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Specification of the input data:

  • Data format: WMO-GRIB2

  • Time step frequency: 3h (cumulated parameters will be not archived at step 0)

  • Grid: original model grid

  • Parameters: parameters listed below (most of them are so called High Priority according to the TIGGE-LAM project plan)

  • Model runs:  up-to 4 of all available with preference for the ones from the main forecast times (00, 06, 12, 18UTC)
  • Forecast types: perturbed, control (if available)
  • Static fields (orography, land-sea mask) are archived only for step 0 and control forecast (if exists) or the first perturbed forecast


High Priority parameters:




type (3)remark

Perturbed fields provided at 3-h interval (including step 0)

10m U-velocity10u10mm s-1165HP
10m V-velocity10v10mm s-1166HP

Convective available potential energy

capesurfaceJ kg-159 

Convective inhibition

cinsurfaceJ kg-1228001 values must be <=0 (non-positive)
Mean sea level pressuremslpMSLPa151HP

Surface air temperature



Surface air dew point temperature


Perturbed fields provided at 3-h interval (excluding step 0)

Total precipitation (liquid + frozen) (4)

tpsurfacekg m-2228228HP

Large scale precipitation (1) (4)

lspsurfacekg m-23062HP
10 metre wind gust in the last 3 hours (1)10fg310mm s-1228028HP

Fields provided at step 0 (static or perturbed) (2)


(Geopotential height at the surface)


Land-sea mask



(0-1 values)


(1) Newly introduced parameters which are not stored in TIGGE (global) archive.

(2) If control forecast exists the field should be provided with it otherwise with the 1st ensemble member, always only at step 0. If the fields are perturbed there should be provided with every ensemble member, and control forecast if exists, at step 0.

(3) HP = High Priority parameter according to TIGGE-LAM expert team plans

(4) accumulated from the beginning of the forecast