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Slurm is the batch system available in the HPC. Users wanting to submit jobs should log into the HPC system and submit jobs from there. Slurm is not installed in the Linux Virtual Desktops (see Linux Virtual Desktop VDI: Software stack)

Any . Any script can be submitted as a job with no changes, but you might want to see Writing SLURM jobs to customise it.

To submit a script as a serial job with default options enter the command:

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You may query the queues to see the jobs currently running or pending with:

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And cancel a job with

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scancel <jobid>

See the Slurm documentation for more details on the different commands available to submit, query or cancel jobs.

QoS available

These are the different QoS (or queues) available for standard users:


titleChecking QoS setup

If you want to get all the details of a particular QoS on the system, you may run, for example:

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sacctmgr list qos names=nf


titleWork in progress




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