Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Set up a new Coastlines icon with the following:

  • The the land coloured in cream
  • The the coastlines in grey
  • The the grid as a grey dashed line

Plotting the Mean Sea Level Pressure field



GRIB files store their fields in SI units. For precipitation this is metres, which is not what meteorologists tend to use. Metview will normally automatically scale such parameters into their 'normal' units (in this case mm), but if a field is the result of some post-processing (as this one is) then this scaling will not be applied because the processing may have changed the nature of the field. Here, the field is still precipitation, so we would like the normal scaling to be applied. The Contouring icon has a parameter called Grib Scaling of Derived Fields which should be set to On in this case.

Plot the precipitation data using new Contouring icon. Do this in isolation from the MSLP field until you are happy with the result.

  • use the following list of levels for contouring: 0.5, 2, 4, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250  (but remember that in the Contouring icon editor to use a forward slash to separate the items)
  • use the following list of colours: 


  • cyan, greenish_blue, blue, bluish_purple, magenta, orange, red, charcoal (use the Contour Shade Colour List helper tool)
  • deactivate the contour highlight
  • activate the legend

Overlaying Both Fields

Visualise your Geographical View icon and drop the following icons into the Display Window:

  • your Coastlines icon
  • the msl.grib icon with your MSLP Contouring icon
  • the precip.grib icon with your precipitation Contouring icon

Improving the Legend

Create a new Legend icon and change Legend Display Type to Disjoint. Play with the font size and colour and set the legend title to say something about the precipitation field. Drop it into the Display Window to see the results.

Adding the Position of New York City

One easy way to add a placemark is to use the Input Visualiser icon and combine it with a Symbol Plotting icon.

Edit a new Input Visualiser icon and set the following:

Input Plot TypeGeo Points
Input Longitude Values-74
Input Latitude Values40.71

