Versions Compared


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New feature: the Triggers panel was completely redesigned to display a table-based representation of triggers.

See Viewing dependencies

New feature: the refresh server button in the left hand side of the toolbar has been developed was turned into a more advanced widget providing better interaction to and more details of the refresh process of the selected server. The new interface comprises of the following components (from left to right):

  • refresh button
  • label with the server name
  • progress bar showing the countdown to the next automatic refresh. It also displays the total length of the current refresh period.
  • label showing the time of the last server refresh (hidden by default in automatic refresh mode)

The properties of this widget  (e.g. the visibility of the last refresh time) can be controlled from the dialogue in  Tools → Preferences → Appearance → Toolbar




Context menu

New feature: a menu mode was added to control what commands are actually shown in the node context menu. The menu mode has these three categories:

  • User (default)
  • Operator
  • Administrator

The Operator and Administrator modes allow suites to be begun, nodes to be removed and servers to be unlocked. Administrator mode additionally enables the Force and Order menus.

The current menu mode is displayed in the window title bar of ecFlowUI.

To change the menu mode use: Tools → Preferences → Menus → Toolbar                 


Suite filter

New feature: the Filter only this suite action was added to the Special menu of the node context menu in the Tree view. With this action we can quickly redefine the suite filter on the current server to filter only the suite of the selected node.

SearchNew feature: a new column , called Status changed, showing the last status change of the nodes, was added to the search results table view 
ZombiesNew feature: if we double click on on an item in the Zombies panel or select the Look up in tree action from the context menu in the Zombies pane the node in question becomes selected in the tree view 
PreferencesNew feature: the Preferences dialogue was removed moved form the Edit menu to Tools. At the same time the Edit menu itself was removed. 
Node logNew feature: log entries can now be copied into the clipboard using the context menu 
Edit panelImprovement: the Submit as alias option in the Edit info panel was turned into a checkbox from a  push button

WindowsFix: fixed issue when closing one multiple windows caused a crash 
Why panelFix: fixed issue when clicking on generated variables in the Why output did not make them selected in the Tree view 
