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The OpenIFS tarfile distribution includes a simple low resolution (T21) test job that can be used to verify the model is working correctly in the directory: oifs/t21test. It is strongly recommended that after compiling the model successfully, these short tests are run to verify the model before any development or production is started.

  1. Single task / single thread.
  2. 2 x OpenMP threads; 2 x MPI tasks; 2 x threads + 2 tasks.
  3. Acceptance (reference) tests.


a) Edit the file 'job' and change the line:










OMP_NUM_THREADS=2and then run ./job as above.


OpenMP threads is only enabled for optimized 'opt' builds 

If this works, look in the NODE_001.01 output file for the line:

Code Block
NUMBER OF THREADS                 2

to verify the model run with 2 OpenMP threads.

b) Edit the file 'job' and change OMP_NUM_THREADS back to 1. Change the line: NPROC=1 to NPROC=2. Also, edit the fort.4 file and change NPROC to 2. Note that increasing the number of tasks requires changing the number of tasks in two places.

Rerun the job:


and again look in the NODE_001.01 output file for the line: NUMBER OF TASKS   2  to verify that two MPI tasks was used.

Mixed mode: OpenMP and MPI

If both these short tests succeed, edit 'job' again and change OMP_NUM_THREADS back to 2 without changing NPROC. Rerun 'job' and confirm that 2 threads and 2 tasks was used and the run was successful. You may not be able to do this test if your computer does not have sufficient processing power.

If all these tests work, perform the acceptance tests below to ensure that the numerical results from the model are as expected. It's strongly recommended these tests are completed before proceeding to work with the model for development or production.

Acceptance testing