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Welcome to the 2015 GRIB API: Library and Tools course pages!


titleTraining course time table and course material

Tuesday 24 February

09:00 Welcome - Umberto Modigliani

  • Lecturers
  • Students

09:15 GRIB API Introduction - Shahram Najm

  • GRIB editions 1 and 2: structure and differences
  • GRIB API design and concepts

10:30 Coffee

11:00 GRIB API: Tools - Carsten Maass

  • Introduction to the grib_api command-line tools
  • Obtaining information about the grib_api installation with grib_info
  • Inspecting the content of GRIB files with grib_count,  grib_ls and grib_dump

    titlePractical solution

    GRIB Tools - Solutions to practicals

    Solution to grib_dump practical

    1.  To view the keys available for GRIB1 and GRIB2 have a look at  GRIB API or

    2.  To use grib_dump to inspect the contents of file1.grib1:

      % grib_dump file1.grib1

    By using grib_dump on its own and with the various options, (-O, -a, etc), you should find:

    •    the message is encoded using GRIB edition 1 (editionNumber=1);
    •    it contains the 2 metre temperature field (shortName=2t, marsParam=167.128);
    •    the dataDate= 20110225, the dataTime=12 and the forecast step=12;
    •    the data is on a reduced Gaussian grid (typeOfGrid=reduced_gg) with N=128 (Nj=256);

    Alternatively, with grib_dump inspect some templates in the “GRIB_SAMPLES_PATH” directory.
    3.  For the file file2.grib2

       % grib_dump file1.grib2

    By using grib_dump on its own and with various options, (-O, -a etc), you should find:

    •    the message is encoded using GRIB edition 2 - grib_edition=2;
    •    it contains the temperature field on a specified hight of 2 m above ground (shortName=2t, paramId = 167, discipline = 0, parameterCategory = 0, parameterNumber = 0, typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103);
    •    the dataDate=20110225, the dataTime=12 and the forecast step=12;
    •    the data is on a reduced Gaussian grid (typeOfGrid=reduced_gg) with N=128 (Nj=256);

    4. To quickly find the maximum, minimum and average values of the field, look for the computed keys max, min, and average.  

    For both files you should find:

    •    maximum = 314.204
    •    minimum = 222.44
    •    average = 285.261

    Solution to grib_ls practical

    1.  To list the GRIB messages in msl.grib1

       %  grib_ls msl.grib1

    Welcome to the 2015 GRIB API: Library and Tools course pages!


    titleTraining course time table and course material

    Tuesday 24 February

    09:00 Welcome - Umberto Modigliani

    • Lecturers
    • Students

    09:15 GRIB API Introduction - Shahram Najm

    • GRIB editions 1 and 2: structure and differences
    • GRIB API design and concepts

    10:30 Coffee

    11:00 GRIB API: Tools - Carsten Maass

    • Introduction to the grib_api command-line tools
    • Obtaining information about the grib_api installation with grib_info
    • Inspecting the content of GRIB files with grib_count,  grib_ls and grib_dump

      titlePractical solution

      GRIB Tools - Solutions to practicals

      Solution to grib_dump practical

      1.  To view the keys available for GRIB1 and GRIB2 have a look at  GRIB API or

      2.  To use grib_dump to inspect the contents of file1.grib1:

        % grib_dump file1.grib1

      By using grib_dump on its own and with the various options, (-O, -a, etc), you should find:

      •    the message is encoded using GRIB edition 1 (editionNumber=1);
      •    it contains the 2 metre temperature field (shortName=2t, marsParam=167.128);
      •    the dataDate= 20110225, the dataTime=12 and the forecast step=12;
      •    the data is on a reduced Gaussian grid (typeOfGrid=reduced_gg) with N=128 (Nj=256);

      Alternatively, with grib_dump inspect some templates in the “GRIB_SAMPLES_PATH” directory.
      3.  For the file file2.grib2

         % grib_dump file1.grib2

      By using grib_dump on its own and with various options, (-O, -a etc), you should find:

      •    the message is encoded using GRIB edition 2 - grib_edition=2;
      •    it contains the temperature field on a specified hight of 2 m above ground (shortName=2t, paramId = 167, discipline = 0, parameterCategory = 0, parameterNumber = 0, typeOfFirstFixedSurface = 103);
      •    the dataDate=20110225, the dataTime=12 and the forecast step=12;
      •    the data is on a reduced Gaussian grid (typeOfGrid=reduced_gg) with N=128 (Nj=256);

      4. To quickly find the maximum, minimum and average values of the field, look for the computed keys max, min, and average.  

      For both files you should find:

      •    maximum = 314.204
      •    minimum = 222.44
      •    average = 285.261

      Solution to grib_ls practical

      1.  To list the GRIB messages in msl.grib1

       %  grib_ls msl.grib1


      edition      centre       typeOfLevel  level        dataDate     stepRange    dataType     shortName    packingType  gridType     

      1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     0            cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg  

      1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     6            cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg  

      1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     12           cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg  

      1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     18           cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg  

      1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     24           cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg  

      5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib1

      5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files

      The file contains mean sea-level pressure (shortName=msl) from the ECMWF EPS control forecast (dataType=cf) for 6-hourly steps from 0 to 24 hours for dataDate=20110225.  The messages are encoded in GRIB edition 1.

      2.  To list the GRIB messages in msl.grib2

         %  grib_ls msl.grib2
      edition      centre       date         dataType     gridType     stepRange    typeOfLevel  level        shortName    packingType
      2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   0            meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
      2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   6            meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
      2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   12           meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
      2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   18           meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
      2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   24           meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
      5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib2

      5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files

      The file also contains mean sea-level pressure (shortName=msl) from the ECMWF EPS control forecast (dataType=cf) for 6-hourly steps from 0 to 24 hours for dataDate=20110225.  In this file the messages are encoded in GRIB edition 2.

      The lists show the default keys printed by grib_ls for GRIB 1 and GRIB 2.

      3.  To print the mars keys, use grib_ls -m:

         % grib_ls -m msl.grib1
         domain      levtype     date        time        step        param       class       type        stream      expver
         g           sfc         20110225    0000        0           151.128     od          cf          enfo        0001
         g           sfc         20110225    0000        6           151.128     od          cf          enfo        0001
         g           sfc         20110225    0000        12          151.128     od          cf          enfo        0001
         g           sfc         20110225    0000        18          151.128     od          cf          enfo        0001
         g           sfc         20110225    0000        24          151.128     od          cf          enfo        0001
        5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib1

        5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files

         % grib_ls -m msl.grib1
         domain      date        time        expver      class       type        stream      step        levtype     levelist    param
         g           20110225    0000        0001        od          cf          enfo        0           sfc         0           151
         g           20110225    0000        0001        od          cf          enfo        6           sfc         0           151
         g           20110225    0000        0001        od          cf          enfo        12          sfc         0           151
         g           20110225    0000        0001        od          cf          enfo        18          sfc         0           151
         g           20110225    0000        0001        od          cf          enfo        24          sfc         0           151
         5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib2

         5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files

      4.  Output can be printed in descending step order using grib_ls with the -B option.  Note it is necessary to use “step:l” here as step has a default type of ‘string’.

         % grib_ls -B "step:l desc" msl.grib1

         edition      centre       typeOfLevel  level        dataDate     stepRange    dataType     shortName    packingType  gridType
         1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     24           cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg
         1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     18           cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg
         1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     12           cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg
         1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     6            cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg
         1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     0            cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg

         % grib_ls -B "step:l desc" msl.grib2
         edition      centre       date         dataType     gridType     stepRange    typeOfLevel  level        shortName    packingType
         2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   24           meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
         2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   18           meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
         2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   12           meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
         2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   6            meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
         2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   0            meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple

      5.  To specify a set of keys to print, use the -p option:

        % grib_ls -p centre,dataDate,stepRange,typeOfLevel,shortName  msl.grib1
      centre       dataDate     stepRange     typeOfLevel  shortName
      ecmf         20110225     0             surface      msl
      ecmf         20110225     6             surface      msl
      ecmf         20110225     12            surface      msl
      ecmf         20110225     18            surface      msl
      ecmf         20110225     24            surface      msl
      5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib1

      5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files

      Using the "key:l" for centre and levelType prints these keys as their integer values rather than strings:

        % grib_ls -p centre:l,dataDate,stepRange,levelType:l,shortName,paramId msl.grib1
      centre       dataDate     stepRange    levelType   shortName    paramId
      98           20110225     0            1            msl          151
      98           20110225     6            1            msl          151
      98           20110225     12           1            msl          151
      98           20110225     18           1            msl          151
      98           20110225     24           1            msl          151
      5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib1

      5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files

      Similarly for msl.grib2:

        % grib_ls -p centre:l,dataDate,stepRange,levelType:l,shortName,paramId msl.grib2
      centre       dataDate     stepRange    levelType  shortName    paramId
      98           20110225     0            101          msl          151
      98           20110225     6            101          msl          151
      98           20110225     12           101          msl          151
      98           20110225     18           101          msl          151
      98           20110225     24           101          msl          151
      5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib2

      5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files

      Solution to grib_ls -l  practical

      1.  To list the nearest points to ECMWF (Lat 51.42 N, Lon 0.95 W) use

         % grib_ls -l 51.42,-0.95 msl.grib1

         5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files
         Input Point: latitude=51.42  longitude=-0.95
         Grid Point chosen #3 index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km)
         Other grid Points
         - 1 - index=17599 latitude=50.72 longitude=359.10 distance=77.54 (Km)
         - 2 - index=17598 latitude=50.72 longitude=358.20 distance=97.59 (Km)
         - 3 - index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km)
         - 4 - index=17198 latitude=51.62 longitude=358.20 distance=62.87 (Km)
         Note we specify the longitude of 0.95 W with -0.95 !

         The nearest grid point is at latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 (=0.9 W) and is 22.57 km from ECMWF.

      2. To output only the forecast step and MSLP value at the nearest grid point use:

         % grib_ls -l 51.42,-0.95,1 -p stepRange msl.grib1
         stepRange    value
         0           102527
         6           102365
         12          102456
         18          102289
         24          101862
         5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib1

         5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files
         Input Point: latitude=51.42  longitude=-0.95
         Grid Point chosen #3 index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km)
         Other grid Points
         - 1 - index=17599 latitude=50.72 longitude=359.10 distance=77.54 (Km)
         - 2 - index=17598 latitude=50.72 longitude=358.20 distance=97.59 (Km)
         - 3 - index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km)
         - 4 - index=17198 latitude=51.62 longitude=358.20 distance=62.87 (Km)
      Note it is necessary to specify MODE=1 in order to print the value of the nearest grid point only.  

      To output the values at the four grid points nearest to ECMWF, use MODE=4 which is the default:

         % grib_ls -l 51.42,-0.95 -p stepRange msl.grib1
         stepRange          value1  value2  value3  value4
         0           102674 102663 102527 102501
         6           102532 102516 102365 102333
         12          102633 102585 102456 102426
         18          102444 102390 102289 102259
         24          102057 101959 101862 101760
         5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib1

         5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files
         Input Point: latitude=51.42  longitude=-0.95
         Grid Point chosen #3 index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km)
         Other grid Points
         - 1 - index=17599 latitude=50.72 longitude=359.10 distance=77.54 (Km)
         - 2 - index=17598 latitude=50.72 longitude=358.20 distance=97.59 (Km)
         - 3 - index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km)
         - 4 - index=17198 latitude=51.62 longitude=358.20 distance=62.87 (Km)
      3. To specify the land-sea mask, use:

         % grib_ls -l 51.42,-0.95,1,lsm.grib1 -p stepRange msl.grib1
      stepRange    value
      0           102527
      6           102365
      12          102456
      18          102289
      24          101862
      5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib1

      5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files
      Input Point: latitude=51.42  longitude=-0.95
      Grid Point chosen #3 index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km)
      Mask values:
      - 1 - index=17599 latitude=50.72 longitude=359.10 distance=77.54 (Km) value=0.00
      - 2 - index=17598 latitude=50.72 longitude=358.20 distance=97.59 (Km) value=1.00
      - 3 - index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km) value=1.00
      - 4 - index=17198 latitude=51.62 longitude=358.20 distance=62.87 (Km) value=1.00

      Here the mask value at the end of the line showing the four nearest grid points indicates which are land points: Land points have mask ≥ 0.5; sea points have mask<0.5.

    12:15 GRIB API: Keys - Shahram Najm

    • Coded and computed keys
    • The namespace
    • Examples of keys

    13:00 Lunch

    14:00 GRIB API: Tools - Paul Dando

    • Comparing the content of GRIB messages with grib_compare
    • Printing data values with grib_get_data
    • Using grib_get

    15:30 Coffee

    16:00 GRIB API: Tools - Paul Dando

    • Copying GRIB messages with grib_copy
    • Making simple modifications to the GRIB header information with grib_set

    16:55 Questionnaire/Feedback

    17:00 Cocktails

    Wednesday 25 February

    09:00 GRIB API: Fortran, C, Python APIs - Dominique Lucas, Xavi Abellan, Cristian Simarro

    • Overview of the API
    • Using the API functions for decoding with Fortran, C and Python
    • Practicals

    10:30 Coffee

    11:00 GRIB API: Fortran, C, Python APIs (continued) - Dominique Lucas, Xavi Abellan, Cristian Simarro

    • Practicals  

    13:00 Lunch

    14:00 GRIB API: Advanced tools - Paul Dando

    • Basic features of grib_filter
    • Conversion from GRIB to NetCDF with grib_to_netcdf

    15:30 Coffee

    16:00 GRIB API: General practicals

    16:55 Questionnaire/Feedback

    17:00 End

    Thursday 26 February

    09:00 GRIB API: Fortran, C, python APIs - Advanced features - Dominique Lucas, Xavi Abellan, Cristian Simarro

    • Use of the indexing routines
    • Encoding GRIB messages and using GRIB samples
    • Practicals 

    10:30 Coffee

    11:00 GRIB API: Fortran, C, python APIs - Advanced features (continued) - Dominique Lucas, Xavi Abellan, Cristian Simarro

    • Practicals 

    13:00 Lunch

    14:00 GRIB API: Python interface - Xavi Abellan

    • A short introduction to Python and its use at ECMWF
    • The Python interface to grib_api for decoding, encoding and indexed access to GRIB messages

    Friday 27 February

    09:00 GRIB API: Advanced topics II - Shahram Najm

    • Parameter database
    • Conversion from GRIB 1 to GRIB 2

    10:30 Coffee

    11:00 GRIB API: Advanced topics III - Shahram Najm

    • Local adaptation - how to define your own local parameters

    12:15 Quiz

    12:55 Questionnaire/Feedback

    13:00 End of module COM GRIB


    Recommended reading

    1. Lecture notes:GRIB API: Library and tools training course 2014



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    titleComplete the survey

    Survey to follow


    edition      centre       typeOfLevel  level        dataDate     stepRange    dataType     shortName    packingType  gridType
    1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     0            cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg
    1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     6            cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg
    1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     12           cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg
    1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     18           cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg
    1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     24           cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg
    5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib1

    5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files

    The file contains mean sea-level pressure (shortName=msl) from the ECMWF EPS control forecast (dataType=cf) for 6-hourly steps from 0 to 24 hours for dataDate=20110225.  The messages are encoded in GRIB edition 1.

    2.  To list the GRIB messages in msl.grib2

       %  grib_ls msl.grib2
    edition      centre       date         dataType     gridType     stepRange    typeOfLevel  level        shortName    packingType
    2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   0            meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
    2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   6            meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
    2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   12           meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
    2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   18           meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
    2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   24           meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
    5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib2

    5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files

    The file also contains mean sea-level pressure (shortName=msl) from the ECMWF EPS control forecast (dataType=cf) for 6-hourly steps from 0 to 24 hours for dataDate=20110225.  In this file the messages are encoded in GRIB edition 2.

    The lists show the default keys printed by grib_ls for GRIB 1 and GRIB 2.

    3.  To print the mars keys, use grib_ls -m:

       % grib_ls -m msl.grib1
       domain      levtype     date        time        step        param       class       type        stream      expver
       g           sfc         20110225    0000        0           151.128     od          cf          enfo        0001
       g           sfc         20110225    0000        6           151.128     od          cf          enfo        0001
       g           sfc         20110225    0000        12          151.128     od          cf          enfo        0001
       g           sfc         20110225    0000        18          151.128     od          cf          enfo        0001
       g           sfc         20110225    0000        24          151.128     od          cf          enfo        0001
      5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib1

      5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files

       % grib_ls -m msl.grib1
       domain      date        time        expver      class       type        stream      step        levtype     levelist    param
       g           20110225    0000        0001        od          cf          enfo        0           sfc         0           151
       g           20110225    0000        0001        od          cf          enfo        6           sfc         0           151
       g           20110225    0000        0001        od          cf          enfo        12          sfc         0           151
       g           20110225    0000        0001        od          cf          enfo        18          sfc         0           151
       g           20110225    0000        0001        od          cf          enfo        24          sfc         0           151
       5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib2

       5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files

    4.  Output can be printed in descending step order using grib_ls with the -B option.  Note it is necessary to use “step:l” here as step has a default type of ‘string’.

       % grib_ls -B "step:l desc" msl.grib1

       edition      centre       typeOfLevel  level        dataDate     stepRange    dataType     shortName    packingType  gridType
       1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     24           cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg
       1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     18           cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg
       1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     12           cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg
       1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     6            cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg
       1            ecmf         surface      0            20110225     0            cf           msl          grid_simple  regular_gg

       % grib_ls -B "step:l desc" msl.grib2
       edition      centre       date         dataType     gridType     stepRange    typeOfLevel  level        shortName    packingType
       2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   24           meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
       2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   18           meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
       2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   12           meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
       2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   6            meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple
       2            ecmf         20110225     cf           regular_gg   0            meanSea      0            msl          grid_simple

    5.  To specify a set of keys to print, use the -p option:

      % grib_ls -p centre,dataDate,stepRange,typeOfLevel,shortName  msl.grib1
    centre       dataDate     stepRange     typeOfLevel  shortName
    ecmf         20110225     0             surface      msl
    ecmf         20110225     6             surface      msl
    ecmf         20110225     12            surface      msl
    ecmf         20110225     18            surface      msl
    ecmf         20110225     24            surface      msl
    5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib1

    5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files

    Using the "key:l" for centre and levelType prints these keys as their integer values rather than strings:

      % grib_ls -p centre:l,dataDate,stepRange,levelType:l,shortName,paramId msl.grib1
    centre       dataDate     stepRange    levelType   shortName    paramId
    98           20110225     0            1            msl          151
    98           20110225     6            1            msl          151
    98           20110225     12           1            msl          151
    98           20110225     18           1            msl          151
    98           20110225     24           1            msl          151
    5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib1

    5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files

    Similarly for msl.grib2:

      % grib_ls -p centre:l,dataDate,stepRange,levelType:l,shortName,paramId msl.grib2
    centre       dataDate     stepRange    levelType  shortName    paramId
    98           20110225     0            101          msl          151
    98           20110225     6            101          msl          151
    98           20110225     12           101          msl          151
    98           20110225     18           101          msl          151
    98           20110225     24           101          msl          151
    5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib2

    5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files

    Solution to grib_ls -l  practical

    1.  To list the nearest points to ECMWF (Lat 51.42 N, Lon 0.95 W) use

       % grib_ls -l 51.42,-0.95 msl.grib1

       5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files
       Input Point: latitude=51.42  longitude=-0.95
       Grid Point chosen #3 index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km)
       Other grid Points
       - 1 - index=17599 latitude=50.72 longitude=359.10 distance=77.54 (Km)
       - 2 - index=17598 latitude=50.72 longitude=358.20 distance=97.59 (Km)
       - 3 - index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km)
       - 4 - index=17198 latitude=51.62 longitude=358.20 distance=62.87 (Km)
       Note we specify the longitude of 0.95 W with -0.95 !

       The nearest grid point is at latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 (=0.9 W) and is 22.57 km from ECMWF.

    2. To output only the forecast step and MSLP value at the nearest grid point use:

       % grib_ls -l 51.42,-0.95,1 -p stepRange msl.grib1
       stepRange    value
       0           102527
       6           102365
       12          102456
       18          102289
       24          101862
       5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib1

       5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files
       Input Point: latitude=51.42  longitude=-0.95
       Grid Point chosen #3 index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km)
       Other grid Points
       - 1 - index=17599 latitude=50.72 longitude=359.10 distance=77.54 (Km)
       - 2 - index=17598 latitude=50.72 longitude=358.20 distance=97.59 (Km)
       - 3 - index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km)
       - 4 - index=17198 latitude=51.62 longitude=358.20 distance=62.87 (Km)
    Note it is necessary to specify MODE=1 in order to print the value of the nearest grid point only.  

    To output the values at the four grid points nearest to ECMWF, use MODE=4 which is the default:

       % grib_ls -l 51.42,-0.95 -p stepRange msl.grib1
       stepRange          value1  value2  value3  value4
       0           102674 102663 102527 102501
       6           102532 102516 102365 102333
       12          102633 102585 102456 102426
       18          102444 102390 102289 102259
       24          102057 101959 101862 101760
       5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib1

       5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files
       Input Point: latitude=51.42  longitude=-0.95
       Grid Point chosen #3 index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km)
       Other grid Points
       - 1 - index=17599 latitude=50.72 longitude=359.10 distance=77.54 (Km)
       - 2 - index=17598 latitude=50.72 longitude=358.20 distance=97.59 (Km)
       - 3 - index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km)
       - 4 - index=17198 latitude=51.62 longitude=358.20 distance=62.87 (Km)
    3. To specify the land-sea mask, use:

       % grib_ls -l 51.42,-0.95,1,lsm.grib1 -p stepRange msl.grib1
    stepRange    value
    0           102527
    6           102365
    12          102456
    18          102289
    24          101862
    5 of 5 grib messages in msl.grib1

    5 of 5 total grib messages in 1 files
    Input Point: latitude=51.42  longitude=-0.95
    Grid Point chosen #3 index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km)
    Mask values:
    - 1 - index=17599 latitude=50.72 longitude=359.10 distance=77.54 (Km) value=0.00
    - 2 - index=17598 latitude=50.72 longitude=358.20 distance=97.59 (Km) value=1.00
    - 3 - index=17199 latitude=51.62 longitude=359.10 distance=22.57 (Km) value=1.00
    - 4 - index=17198 latitude=51.62 longitude=358.20 distance=62.87 (Km) value=1.00

    Here the mask value at the end of the line showing the four nearest grid points indicates which are land points: Land points have mask ≥ 0.5; sea points have mask<0.5.

12:15 GRIB API: Keys - Shahram Najm

  • Coded and computed keys
  • The namespace
  • Examples of keys

13:00 Lunch

14:00 GRIB API: Tools - Paul Dando

  • Comparing the content of GRIB messages with grib_compare
  • Printing data values with grib_get_data
  • Using grib_get

15:30 Coffee

16:00 GRIB API: Tools - Paul Dando

  • Copying GRIB messages with grib_copy
  • Making simple modifications to the GRIB header information with grib_set

16:55 Questionnaire/Feedback

17:00 Cocktails

Wednesday 25 February

09:00 GRIB API: Fortran, C, Python APIs - Dominique Lucas, Xavi Abellan, Cristian Simarro

  • Overview of the API
  • Using the API functions for decoding with Fortran, C and Python
  • Practicals

10:30 Coffee

11:00 GRIB API: Fortran, C, Python APIs (continued) - Dominique Lucas, Xavi Abellan, Cristian Simarro

  • Practicals  

13:00 Lunch

14:00 GRIB API: Advanced tools - Paul Dando

  • Basic features of grib_filter
  • Conversion from GRIB to NetCDF with grib_to_netcdf

15:30 Coffee

16:00 GRIB API: General practicals

16:55 Questionnaire/Feedback

17:00 End

Thursday 26 February

09:00 GRIB API: Fortran, C, python APIs - Advanced features - Dominique Lucas, Xavi Abellan, Cristian Simarro

  • Use of the indexing routines
  • Encoding GRIB messages and using GRIB samples
  • Practicals 

10:30 Coffee

11:00 GRIB API: Fortran, C, python APIs - Advanced features (continued) - Dominique Lucas, Xavi Abellan, Cristian Simarro

  • Practicals 

13:00 Lunch

14:00 GRIB API: Python interface - Xavi Abellan

  • A short introduction to Python and its use at ECMWF
  • The Python interface to grib_api for decoding, encoding and indexed access to GRIB messages

Friday 27 February

09:00 GRIB API: Advanced topics II - Shahram Najm

  • Parameter database
  • Conversion from GRIB 1 to GRIB 2

10:30 Coffee

11:00 GRIB API: Advanced topics III - Shahram Najm

  • Local adaptation - how to define your own local parameters

12:15 Quiz

12:55 Questionnaire/Feedback

13:00 End of module COM GRIB


Recommended reading

  1. Lecture notes:GRIB API: Library and tools training course 2014



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