Versions Compared


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Comment: Removed link to nonexistant GRIBEX page and fixed another. Other links corrected in earlier revision.


'accuracy'INTV(1) = nn is the number of bits to be used for each packed value.
As input.
16 if input is array.
REALV(1) = North
REALV(2) = West
REALV(3) = South
REALV(4) = East
Negative values:
west of Greenwich and south of the Equator.

0/0/0/0 signifies the whole globe.
'bitmap'CHARV = filename'filename' is a unix file containing a bitmap definition.None
CHARV(1) = 'grib'
CHARV(2) = 'unpacked'
Input fields are in GRIB.
Input fields are in a REAL array.
'frame'INTV(1) = nn is the width of the frame in grid points.None
'gaussian'INTV(1) = nn is the gaussian grid number.None
'gauss_from_file'CHARV = filename
'filename' is a unix file defining a (reduced)
gaussian grid. It contains 32-bit integers:
- the gaussian grid number, N say
- the number of points at latitude 1
  (the northern latitude)
- the number of points at latitude 2
- the number of points at latitude N
The grid is assumed symmetric about the Equator,
only Northern Hemisphere latitudes are defined.
REALV(1) = 1_lat
REALV(2) = 2_lat
REALV(n) = n_lat
n_lat is the row latitude.

n is the number of latitude rows between a Pole
and the Equator (the gaussian grid number).
INTV(1) = 1_lat
INTV(2) = 2_lat
INTV(n) = n_lat
n_lat is the number of grid points along the latitude.

n is the number of latitude rows between a Pole and
the Equator (the gaussian grid number).
WE is the grid spacing west to east.
NS is the grid spacing north to south.
'level'INTV(1) = nn is the field level (code table 3).None
'levtype'INTV(1) = nn is the type of level (code table 3).None
CHARV = 'simple'
CHARV = 'complex'
CHARV = 'second order'
CHARV = 'archived value'
simple:         simple packing for spectral or grid point.
complex:        complex packing for spectral data.
second order:   second-order packing for grid-point data.
archived value: packing corresponding to that of the input.
'archived value'
'reduced'INTV(1) = n
n is the number of latitude rows between a Pole
and the Equator (the gaussian grid number).
Currently, only n=80 or n=160 are supported.
As input if GRIB,
otherwise none.
'regular'INTV(1) = n
n is the number of latitude rows between a Pole
and the Equator (the gaussian grid number).
Currently, only n=80 or n=160 are supported.
As input if GRIB,
otherwise none.
REALV(1) =lat
REALV(2) =long
lat/long gives the latitude/longitude of the point which
becomes the new south pole of the rotated field.
'scan'INTV(1) = n
scanning mode (code table 8).
0 = data values scanned west to east within lines, lines
    scanned from north to south.
'specification'INTV(1) = 12
Specification of reduced gaussian grid to use.Can only be used with
N80 or N160 reduced grids to force an old grid definition to be used
(Research Department designated _12) which has 12 points in the
northernmost and southernmost latitudes.
12 = RD definition _12
Operational reduced gaussian specification
'style'CHARV(1) = 'dissemination'A latitude/longitude grid point field is generated at resolution 0.5x0.5. Points for the desired output resolution are selected from the 0.5x0.5 grid.-
'table'INTV(1) = n
n is the version number of the parameter code table.
1   = WMO
128 = ECMWF local table
'truncation'INTV(1) = nn is the spectral truncation.None
'user_reduced_gaussian'INTV(1) = n
n is the number of latitude rows between a pole and
the equator (the gaussian grid number).
'user_regular_gaussian'INTV(1) = n
n is the number of latitude rows between a pole and
the equator (the gaussian grid number).