Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Note that on ECMWF machines, you need to load the 'dev' module of ecflow to get the 4.8.0 test version:

Code Block
module swap ecflow/dev

This command should only be for testing the new user interface and not for running a server!

Installation date 2017-12-05  (version 4.8.0)


New feature: A new option was added to control the notification popup dialogue (in Tools → Preferences → Notifications) as:

Switch to parent's virtual desktop from popup dialogue

Having this option enabled if we click on a node in the notification popup dialogue the window manager automatically switches to the virtual desktop where the main ecFlowUI window is located and moves the popup dialogue into this desktop. By default this option is disabled.

Image Added

Installation date 2017-11-28  (version 4.8.0)


Improvement: Colours are available again to decorate the notification interface. The colour selected for a notification type (in Tools → Preferences → Notifications) is used in the following way:

  • the button in the notification statusbar is only coloured when there are notifications available in the given category
  • in the notification popup dialogue a coloured label shows the name of the given notification category above the list of tasks

For the "aborted" notifications by default the notification background and text colours are automatically taken from the settings of the aborted status itself. This can be overridden form Tools → Preferences → Notifications → Aborted via the "Use aborted status colour" option. When this option is unticked we can set our own custom colours for the "aborted" notifications.


Info panelNew feature: all attributes of the selected node are now displayed in the 'Info' info panel 
StartupImprovement: when the server list file is ill-formatted a dialogue pops up with the list of errors on startup. When closing this dialogue ecFlowUI exits and users are asked to resolve the problems in the server list file manually then start ecFlowUI again. 

Fix: fixed issue where a crash happened during startup on ecgate

Tree viewFix: fixed issue where a crash happened when clicking on a server in the tree view 
Tree viewFix: fixed issue where multiline labels overlapped other attributes in tree view 


Updates for version 4.6.0


NodesImprovement: tree and table views will now always show the selected node, even if it does not match the filtering criteria. For example, if a tree view has a status filter which does not display completed nodes, and the user clicks on a completed node from a search result or a notification, then it will appear in any tree or table view that is in the linked state.ECFLOW-813
Tree viewImprovement: when the result of a search is an attribute and it is clicked on, it  becomes selected in any linked tree viewsECFLOW-839
Variables panelImprovement: the variables panel now has a horizontal scrollbar, allowing the easy viewing of long variablesECFLOW-830
ShutdownFix: fixed occasional crash on shutdownECFLOW-832


Installation date 2016-11-24
