Versions Compared


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Changes to operational forecasting systems:

  • Seasonal forecasts from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) 's prediction system, CanSIPSv2, are included in the C3S multi-system from May 2021.
    • This contribution is composed of two different forecasting systems: GEM-NEMO and CanCM4i. More details here.
      • Data for all CDS datasets (daily/subdaily, monthly and anomalies) will be made available independently for those two forecasting systems.
      • Graphical products labelled ECCC will be created as a multi-system combination of these two individual forecasting systems.
      • Graphical products for the C3S multi-system: The two ECCC forecasting systems are first combined and their combination is then treated like each one of the other contributing forecasting centres (so that each centre contributes to the C3S multi-system with equal weight).
    • Hindcast data for May start dates from these new systems is already available at the CDS.
    • Real-time forecast data for May 2021 will be published on 13th May at 12GMT.


A data gap in MetOffice's GloSea6 forecast data has been reported as "Data gap G5" in C3S Seasonal Forecast known issues


titleMore details here

The GloSea6 forecasts initialised on 22 and 23 February were initialised with low Arctic sea ice extents. This resulted from corrupt data used in the derivation of ocean initial conditions. The sea ice largely recovers in these forecasts, but is biased low through the whole 6-month forecast compared to neighbouring days.

Initial sea-ice conditions for different GloSea6 February 2021 start dates:

Evolution of sea-ice fraction forecasts for different GloSea6 February 2021 start dates:


The integration into C3S seasonal forecast multi-system of ECCC forecasting systems, CanCM4i and GEM-NEMO, announced earlier (19th/January/2021) to happen with the release of March 2021 real-time forecasts has been delayed to April 2021.


Changes to operational forecasting systems:

  • MetOffice contribution to C3S will come from their new seasonal forecasting system, GloSea6, from March 2021
    • Hindcast data for March start dates from this new system is already available at the CDS.
    • Real-time forecast data for March 2021 will be published on 13th March at 12GMT
    • A change in the labelling of 'system' versions for the MetOffice has been implemented. GloSea6 data will be initially labelled as system=600. More details here.


Upcoming changes in the C3S seasonal forecast service planned to be implemented for the release of the March 2021 real-time forecast (13th March at 12GMT):


More details about these planned changes will be soon notified. Please note this is just an early warning about the plans for implementation of those contributions and changes to that schedule are still possible.


With the publication of the December 2020 C3S seasonal forecasts (released on the 13th December at 12UTC) a couple of new additions have been made to the catalogue of graphical products shown at


  • Evolution of probabilities for quartile-bounded categories (Percentiles 25 and 75) of the area-averaged monthly-mean sea-surface temperature anomaly computed over specified regions of the Tropical Pacific (the NINO 1+2, 3, 3.4 and 4 areas) 


An issue in the CDS infrastructure affecting some seasonal forecast retrievals has been identified. It will be tracked as error (E7b) in the seasonal forecast known issues page.


titleUpdate 27/October/2020

The issue described above has been solved at 16:15UTC on the 26/October/2020. All retrievals should be correct now, and just those retrievals performed between 13/Oct/2020 at 12UTC and 26/Oct/2020 at 16:15UTC have been affected.


With the release of the October 2020 real-time forecast (at 12 UTC on 13th October) some additions will be introduced to the list of available forecasting systems. Specifically:


Details about hindcast dates available can be found here. The complete list of parameters available for each forecasting system can be found here.


  • With the release of June 2020 real-time forecast (at 12UTC on the 13th June) some changes have been introduced to the geographical regions available at C3S seasonal forecast graphical products ( Specifically:
    • A new area called "Pacific Islands" has been added to cover in detail that region of the world
    • The area called "South America" has been amended, so it accurately covers the whole South American sub-continent.
    • The area called "Tropics" has been amended to be centred over the International Date Line (meridian 180º)

All these changes have been introduced starting from June 2020, and previously produced plots haven't been affected by them.


  • The issue affecting availability of NCEP CFSv2 members in the high-frequency (daily/subdaily) datasets reported as "known issue" E7 (C3S Seasonal Forecast known issues) has been now fixed and all NCEP CFSv2 members are now available for users to retrieve.

12/ May/2020

  • As it happens every year, label "system" for the UK Met Office contribution to C3S seasonal forecast activity has been updated to a new value (system=15) starting from May 2020 real-time forecasts


  • An error in the retrieval of high-frequency data (daily/subdaily) from NCEP seasonal forecast data (NCEP CFSv2) data has been detected. This has been documented as "known issue" E7 (C3S Seasonal Forecast known issues)

    It affects all data available in the high-frequency (daily/subdaily) datasets:

    Members with start time at 06h,12h and 18h are not being retrieved from the archive by the CDS and just members with start time at 00h are returned.


  • An error in the processing of surface solar radiation variables for NCEP has been reported (Known issue E6 in the "not fixed issues" section here)
    • The parameters "surface net solar radiation" and "surface solar radiation downwards" (and their counterparts in the monthly statistics and anomalies datasets) have been accidentally swapped with each other in the case of
    • A fix has been already introduced in the operational production of C3S data; starting from nominal start date March 2020 real-time forecast data (and its corresponding hindcasts) will not be affected by this.
    • A recovery process for the affected data already published will be put in place. Details about when this will become available will be announced here.
