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This step is required for many tools and applications to work well, such as ecinteractive, ecflow, and ecaccess jobs., as well as convenient access from our VDI service.

To If connecting from a different platform at ECMWF and to enable password-less connections and transfers between different platforms, you will need to enable ssh key authentication.

  1. Log into an Atos HPCF or , ECS login nodes .or your VDI

  2. Once there, check if you already have an existing ssh key pair:

    No Format
    $> ls ~/.ssh/id_*
    ~/.ssh/id_rsa    ~/.ssh/ 

    If you don't, you may generate them like sorun:

    No Format
    $> ssh-keygen                         # press 'enter' 3 more times

    Add your public key into your authorized_keys file with:

    No Format
    $> cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keyskey-setup