Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


You have seen already how to visualise your outputs either on the display or save saving it to a file. Most processing you will do with Metview will lead to an visualisation you might want to save to either publish it on web pages or in reports or simply to keep records. This session will give you more information on how you can save and customise your visualisations. 


FormatparameterHow to visualiseWhat to use for
Qt Metview display windowInteractive usage within Metview
PostScriptps/epsokular, ghostscript/gvPrinting, publications
PDFpdfokular, acroreadWeb, archiving
PNGpngweb browsers, display, xvWeb, presentations -> animations
SVGsvgweb browsers, inkscapevector graphics editor (e.g. Inkscape)Web HTML5, editing with inkscapefor further editing in drawing programs
KML/KMZkmlGoogle Earth, Google Maps, OpenLayersInteractive (non-scientific) publications


When a large amount of plots is generated it is often hard to find later plots with specific contents. What can help is to store additional information with the plots to describe what the content is. This descriptions about the content are called Metadata. Magics/Metview support the saving of such metadata when the format allows this. Especially in text/XML based formats, such as Postscript and SVG, you can use simple UNIX tools like grep to search the files for specific keywords.


Whenever you have a plot window open which displays any map or graph, you are able to export the plot into other file formats. You can either select the export button in the menu (looks like a floppy disk with a pen)

  , or by selecting File > Export  or by using the Ctrl+s keyboard shortcut.


You will get be presented with a dialogue as shown below

Image Removed

(shown below) similar to what is used by other programs to choose a location and filename for the saved output.You can select which pages you want to save (if you have a serious of them), which format and if you want to edit any format specific options.

Image Added

If you select  


  1. From an open display window, try to save your plot as a PDF.
  2. Now try to save your plot as a SVG without and with fixed dimensions.
    1. Open both files in Firefox and see how the plots behave when you resize the browser window.
    2. Open one of the SVGs in inkscape and edit the images (for example add some text) and save it as a PDF.
