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Comment: Added DCPP experiment info

Table of Contents


What are decadal climate



Decadal climate projections

are simulations of the climate system performed with general circulation models which represent physical processes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and land surface. These models cover the entire globe and use information about the external influences on the system. Such simulations have been generated by multiple independent climate research centres in an effort coordinated by the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) and assessed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). These climate projections underpin the conclusions of the IPCC Assessment Reports that “Continued emission of greenhouse gases will cause further warming and long-lasting changes in all components of the climate system, increasing the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts for people and ecosystems”.

The Decadal Climate Prediction Project (DCPP)

The Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) was established in 1995 by the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) to provide climate scientists with a database of coupled Global Circulation Model (GCM) simulations.

 The CMIP process involves institutions (such as national meteorological centres or research institutes) from around the world running their climate models with an agreed set of input parameters (forcings). The modelling centres produce a set of standardised output. When combined, these produce a multi-model dataset that is shared internationally between modelling centres and the results compared.

 Analysis of the CMIP data allows for

  • an improved understanding of the climate, including its variability and change,
  • an improved understanding of the societal and environmental implications of climate change in terms of impacts, adaptation and vulnerability,
  • informing the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports.

Comparison of different climate models allows for

  • determining why similarly forced models produce a range of responses,
  • evaluating how realistic the different models are in simulating the recent past,
  • examining climate predictability.


The sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) consists of 134 models from 53 modelling centres (Durack, 2020). CMIP6 data publication began in 2019 and the majority of the data publication will be completed by 2022. The scientific analyses from CMIP6 will be used extensively in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report (AR6), due for release in 2021/22 (IPCC, 2020).

CMIP6 aims to address 3 main questions:

  • How does the Earth system respond to forcing?
  • What are the origins and consequences of systematic model biases?
  • How can we assess future climate changes given internal climate variability, predictability, and uncertainties in scenarios (Eyring et al, 2016)?

There are some differences between the experimental design and organisation of CMIP6 and its predecessor CMIP5. It was decided that for CMIP6, a new and more federated structure would be used, consisting of the following three major elements:

  1. A handful of common experiments, the DECK (Diagnostic, Evaluation and Characterization of Klima) and CMIP historical simulations (1850 – near-present) that will maintain continuity and help document basic characteristics of models across different phases of CMIP;
  2. Common standards, coordination, infrastructure and documentation that will facilitate the distribution of model outputs and the characterization of the model ensemble;
  3. An ensemble of CMIP-Endorsed Model Intercomparison Projects (MIPs) that will be specific to a particular phase of CMIP (now CMIP6) and that will build on the DECK and CMIP historical simulations to address a large range of specific questions and fill the scientific gaps of the previous CMIP phases (World Climate Research Programme, 2020).

The CMIP6 data archive is distributed through the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) though many national centres have either a full or partial copy of the data. A quality-controlled subset of CMIP6 data are made available through the Climate Data Store (CDS) for the users of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

Decadal Climate Prediction Project Experiments in the CDS

The decadal climate prediction project (DCPP) data in the Climate Data Store (CDS) are a quality-controlled subset of the wider DCPP data. The CDS provides data for two DCPP experiments from four modelling centres.

The CDS subset of CMIP6 data has been through a quality control procedure which ensures a high standard of dependability of the data. It may be for example, that similar data can be found in the main CMIP6 ESGF archive however these data come with very limited quality assurance and may have metadata errors or omissions.


Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) Experiments

The SSP scenario experiments can be understood in terms of two pathways, a Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) and a Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP). The two pathways are represented by the three digits that make up the experiment’s name. The first digit represents the SSP storyline for the socio-economic mitigation and adaptation challenges that the experiment represents (Figure 1). The second and third digits represent the RCP climate forcing that the experiment follows. For example, experiment ssp245 follows SSP2, a storyline with intermediate mitigation and adaptation challenges, and RCP4.5 which leads to a radiative forcing of 4.5 Wm-2 by the year 2100.

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Figure 1 - The socioeconomic “Challenge Space” to be spanned by the CMIP6 SSP experiments (O’Neil et al. 2014).

Experiments in the CDS

The CDS-CMIP6 subset consists of the CMIP6 experiments detailed in the table below.


titleClick here to expand... CMIP6 experiments included in the CDS


Experiment name


Extended Description




The historical experiment is a simulation of the recent past from 1850 to 2014, it is performed with a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM). In the historical simulations the model is forced with changing conditions (consistent with observations) which include atmospheric composition, land use and solar forcing. The initial conditions for the historical simulation are taken from the pre-industrial control simulation (piControl) at a point where the remaining length of the piControl is sufficient to extend beyond the period of the historical simulation to the end of any future "scenario" simulations run by the same model. The historical simulation is used to evaluate model performance against present climate and observed climate change.




SSP5-8.5 is a scenario experiment extending into the near future from 2015 to 2100, it is performed with a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM). The forcing for the CMIP6 SSP experiments is derived from shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), a set of emission scenarios driven by different socioeconomic assumptions, paired with representative concentration pathways (RCPs), global forcing pathways which lead to specific end of century radiative forcing targets. SSP5-8.5 is based on SSP5 in which climate change mitigation challenges dominate and RCP8.5, a future pathway with a radiative forcing of 8.5 W/m2 in the year 2100. The ssp585 scenario represents the high end of plausible future forcing pathways.  SSP5-8.5 is comparable to the CMIP5 experiment RCP8.5.




SSP3-7.0 is a scenario experiment extending into the near future from 2015 to 2100, it is performed with a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM). The forcing for the CMIP6 SSP experiments is derived from shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), a set of emission scenarios driven by different socioeconomic assumptions, paired with representative concentration pathways (RCPs), global forcing pathways which lead to specific end of century radiative forcing targets. SSP3-7.0 is based on SSP3 in which climate change mitigation and adaptation challenges are high and RCP7.0, a future pathway with a radiative forcing of 7.0 W/m2 in the year 2100. The SSP3-7.0 scenario represents the medium to high end of plausible future forcing pathways. SSP3-7.0 fills a gap in the CMIP5 forcing pathways that is particularly important because it represents a forcing level common to several (unmitigated) SSP baseline pathways.




SSP2-4.5 is a scenario experiment extending into the near future from 2015 to 2100, it is performed with a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM). The forcing for the CMIP6 SSP experiments is derived from shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), a set of emission scenarios driven by different socioeconomic assumptions, paired with representative concentration pathways (RCPs), global forcing pathways which lead to specific end of century radiative forcing targets. SSP2-4.5 is based on SSP2 with intermediate climate change mitigation and adaptation challenges and RCP4.5, a future pathway with a radiative forcing of 4.5 W/m2 in the year 2100. The ssp245 scenario represents the medium part of plausible future forcing pathways. SSP2-4.5 is comparable to the CMIP5 experiment RCP4.5.




SSP1-2.6 is a scenario experiment extending into the near future from 2015 to 2100, it is performed with a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM). The forcing for the CMIP6 SSP experiments is derived from shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), a set of emission scenarios driven by different socioeconomic assumptions, paired with representative concentration pathways (RCPs), global forcing pathways which lead to specific end of century radiative forcing targets. SSP1-2.6 is based on SSP1 with low climate change mitigation and adaptation challenges and RCP2.6, a future pathway with a radiative forcing of 2.6 W/m2 in the year 2100. The SSP1-2.6 scenario represents the low end of plausible future forcing pathways. SSP1-2.6 depicts a "best case" future from a sustainability perspective.




SSP4-6.0 is a scenario experiment extending into the near future from 2015 to 2100, it is performed with a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM). The forcing for the CMIP6 SSP experiments is derived from shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), a set of emission scenarios driven by different socioeconomic assumptions, paired with representative concentration pathways (RCPs), global forcing pathways which lead to specific end of century radiative forcing targets. SSP4-6.0 is based on SSP4 in which climate change adaptation challenges dominate and RCP6.0, a future pathway with a radiative forcing of 6.0 W/m2 in the year 2100. The SSP4-6.0 scenario fills in the range of medium plausible future forcing pathways. SSP4-6.0 defines the low end of the forcing range for unmitigated SSP baseline scenarios.




SSP4-3.4 is a scenario experiment extending into the near future from 2015 to 2100, it is performed with a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM). The forcing for the CMIP6 SSP experiments is derived from shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), a set of emission scenarios driven by different socioeconomic assumptions, paired with representative concentration pathways (RCPs), global forcing pathways which lead to specific end of century radiative forcing targets. SSP4-3.4 is based on SSP4 in which climate change adaptation challenges dominate and RCP3.4, a future pathway with a radiative forcing of 3.4 W/m2 in the year 2100. The SSP4-3.4 scenario fills a gap at the low end of the range of plausible future forcing pathways. SSP4-3.4 is of interest to mitigation policy since mitigation costs differ substantially between forcing levels of 4.5 W/m2 and 2.6 W/m2.




SSP5-3.4OS is a scenario experiment with simulations beginning in the mid-21st century running from 2040 to 2100, it is performed with a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM). The forcing for the CMIP6 SSP experiments is derived from shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), a set of emission scenarios driven by different socioeconomic assumptions, paired with representative concentration pathways (RCPs), global forcing pathways which lead to specific end of century radiative forcing targets. SSP5-3.4OS is based on SSP5 in which climate change mitigation challenges dominate and RCP3.4-over, a future pathway with a peak and decline in forcing towards an eventual radiative forcing of 3.4 W/m2 in the year 2100. The SSP5-3.4OS scenario branches from SSP5-8.5 in the year 2040 whereupon it applies substantially negative net emissions. SSP5-3.4OS explores the climate science and policy implications of a peak and decline in forcing during the 21st century. SSP5-3.4OS fills a gap in existing climate simulations by investigating the implications of a substantial overshoot in radiative forcing relative to a longer-term target.




climate predictions (not quite a forecast not quite a climate scenario but rather a middle ground).

The Decadal Climate Prediction Project (DCPP)

The Decadal Climate Prediction Project addresses a range of scientific issues involving the ability of the climate system to be predicted on annual to decadal timescales, the skill that is currently and potentially available, the mechanisms involved in long timescale variability, and the production of forecasts of benefit to both science and society.


The DCPP as part of CMIP6

The CMIP6 data archive is distributed through the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) though many national centres have either a full or partial copy of the data. A quality-controlled subset of CMIP6 data are made available through the Climate Data Store (CDS) for the users of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

Decadal Climate Prediction Project Data in the CDS

The decadal climate prediction project (DCPP) data in the Climate Data Store (CDS) are a quality-controlled subset of the wider DCPP data. The CDS provides data for two DCPP experiments dcppA-hindcast and dcppB-forecast from four modelling centres.

The CDS subset of CMIP6 data has been through a quality control procedure which ensures a high standard of dependability of the data. It may be for example, that similar data can be found in the main CMIP6 ESGF archive however these data come with very limited quality assurance and may have metadata errors or omissions.

DCPP Experiments

The two DCPP experiments that are included in the C3S Climate Data Store, dcppA-hindcast and dcppB-forecast, are described in Table 2.1 below. The experiment descriptions are harvested from ES-DOC. We use content from the ES-DOC experiment extended_description attribute.

Experiment Name

Experiment Long Name

Extended Description


hindcasts initialized from observations with historical forcing

dcppA-hindcast is a set of retrospective decadal forecasts (known as hindcasts) that are initialised every year from and performed with a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM).

Prior to the year 2020 the models running these simulations are forced with historical conditions that are consistent with observations, these conditions include atmospheric composition, land use, volcanic aerosols and solar forcing. For simulations that extend b (e.g. 2015-2025) the models are forced with future conditions from the ssp245 scenario for the period from 2020 to the end of the simulation.

There are 10 ensemble members for each start date and simulations run for 10 years.

DCPP hindcasts can be used to assess and understand the historical decadal prediction skill of climate models.


forecast initialized from observations

dcppB-forecast is a set of real-time decadal forecasts that are initialised every year from 2019 in real time and ongoing. The forecasts are performed with the same coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM), which was used to generate the hindcast data.

The models running these simulations are initialised using observed data, thereafter they are forced with future conditions from the ssp245 scenario that include atmospheric composition, land use, and solar forcing.

There are 10 ensemble members for each start date and simulations run for 10 years.

Models, grids and pressure levels
