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Code Block
titleNamelist settings for dynamical core : NAMDYNCORE
LDYNCORE=true,       ! switches on idealized planet configurations.
LAQUA=true,          ! switches on idealized aqua planet.
MSSTSCHEME=1,        ! controls SST choice for aquaplanet following Neale & Hoskins (2000a) (see ifs/module/yomdyncore.F90 for more details).
                     !  1 = Control; 2 = Peaked; 3 = Flat;  4 = Qobs;  5 = Control5N;  6 = 1KEQ, chi=1.0;  7 = 3KEQ, chi=3.0;  8 = 3KW1, chi=3.0
NOISEVOR=1,          ! if 1 add initial noise in vorticity

The SST modifications can be further changed using the variables:


RLAMBDA0       : Longitude of maximum SST anomaly

RLAMBDAD, RPHID: Half width in long/lat of SST anomaly

RCHI           : Maximum magnitude of SST anomaly

For more details of the SST configuration, see: ifs/phys_ec/gp_sstaqua.F90. Modifications to the SST distributions can be made in this routine.


Mass conservation

Ensure that the mass conservation correction is enabled to prevent mass drifting in long integrations.
Edit namelist NAMDYN in the fort.4 file and add (or change) this variable:
