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Planned installation


Installation date 2017-05-12 (version 4.6.1)

Info panelNew feature: all attributes of the selected node are now displayed in the 'Info' info panel 
StartupImprovement: when the server list file is ill-formatted a dialogue pops up with the list of errors on startup. When closing this dialogue ecFlowUI exits and users are asked to resolve the problems in the server list file manually then start ecFlowUI again. 

Fix: fixed issue where a crash happened during startup on ecgate

Tree viewFix: fixed issue where a crash happened when clicking on a server in the tree view 
Tree viewFix: fixed issue where multiline labels overlapped other attributes in tree view 

Installation date 2017-05-05 (version 4.6.0)

Tree viewNew feature: a new tree view layout called 'Compact' is now available. This 'Compact' layout works exactly in the same way as the tree view in ecflowview and saves some vertical space. To switch between the original layout, now called 'Standard' layout, and the new one use Edit → Preferences → Appearance → Tree view → Tree layout style.

PanelsNew feature: to help with smaller displays, a new button was added to the panel headers (tree view, table view and info panel) to maximise the panel area. When this button is pressed the panel occupies all the available space in the given tab and the other panels become hidden. At the same time a warning message appears in the header saying "Panel maximised". By pressing the button again the original panel layout in the tab is restored.

BreadcrumbsNew feature: the breadcrumbs are now located in the panel header, saving some vertical space (previously they had their own area just below the panel header). When "Breadcrumbs" is on (toggle via the cogwheel icon) the breadcrumbs are visible in the header, otherwise the node path is simply shown as text.


Why panelNew feature: the top-down Why (through the children) is now displayed in the Why info panel alongside with the bottom-up Why (through the parents). As an additional improvement the node statuses are now colour-coded and the parts of the expression which are false are highlighted (with a darker background). Also, the attribute notation became clearer and both the nodes and attributes are now hyper-linked.

LimitsNew feature: the limit editor now shows the list of nodes consuming the given limit. With the provided buttons the selected node paths can be removed ('Remove' button) or the whole list can be cleared ('Reset' button).




New feature: it is now possible to choose between circular and rectangular limit shapes (see Edit → Preferences → Appearance → Attributes → Limit shape). The default limit shape is "circle". The rectangular shape allows for a more compact view.

TriggersNew feature: the colours used for trigger and complete rendering can now be controlled from Edit → Preferences → Appearance → Attributes.

Info panelNew feature: the 'Info', 'Manual', 'Script' and 'Job' Info panels can now be manually refreshed with the provided button

Info panelNew feature: the "detached" state in the popup (i.e. dialogue) info panel is now represented with a separate "chain" button just like in the docked info panel. As a further improvement the "detached" option is saved for the popup info panel.

Info PanelNew feature: flags of the selected node are now displayed in the 'Info' info panel

Tree viewNew feature: the last selected node per tree view is saved on exit and restored on startup 

Change: some of the node icons were improved, the changes are summarised below:

Node has had a user action since its last requeue (see the Node Log for details)
Complete by default status or by complete expression
Has been restarted
Slow server write
Table viewChange: when a selection is broadcast to the table view (e.g. from a tree view, search result view etc) it will only be visible there if it matches the filter set on the table view. The previous behaviour was that the broadcast selection was always shown in the table view even if it did not match the filter. 
Output logChange: line numbers are no longer shown in the output log ('Output' panel) to save space. Line numbers are still shown for the Script and Job.
RepeatsImprovement: in the repeat editor the current value for date repeats can be selected from the list at the bottom of the editor 
CommandImprovement: when a command sent to the server fails, a dialogue pops up showing the error message 
Context menuImprovement: the 'Cancel' command was renamed 'Remove' and was made available for suites, tasks and families 
Context menuImprovement: the context menu now better handles the situation where multiple nodes and attributes are selected 
LimitsFix: fixed issue when the limit text was incorrectly turned red when the limit reached, but did not exceed, its maximum 
LimitsFix: fixed issue when the limit maximum could not be set to zero 
Context menuFix: fixed issue when stray context menu appeared in panel headers 
UpdateFix: fixed issue when setting the server update frequency did not always make effect immediately 
Server list fileFix: fixed issue when a malformed server list file caused a crash 
ZombiesFix: fixed issue when commands did not work for multiple zombie selection in the Zombies info panel 
VariablesFix: fixed issue when deleting a variable caused a crash 
StabilityFix: fixed additional crashes 


Trigger view

New feature: a new tab called "Triggers" was added to the Info panel. It displays a list-based trigger dependency  view.

See Viewing dependencies - 2016

TriggersNew feature: triggers can now be edited by either double-click on them or selecting "Edit ..." from their context menu.

Server List

New feature: ecFlowUI now updates its local server list with the centrally maintained system server list on every startup.

See Server management

Migrate/restoreNew feature: The Migrate and Restore commands are now available for suites and families from the Special context menu. Besides, a new icon representing the "Migrated" flag was added to the tree and table views. This is ON by default. This can be set from the Icons menu from the header of the tree view panel. Please note that this feature will only work with servers running ecFlow version 4.4 or above.

Why panelNew feature: Node paths appearing in the Why panel are now hyperlinked. Clicking a hyperlink results in broadcasting the selection to the other views (tree/table).

Info panelNew feature: If an "aborted reason" is available for a node its full text is displayed in the "Info" tab in the info panel.

LimitsImprovement: if a limit exceeds its maximum value the values beyond the maximum are rendered with a different colour (blue by default). This colour can be customised in  Preferences → Appearance →  Attributes → Limit exceed colour. As a warning, when the value exceeds the maximum the numbers for the limit value and maximum value are rendered in red.

Table viewImprovement: the table view now remembers the width and the visibility of the table columns. 
Table view
Fix: fixed issue when the node status was always rendered with gradient shading in the table view. It now respects the setting in Preferences → Appearance →  Status → Status rendering option. 
Node searchNew feature: a "Clear options" button was added to the Node search dialogue to clear the query options set for the nodes and attributes.


IconsImprovement: the icon pixmaps are now displayed in the Show icon menu (in the header of tree view panel).

ConfigurationFix: fixed issue when window geometry and layout was incorrectly saved 
