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Resizing the screen and shared folders

Resizing screen automatically

To have the monitor size in the virtual machine change size automatically as the virtual machine window is resized, select the 'Auto resize' option from the View menu when the virtual machine is active.


In order for this to work, some additional software might need to be installed on the virtual machine, known as Guest Additions. If this doesn't work, try installing (or reinstalling) the guest additions software.

Change default screen size

The first time the virtual machine (VM) is started, the screen size may be set to 1024x768 pixels.

To change the screen size requires changing the desktop settings in the Linux virtual machine (similar to any Linux desktop)

  1. Start up the virtual machine and let it start up fully.
  2. Resize the VM window to the required size.
  3. In the bottom left corner, find the openSUSE icon Image Added and click it.
  4. Then select 'Applications' and 'Configure Desktop':
    Image Added
  5. On the window that appears, find the icon labelled 'Display and Monitor' and click it.
    Image Added
  6. On the display window, click 'Size & Orientation' in the left bar (if not selected).
    In the middle panel, find the 'Size' menu:
    Image Added
  7. Select the largest size on this menu. It should match the resized window from step 2.
    Image Added
  8. Click 'Apply' to set the new resolution:
    Image Added
  9. Confirm the change and you're done.

Shared folders

Shared folders enable the host and guest machines to share files via a common folder (directory).


To install or re-install Guest Additions follow these instructions.

Check guest additions are installed

To check if guest additions is already installed run the following command:


  1. Start up the virtual machine (VM) and let it start up fully.With the VM the active window, select the 'Devices' menu and the 'Install guest additions CD image..
    Image Removed
    A popup window should appear in the virtual machine showing the CD.In the virtual machine, open a Terminal window from the openSUSE icon and 'Applications'
    Image Removed

  2. First check that the necessary kernel files are installed:

    Code Block
    zypper search kernel-devel

    If not, install them with the command:

    Code Block
    sudo zypper install kernel-devel

    The installation needs to be done as the root user. This command will prompt for the root password 'metv1ew!'

  3. With the VM the active window, select the 'Devices' menu and the 'Install guest additions CD image..
    Image Added

    A popup window should appear in the virtual machine showing the CD.

  4. In the virtual machine, open a Terminal window from the openSUSE icon and 'Applications' menu
    Image AddedImage Added


  5. In the Terminal, change to the directory where the VBoxAdditions CD was mounted. This will be under the /run/media directory, followed by the username.

    Code Block
    , type the following command to change directory to the mounted CD:code
    cd /run/media/openifs/VBOXADDITIONS_4.3.34_104062

    Note!  The name of the VBOXADDITIONS directory may be different. The version number follows the directory name.
    Note!  The name 'openifs' in the above directory is the username. If this is not the right filename, open the filebrowser and select the mounted CD.

  6. To start the installation of the Guest Additions, type the following command into the Terminal:

    Code Block
    sudo ./

    This will prompt for the root password, usually 'metv1ew!'

Adjusting the screen size

The first time the virtual machine (VM) is started, the screen size may be set to 1024x768 pixels.

To change the screen size requires changing the desktop settings in the Linux virtual machine (similar to any Linux desktop)

  1. Info

    The installation may report that Guest Additions is already installed and ask you to confirm.

    The installation only takes a few minutes.

  2. Reboot the virtual machine for the changes to take effect.

  3. Check that the user accounts have access to the shared folder. The shared folder is usually mounted in the /media directory:

    Code Block
    % ls -l /media
    drwxrwx--- 1 root vboxsf 170 Jun  2  2014 sf_shared_folder

    In the above example, the VirtualBox settings have used a shared folder name of 'shared_folder'.

    For users to read/write to this directory, they must be in the 'vboxsf' group. Look in the /etc/group file to check:

    Code Block
    % grep vboxsf /etc/group

    If the usernames are missing, add them using these commands:

    Code Block
    sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf openifs
    sudo usermod -a -G vboxsf metview

    Please note that the user 'openifs' does not exist on the earlier OpenIFS Virtual Machines

  4. Start up the virtual machine and let it start up fully.
  5. Resize the VM window to the required size.
  6. In the bottom left corner, find the openSUSE icon Image Removed and click it.
  7. Then select 'Applications' and 'Configure Desktop':
    Image Removed
  8. On the window that appears, find the icon labelled 'Display and Monitor' and click it.
    Image Removed
  9. On the display window, click 'Size & Orientation' in the left bar (if not selected).
    In the middle panel, find the 'Size' menu:
    Image Removed
  10. Select the largest size on this menu. It should match the resized window from step 2.
    Image Removed
  11. Click 'Apply' to set the new resolution:
    Image Removed
  12. Confirm the change and you're done
