Versions Compared


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The ECMWF FTP service provides access to real-time data from the CAMS global atmospheric composition system. For product documentation please see here. For a description of the current global model please see here (including information on system upgrades) . For other data access options please see here.



Please note that the default limit per user is 10 active connections to the FTP server. There is also an overall limit across all users of 2,000 active connections.

Data location

FTP server

Data directories


/DATA/CAMS_GLOBAL_ADDITIONAL which contains individual files of surface level fields (model level 137).

/DATA/CAMS_GLOBAL_TEST/ which contains test data files

Retention policy

Forecast are kept for 3 days

File naming convention

The file naming convention is based on WMO guidelines as follows:



ecmf is the WMO location indicators. The list can be found here.
yyyymmddhhmmss is the base date and time of the forecast.
vvvv is a version or experiment identifier. prod will be used for operational products, test (or experiment ID) will be used for testing purposes, rean for reanalysis if needed.
tt type of data, fc - forecast, an - analysis
lt is the type of level. pl for pressure level products, sfc for surface fields, ml for model level fields

 is the forecast hour time step. For accumulation and averages, it is the

end time. This number must be zero padded to 3 digits, e.g. step 24 is given as 024


 is the parameter short name as defined here

grib, nc

 is the format of a file, GRIB or NETCDF

Data organisation

The dataset is grouped by type of product (analysis or forecast), level type (surface parameter, pressure level or model level), by step or forecast range and by parameter. 



Due to the new compression method used, the GRIB file sizes vary much more than before. I this table the numbers are averages.

* Please be aware that, the total volume will vary from one model run to the next one.

average file size (GRIB / NC)No. of fields per fileNo. of variablesNo. of files (GRIB or NC)Total size (GRIB)Total size (NC)
an_ml~ 82 MB/144 MB1373333~ 3 GB4.6 GB
an_pl~ 28 MB/28 MB253232~ 881 MB899 MB
an_sfc~ 1 MB/1.3 MB13030~ 33 MB38 MB
fc_ml~ 77 MB/44 MB137391599~ 120 GB68 GB
fc_pl~ 28 MB/8.3 MB25321312~ 35 GB10.7 GB
fc_sfc~ 1 MB/435 kB1333993~ 4 GB1.7 GB


163 GB*

87 GB


This document has been produced in the context of theCopernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS).

The activities leading to these results have been contracted by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, operator of CAMS on behalf of the European Union (Delegation Agreement signed on 11/11/2014 and Contribution Agreement signed on 22/07/2021). All information in this document is provided "as is" and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose.

The users thereof use the information at their sole risk and liability. For the avoidance of all doubt , the European Commission and the European Centre for Medium - Range Weather Forecasts have no liability in respect of this document, which is merely representing the author's view.
