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Data for the dcppA-hindcast and dcppB-forecast experiments archived published in the CDS are generated from simulations run by the models described in the table below. The model descriptions presented here are harvested from the dataset DOIs held at the World Data Centre for Climate (WDCC), further details can be found on the ES-DOC. (Are you sure that this is the right link to ES-DOC, since that links takes us to the HadGEM3 documentation.)


Start-Date Ensembles

The DCPP experiments published in the CDS, are a suite of overlapping simulations that are initialised every year throughout the duration of the start-date range specified by the experiment.   The The exact start-dates begin in the November of the year preceding the forecast period to allow for DJF (December, January, February) seasonal averages to be calculated. There are 10 simulations for each start-date.

The start-date ensemble is reflected in the DCPP data naming convention with the addition of a s<yyyy> start-date ensemble identifier ahead of the conventional CMIP6 ripf ensemble identifiers. For example, a simulation with a start year of 2014 will have the start-date ensemble identifier s2014, and a full ensemble identifier that follows the pattern s2014-r<W>i<X>p<Y>f<Z> where W, X, Y and Z are positive integers.

Parameter listings

. (I am not fully sure if I understand this correctly. It seems you refer to the climate projection documentation's Ensemble sub-section, is that correct (I think we can directly refer to the subsection too)? Otherwise I understand that the ensembles are identified with one additional identifier with respect to the climate projections and that is the s<yyyy>.)

Parameter listings

Data for the dcppA-hindcast experiments and the dcppB-forecast experiments will include parameters at Data for the dcppA-hindcast experiments and the dcppB-forecast experiments will include parameters at monthly and daily resolution as described in the tables below. The parameter descriptions presented here are harvested from the CMIP6 Data Request via the CLIPC variable browser.

Monthly Parameters

What the standard name means below? Is that the name used in the data file? I think for the description we will need more information! Probably we will need proper definitions as in!/dataset/projections-cmip6?tab=overview

CDS parameter name for CMIP5

ESGF variable id


Standard name

Long name


2m temperature




Near-Surface Air Temperature

Near-surface (2 meter) air temperature

Mean precipitation flux


kg m-2 s-1



Includes Precipitation amount including both liquid and solid phases

Mean sea level pressure




Sea Level Pressure

Sea level pressure

Daily Parameters

CDS parameter name for CMIP5

ESGF variable idVariable name


Standard name

Long name


Minimum 2m temperature in the last 24 hours 




Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature

Daily-minimum near-surface (2 meter) air temperature

Maximum 2m temperature in the last 24 hours




Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature

Daily-maximum near-surface (2 meter) air temperature

Mean precipitation flux


kg m-2 s-1



Precipitation amount including Includes both liquid and solid phases

Geopotential height at 500 hPa




Geopotential Height at 500hPa

Geopotential height of the 500 hPa surface


DCPP data like the rest of CMIP6 is reported either on the model’s native grid or re-gridded to one or more target grids with data variables generally provided near the centre of each grid cell (rather than at the boundaries).  For CMIP6 there is a requirement to record both the native grid of the model and the grid of its output (archived in the CMIP6 repository) as a “nominal_resolution”. The "nominal_resolution” enables users to identify which models are relatively high resolution and have data that might be challenging to download and store locally. Information resolution and have data that might be challenging to download and store locally. (I am not sure of these previous two sentences. In the first sentence I have the impression that you are speaking about two resolutions: native resolution and the output resolution. I would guess the nominal resolution has something to do with the native resolution. The nominal resolution is not there to understand what are the scales what the models can represent?) Information about the grids can be found in the model table above, under 'Model DetailsDescription' and within the NetCDF file metadata.


The CDS subset of the DCPP data have been through a set of quality control checks before being made available through the CDS. The objective of the quality control process is to ensure that all files in the CDS meet a minimum standard. Data files were required to pass all stages of the quality control process before being made available through the CDS. Data files that fail the quality control process are excluded from the CDS-CMIP6-DCPP subset, data providers are contacted and if they are able to release a new version of the data with the error corrected then providing this data passes all remaining QC steps may be available for inclusion in the next CMIP6 DCPP data release.

The main aim of the quality control procedure is to check for metadata and gross data errors in the CMIP6 files and datasets. A brief description of each of the QC checks is provided here:


The CMIP6 data Citation Service provides information for data users on how to cite CMIP6 DCPP data and on the data license. The long-term availability and long-term accessibility are granted by the use of DOIs for the landing page e.g . (What do you mean on the DOI in this landing page? Would you explain, please?)

Available CMIP6 data citations are discoverable in the ESGF or in the Citation Search at:


CDS users will be directed to the CMIP6 ES-DOC Errata Service (see dcppA-hindcast and dcppB-forecast for experiment ID) for known issues with the wider CMIP6 data pool. Data that is provided to the CDS should not contain any errors or be listed in the Errata service, however this will still be a useful resource for CDS users as data they may be looking for but cannot access may have been withheld from the CDS for justifiable reasons.
