Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


FormatparameterHow to visualiseWhat to use for
Qt Metview display windowInteractive usage
PostScriptps/epsokular, ghostscript/gvPrinting, publications
PDFpdfokular, acroreadWeb, archiving
PNGpngweb browsers, display, xvWeb, presentations -> animations
SVGsvgweb browsers, inkscapeWeb HTML5, editing with inkscape
KML/KMZkmlGoogle Earth, Google Maps, OpenLayersInteractive publications

Exporting from the plot window


You will get a dialogue as shown below


Image Added


  1. Try to save your plot as a PDF.
  2. Try to save your plot as a SVG without and with fixed dimensions.
    1. Open both files in Firefox and see how the plots behave when you resize the browser window.
    2. Open one of the SVGs in inkscape and edit the images (for example add some text) and save it as a PDF.
