomhphob215055

Wet deposition of sea salt aerosol (0.03 - 0.5 um) by convective precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_sea_salt_aerosol_0.03-0.5um_by_convective_precipitationaerwdccsss215013

Wet deposition of sea salt aerosol (0.03 - 0.5 um) by large-scale precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_sea_salt_aerosol_0.03-0.5um_by_large_scale_precipitationaerwdlssss215010

Wet deposition of sea salt aerosol (0.5 - 5 um) by convective precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_sea_salt_aerosol_0.5-5um_by_convective_precipitationaerwdccssm215014

Wet deposition of sea salt aerosol (0.5 - 5 um) by large-scale precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_sea_salt_aerosol_0.5-5um_by_large_scale_precipitationaerwdlsssm215011

Wet deposition of sea salt aerosol (5 - 20 um) by convective precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_sea_salt_aerosol_5-20um_by_convective_precipitationaerwdccssl215015

Wet deposition of sea salt aerosol (5 - 20 um) by large-scale precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_sea_salt_aerosol_5-20um_by_large_scale_precipitationaerwdlsssl215012

Wet deposition of sulphate aerosol by convective precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_sulphate_aerosol_by_convective_precipitationaerwdccsu215085

Wet deposition of sulphate aerosol by large-scale precipitationkg m-2 s-1wet_deposition_of_sulphate_aerosol_by_large_scale_precipitationaerwdlssu215084

Table 2: multilevels parameters (last reviewed on)

NameUnitsVariable name in CDS APIShortnameParam IDAccess typeNote
Acetonekg kg-1acetonech3coch3217052

Acetone productkg kg-1acetone_productaco2217053

Aerosol extinction coefficient at 1064 nmm-1aerosol_extinction_coefficient_1064nmaerext1064215182

Aerosol extinction coefficient at 355 nmm-1aerosol_extinction_coefficient_355nmaerext355215180

Aerosol extinction coefficient at 532 nmm-1aerosol_extinction_coefficient_532nmaerext532215181

Aldehydeskg kg-1aldehydesald2217012

Aminekg kg-1aminenh2217040

Ammoniakg kg-1ammonianh3217019

Ammoniumkg kg-1ammoniumnh4217021

Ammonium aerosol mass mixing ratiokg kg-1ammonium_aerosol_mass_mixing_ratioaermr18210249Fast access
Aerosol backscatter coefficient at 1064 nm (from ground)m-1 sr-1attenuated_backscatter_due_to_aerosol_1064nm_from_groundaerbackscatgnd1064215188

Aerosol backscatter coefficient at 1064 nm (from top of atmosphere)m-1 sr-1attenuated_backscatter_due_to_aerosol_1064nm_from_top_of_atmosphereaerbackscattoa1064215185

Aerosol backscatter coefficient at 355 nm (from ground)m-1 sr-1attenuated_backscatter_due_to_aerosol_355nm_from_groundaerbackscatgnd355215186

Aerosol backscatter coefficient at 355 nm (from top of atmosphere)m-1 sr-1attenuated_backscatter_due_to_aerosol_355nm_from_top_of_atmosphereaerbackscattoa355215183

Aerosol backscatter coefficient at 532 nm (from ground)m-1 sr-1attenuated_backscatter_due_to_aerosol_532nm_from_groundaerbackscatgnd532215187

Aerosol backscatter coefficient at 532 nm (from top of atmosphere)m-1 sr-1attenuated_backscatter_due_to_aerosol_532nm_from_top_of_atmosphereaerbackscattoa532215184

Carbon monoxidekg kg-1carbon_monoxideco210123Fast access
Dimethyl sulfidekg kg-1dimethyl_sulfidedms217018

Dinitrogen pentoxidekg kg-1dinitrogen_pentoxiden2o5217033

Dust Aerosol (0.03 - 0.55 um) Mixing Ratiokg kg-1dust_aerosol_0.03-0.55um_mixing_ratioaermr04210004Fast access
Dust Aerosol (0.55 - 0.9 um) Mixing Ratiokg kg-1dust_aerosol_0.55-0.9um_mixing_ratioaermr05210005Fast access
Dust Aerosol (0.9 - 20 um) Mixing Ratiokg kg-1dust_aerosol_0.9-20um_mixing_ratioaermr06210006Fast access
Ethanekg kg-1ethanec2h6217045Fast access
Ethanolkg kg-1ethanolc2h5oh217046

Ethenekg kg-1ethenec2h4217010

Formaldehydekg kg-1formaldehydehcho210124Fast access
Formic acidkg kg-1formic_acidhcooh217043

Fraction of cloud cover(0 - 1)fraction_of_cloud_covercc248

Geopotentialm2 s-2geopotentialz129

Hydrogen peroxidekg kg-1hydrogen_peroxideh2o2217003Fast access
Hydroperoxy radicalkg kg-1hydroperoxy_radicalho2217028

Hydrophilic Black Carbon Aerosol Mixing Ratiokg kg-1hydrophilic_black_carbon_aerosol_mixing_ratioaermr09210009Fast access
Hydrophilic Organic Matter Aerosol Mixing Ratiokg kg-1hydrophilic_organic_matter_aerosol_mixing_ratioaermr07210007Fast access
Hydrophobic Black Carbon Aerosol Mixing Ratiokg kg-1hydrophobic_black_carbon_aerosol_mixing_ratioaermr10210010Fast access
Hydrophobic Organic Matter Aerosol Mixing Ratiokg kg-1hydrophobic_organic_matter_aerosol_mixing_ratioaermr08210008Fast access
Hydroxyl radicalkg kg-1hydroxyl_radicaloh217030Fast access
Isoprenekg kg-1isoprenec5h8217016Fast access
Leadkg kg-1leadpb217026

Methacrolein MVKkg kg-1methacrolein_mvkispd217050

Methacrylic acidkg kg-1methacrylic_acidmcooh217044

Methanekg kg-1methanech4_c217004Fast access

Differences between CH4 and CH4_C

Methane sulfonic acidkg kg-1methane_sulfonic_acidmsa217022

Methanolkg kg-1methanolch3oh217042

Methyl glyoxalkg kg-1methyl_glyoxalch3cocho217023

Methyl peroxidekg kg-1methyl_peroxidech3ooh217007

Methylperoxy radicalkg kg-1methylperoxy_radicalch3o2217029

Nitratekg kg-1nitrateno3_a217051

Nitrate coarse mode aerosol mass mixing ratiokg kg-1nitrate_coarse_mode_aerosol_mass_mixing_ratioaermr17210248Fast access
Nitrate fine mode aerosol mass mixing ratiokg kg-1nitrate_fine_mode_aerosol_mass_mixing_ratioaermr16210247Fast access
Nitrate radicalkg kg-1nitrate_radicalno3217032

Nitric acidkg kg-1nitric_acidhno3217006Fast access
Nitrogen dioxidekg kg-1nitrogen_dioxideno2210121Fast access
Nitrogen monoxidekg kg-1nitrogen_monoxideno217027Fast access
Olefinskg kg-1olefinsole217011

Organic etherskg kg-1organic_ethersror217036

Organic nitrateskg kg-1organic_nitratesonit217015

Ozonekg kg-1ozonego3210203Fast access
Paraffinskg kg-1paraffinspar217009

Pernitric acidkg kg-1pernitric_acidho2no2217034

Peroxideskg kg-1peroxidesrooh217014

Peroxy acetyl radicalkg kg-1peroxy_acetyl_radicalc2o3217035

Peroxyacetyl nitratekg kg-1peroxyacetyl_nitratepan217013Fast access
Potential vorticityK m2 kg-1 s-1potential_vorticitypv60

Propanekg kg-1propanec3h8217047Fast access
Propenekg kg-1propenec3h6217048

Radonkg kg-1radonra210181

Relative humidity%relative_humidityr157

Sea Salt Aerosol (0.03 - 0.5 um) Mixing Ratiokg kg-1sea_salt_aerosol_0.03-0.5um_mixing_ratioaermr01210001Fast access
Sea Salt Aerosol (0.5 - 5 um) Mixing Ratiokg kg-1sea_salt_aerosol_0.5-5um_mixing_ratioaermr02210002Fast access
Sea Salt Aerosol (5 - 20 um) Mixing Ratiokg kg-1sea_salt_aerosol_5-20um_mixing_ratioaermr03210003Fast access
Specific cloud ice water contentkg kg-1specific_cloud_ice_water_contentciwc247

Specific cloud liquid water contentkg kg-1specific_cloud_liquid_water_contentclwc246

Specific humiditykg kg-1specific_humidityq133Fast access
Specific rain water contentkg kg-1specific_rain_water_contentcrwc75

Specific snow water contentkg kg-1specific_snow_water_contentcswc76

Stratospheric ozonekg kg-1stratospheric_ozone_tracero3s217024

Sulphate Aerosol Mixing Ratiokg kg-1sulphate_aerosol_mixing_ratioaermr11210011Fast access
Sulphur dioxidekg kg-1sulphur_dioxideso2210122Fast access
TemperatureKtemperaturet130Fast access
Terpeneskg kg-1terpenesc10h16217049

U component of windm s-1u_component_of_windu131Fast access
V component of windm s-1v_component_of_windv132Fast access
Vertical velocityPa s-1vertical_velocity

Satellite observations

Satellite observations are used by CAMS to constrain the global forecast model, ensuring the forecasts are as accurate as possible. The process of merging the numerical forecast model with the observations is called data assimilation.

The CAMS Global production system uses satellite data in its 4-dimensional variational (4D-Var) data assimilation system to constrain the initial atmospheric state that is used for the 5-day forecast. Apart from all the meteorological observations that form part of the ECMWF numerical weather prediction system, CAMS uses additional observations on atmospheric composition. Three categories of observations are listed below. The assimilated observations are the observations that are currently used to constrain the model; the monitored observations are the observations that are being tested for future implementation; and the planned observations are observations that are being considered for future implementation in the CAMS system.

Satellite data monitoring statistics are available here.

titleTable 4: assimilated satellite observations (real-time)



Space Agency

Data Provider



EOS-Aqua, EOS-Terra








O3 profile





O3, NO2



NOAA-20*, Suomi NPP



O3 layers















O3, NO2, SO2










O3, SO2

*The NOAA-20 OMPS data were blacklisted in Dec 2020 because of some issues with the data. There are currently testing in torder to re-activate them soon.

titleTable 5: monitored satellite observations (real-time)



Space Agency

Data Provider











O3, NO2, SO2, HCHO





















titleTable 6: planned satellite observations (real-time)



Space Agency

Data Provider











O3, SO2


Suomi NPP









Evaluation and Quality Assurance reports

The global forecasting system is continually being evaluated to ensure the output meets the expected requirements. Comprehensive Evaluation and Quality Assurance (EQA) reports are provided on a quarterly basis. Before each upgrade of the global forecasting system, the new system is tested and evaluated, and a so-called "e-suite EQA report" is produced. All reports are available here.

Quality monitoring graphics

CAMS uses a multitude of independent data sets to routinely monitor its global forecasts. It works with various data providers, acquiring the observations with appropriate timeliness and generating graphics that show the differences between the forecasts and the independent observations. See at


  • Convert mass mixing ratio (MMR) to mass concentration or to volume mixing ratio (VMR)
  • Representations of SO2 and SO4 in CAMS reanalysis

  • For details on how convert from mixing ratio (kg per kg dry air) to concentration (kg/m3): CAMS Surface concentration of a given species

  • Expand
    titleWeb charts of biomass-burning AOD

    The actual aerosol species represented in the model are defined more according to their chemical composition (e.g. sulphate, black carbon, organic matter) rather than their source type (e.g. biomass burning or fossil fuels).

    What is presented on the web charts as "biomass-burning AOD" is the sum of organic matter AOD (omaod550) and black carbon AOD (bcaod550). Organic matter is almost always the dominant component out of these.

    Historically, biomass-burning was the main source of such aerosols in the model, apart from a much lower background of primary OM+BC from fossil fuels and of OM from biogenic secondary organic aerosol (SOA).

    However, since a representation of anthropogenic SOA as a source of OM was added (in cycle 43r1, implemented in January 2017), the model also captures the relatively high levels of this OM around polluted cities.

    To sum up, if you want the data used for those web charts, take omaod550+bcaod550 (which will usually be fairly close to omaod550 alone). However, note that this will also show significant aerosol plumes from anthropogenic pollution as well as biomass burning.

Known issues

Issue typeDescriptionCycleNote
High SO2 values over north-eastern Brazil

High SO2 values over north-eastern Brazil on 18 January 2020 and 16 June 2020 at 06:00:00 are artificial and are due to the assimilation of some spurious satellite observations of SO2 in one of the datasets used by CAMS. 

BC concentrations in the mid/upper troposphere tend to be too high

Some of the low background BC concentrations in the mid/upper troposphere tend to be too high as an artefact of the data assimilation as it improves the total AOD. (They're still very low compared to polluted areas, but can be somewhat higher than they should.) This aspect of the impact of data assimilation on aerosol speciation is something that we're continuing to look into. (The accompanying "control run", a model-only product with no AOD assimilation, can often has a more realistic speciation and vertical profile in this regard, but at the cost of a poorer agreement with observations of total AOD.)

47r1 or 46r1

Dust emissions are too high in cycle 46r1

See details here: Dust emissions are too high in Cycle 46r146r1

How to cite the data

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  • Agustí-Panareda, A., Diamantakis, M., Massart, S., Chevallier, F., Muñoz-Sabater, J., Barré, J., Curcoll, R., Engelen, R., Langerock, B., Law, R. M., Loh, Z., Morguí, J. A., Parrington, M., Peuch, V.-H., Ramonet, M., Roehl, C., Vermeulen, A. T., Warneke, T., and Wunch, D., 2019: Modelling CO2 weather – why horizontal resolution matters, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 7347–7376,
  • Agusti-Panareda, A., M. Diamantakis, V. Bayona, F. Klappenbach, and A. Butz, 2017: Improving the inter-hemispheric gradient of total column atmospheric CO2 and CH4 in simulations with the ECMWF semi-Lagrangian atmospheric global model, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 1-18,
  • Agustí-Panareda, A., Massart, S., Chevallier, F., Balsamo, G., Boussetta, S., Dutra, E., and Beljaars, A., 2016: A biogenic CO2 flux adjustment scheme for the mitigation of large-scale biases in global atmospheric CO2 analyses and forecasts, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 10399–10418,
  • Agustí-Panareda, A., Massart, S., Chevallier, F., Boussetta, S., Balsamo, G., Beljaars, A., Ciais, P., Deutscher, N. M., Engelen, R., Jones, L., Kivi, R., Paris, J.-D., Peuch, V.-H., Sherlock, V., Vermeulen, A. T., Wennberg, P. O., and Wunch, D., 2014: Forecasting global atmospheric CO2, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 11959–11983,
  • Barré, J., Aben, I., Agustí-Panareda, A., Balsamo, G., Bousserez, N., Dueben, P., Engelen, R., Inness, A., Lorente, A., McNorton, J., Peuch, V.-H., Radnoti, G., and Ribas, R.: Systematic detection of local CH4emissions anomalies combining satellite measurements and high-resolution forecasts, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.,, in review, 2020.
  • Bozzo, A. and Benedetti, A. and Flemming, J. and Kipling, Z. and Rémy, S., 2020: An aerosol climatology for global models based on the tropospheric aerosol scheme in the Integrated Forecasting System of ECMWF, Geosci. Model Dev., 3, 1007–1034,
  • Diamantakis, M. and Agustí-Panareda, A., 2017: A positive definite tracer mass fixer for high resolution weather and atmospheric composition forecasts, ECMWF Technical Memoranda, No. 819, 2017.
  • Flemming, J., Huijnen, V., Arteta, J., Bechtold, P., Beljaars, A., Blechschmidt, A.-M., Diamantakis, M., Engelen, R. J., Gaudel, A., Inness, A., Jones, L., Josse, B., Katragkou, E., Marecal, V., Peuch, V.-H., Richter, A., Schultz, M. G., Stein, O., and Tsikerdekis, A., 2015: Tropospheric chemistry in the Integrated Forecasting System of ECMWF, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 975–1003,
  • Flemming, J. and Benedetti, A. and Inness, A. and Engelen, R. J. and Jones, L. and Huijnen, V. and Remy, S. and Parrington, M. and Suttie, M. and Bozzo, A. and Peuch, V.-H. and Akritidis, D. and Katragkou, E., 2017: The CAMS interim Reanalysis of Carbon Monoxide, Ozone and Aerosol for 2003–2015,  Atmos. Chem. Phys.,17, 1945-1983,
  • Huijnen, V. and Flemming, J. and Chabrillat, S. and Errera, Q. and Christophe, Y. and Blechschmidt, A.-M. and Richter, A. and Eskes, H., 2016: C-IFS-CB05-BASCOE: stratospheric chemistry in the Integrated Forecasting System of ECMWF, Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 3071–3091,
  • Inness, A., Ades, M., Agustí-Panareda, A., Barré, J., Benedictow, A., Blechschmidt, A.-M., Dominguez, J. J., Engelen, R., Eskes, H., Flemming, J., Huijnen, V., Jones, L., Kipling, Z., Massart, S., Parrington, M., Peuch, V.-H., Razinger, M., Remy, S., Schulz, M., and Suttie, M., 2019: The CAMS reanalysis of atmospheric composition, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 3515–3556,
  • Inness, A. and Flemming, J. and Heue, K.-P. and Lerot, C. and Loyola, D. and Ribas, R. and Valks, P. and van Roozendael, M. and Xu, J. and Zimmer, W., 2019: Monitoring and assimilation tests with TROPOMI data in the CAMS system:
    near-real-time total column ozone, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 3939–3962,
  • Inness, A. and Coauthors, 2015: Data assimilation of satellite-retrieved ozone, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide with ECMWF's Composition-IFS, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 5275-5303,
  • Massart, S., Agusti-Panareda, A., Aben, I., Butz, A., Chevallier, F., Crevoisier, C., Engelen, R., Frankenberg, C., and Hasekamp, O., 2014: Assimilation of atmospheric methane products into the MACC-II system: from SCIAMACHY to TANSO and IASI, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 6139–6158,
  • Massart, S., Agustí-Panareda, A., Heymann, J., Buchwitz, M., Chevallier, F., Reuter, M., Hilker, M., Burrows, J. P., Deutscher, N. M., Feist, D. G., Hase, F., Sussmann, R., Desmet, F., Dubey, M. K., Griffith, D. W. T., Kivi, R., Petri, C., Schneider, M., and Velazco, V. A., 2016: Ability of the 4-D-Var analysis of the GOSAT BESD XCO2 retrievals to characterize atmospheric CO2 at large and synoptic scales, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 1653–1671,
  • Rémy, S. and Kipling, Z. and Flemming, J. and Boucher, O. and Nabat, P. and Michou, M. and Bozzo, A. and Ades, M. and Huijnen, V. and Benedetti, A. and Engelen, R. and Peuch, V.-H. and Morcrette, J.-J., 2019: Description and evaluation of the tropospheric aerosol scheme in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Integrated Forecasting System (IFS-AER, cycle 45R1), Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 4627-4659,

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This document has been produced in the context of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS).
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