Versions Compared


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Some system resource limits can be controlled by the user (consult the man pages of your shell if running in interactive mode or documentation about the software used for batch mode).

  • Error writing to


  • file 
    It usually indicates the user has exceeded his/her quota on the filesystem holding the target file or that filesystem became full.

  • Memory allocation


  • failed 
    It usually indicates MARS needs more memory than the available for user processes in order to execute a request.

  • CPU time


  • limit 
    It usually indicates the MARS process has exceeded the CPU time limit. The kind of post-processing and the number of fields retrieved have a direct implication of the CPU time needed by MARS to satisfy a request.

MARS keyword = all

By using the value all on certain keywords, MARS is asked to retrieve ALL data available which matches the rest of the request. In some cases, all data available is not all the data that the user expectsyou expect. The use of all is best avoided.


Some failures are not evident to explain from the MARS report. In such cases, the user you can turn on debug messages by setting environment variable MARS_DEBUG to any value different from 0.

Please, note that running in debug mode can generate large amount of output. Users , therefore you are advised to re-direct MARS output to a file.


It is advisable to have a catalogue of working requests and to re-use or modify them as needed.

MARS messages

MARS has the following levels for messages it prints on execution:




At the end of each request, MARS will print a report on all the aspects of its execution:


This report gives users an idea about the resources needed for a request, and can be used for future reference when retrieving similar datasets.

MARS messages

MARS has the following levels for messages it prints on execution:

INFOrequest being processed and a report on the execution at the end
DEBUGadditional information if debugging is switched on
WARNINGany unusual aspect of the execution
ERRORsystem or data errors which do not stop MARS execution
FATALterminates the execution of MARS

Field order

Do not expect retrieved fields to be returned in any specific order. Depending on the MARS configuration, fields can be retrieved differently. Therefore, user programs processing the target file must take this into account.
