Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



In general it is organised, as a huge tree, with the indentation below, showing different levels down that tree:

  • centre (BoM, ECMWF, NCEP, JMA, ...)
    • realtime or reforecast
      •  type of data (control forecast or perturbed forecast)
        • type of level (single level or pressure level or potential  temperature)
          • model version date (2014-0504-01 or ...)
            • hindcast dates (
            • 2014
            • 2013-09-01
            • -01 or 2014-01-02 or 2014-01-03
            • , 2013-09-06, 2013-09-11, 2013-09-16,  2013-09-21, 2013-09-26, ...)
              •  time
            • -
              • and steps
                • members (for perturbed forecast)
                  • levels (for pl or pt)
                    • parameters

What would be the natural way to group requests?



The request below is for all members of the perturbed forecast, 10 meter U and V wind components, for all time-steps for Geopotential height and temperature, for the pressure levels 500/700/850/925/1000,  for time-steps  24/to/720/by/24 and for model version 2014-0501-01

Code Block
#!/usr/bin/env python
from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer

modelVersionDate = "2014-01-01"  # This is the first model version for BoM (babj)
hindcastDate = "2013-09-01"      # The selected hindcast date
server = ECMWFDataServer()

    "class": "s2",
    "dataset": "s2s",
    "date": modelVersionDate,
    "expver": "prod",
    "hdate": hindcastDate, 
    "levtype": "pl",
    "levelist": "10/50/100/200/300/500/700/850/925/1000",
    "origin": "ammc",
    "param": "130/131/132/133/135/156",
    "step": "24/to/720/by/24",
    "stream": "enfh",
    "target": "",
    "time": "00",
    "number": "1/2/3",
    "type": "pf",
