Versions Compared


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Configuring OpenIFS for an aqua-planet simulation requires appropriate changes to:

  • the model namelists: to enable the idealized configuration and initial fields
  • initial files: to set orography & land-sea-mask.
  • no changes to the code are required for the Neale & Hoskins cases; other configurations may require code changes.


Code Block
titleNamelist settings for dynamical core : NAMDYNCORE
LDYNCORE=true,       ! switches on idealized planet configurations.
LAQUA=true,          ! switches on idealized aqua planet.
MSSTSCHEME=1,        ! controls SST choice for aquaplanet following Neale & Hoskins (2000a) (see ifs/module/yomdyncore.F90 for more details).
                     !  1 = Control; 2 = Peaked; 3 = Flat;  4 = Qobs;  5 = Control5N;  6 = 1KEQ, chi=1.0;  
                     !  7 = 3KEQ, chi=3.0, width=15 deg;  8 = 3KW1, chi=3.0, width=30 deg; 9 = const. SST

The SST modifications can be further changed using the variables defined in ifs/phys_ec/gp_sstaqua.F90:

Code Block
RLAMBDA0       : Longitude of maximum SST anomaly
RLAMBDAD, RPHID: Half width in long/lat of SST anomaly
RCHI           : Maximum magnitude of SST anomaly

For more details of the SST configuration, see: ifs/phys_ec/gp_sstaqua.F90. Modifications to the SST distributions can be made in this routine.


Mass conservation

Ensure that the mass conservation correction is enabled to prevent mass drifting in long integrations.
Edit namelist NAMDYN in the fort.4 file and add (or change) this variable:


Note in this example, the model physics is turned on (enabled). By setting LEPHYS=false, the model would run an aqua-planet with all the physics switched off.
For more information on these switches see the relevant modules in the model code: yoephy.F90 (and yoewcou.F90 for the coupling to the wave model).

Code Block
titleNamelist settings for model physics: NAEPHY
LEPHYS=true,     ! switch the full ECMWF physics package on/off.
LEVDIF=true,     ! turn on/off the vertical diffusion scheme.
LESURF=true,     ! turn on/off the interface surface processes.
LECOND=true,     ! turn on/off the large-scale condensation processes.
LECUMF=true,     ! turn on/off the mass-flux cumulus convection.
LEPCLD=true,     ! turn on/off the prognostic cloud scheme.
LEEVAP=true,     ! turn on/off the evaporation of precipitation
LEVGEN=true,     ! turn on/off Van Genuchten hydrology (with soil type field)
LESSRO=true,     ! turn on/off orographic (VIC-type) runoff
LECURR=false,    ! if true, ocean current boundary condition is used.
LEGWDG=true,     ! turn on/off gravity wave drag.
LEGWWMS=true,    ! turn on/off the Warner-McIntyre-Scinocca non-orographic gravity wave drag scheme.
LEOZOC=true,     ! turn on/off the climatological ozone.
LEQNGT=true,     ! turn on/off the negative humidity fixer.
LERADI=true,     ! turn on/off the radiation scheme.
LERADS=true,     ! turn on/off the interactive surface radiative properties.
LESICE=true,     ! turn on/off the interactive sea-ice processes.
LEO3CH=false,    ! turn on/off the ozone chemistry (for prognostic ozone).
LEDCLD=true,     ! turn on/off the diagnostic cloud scheme.
LDUCTDIA=false,  ! turn on/off computation and archiving of ducting diagnostics.
LWCOU=false,     ! turn on/off coupled wave model (n.b. always off for OpenIFS model version 38r1).
LWCOU2W=false,   ! turn on/off two-way interaction with the wave model (n.b. always off for OpenIFS model version 38r1).
