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The file server_environment.cfg can be found in the ecflowecFlow/Server folder.

Modifying this allows you to change the defaults default environment variables for ecFlow including the default commands for submitting and killing tasks.

The server look looks for the file in the CWD, hence make sure you move it.

Shows some of the default variables you can configure.
Table 8 1 Some configurable variables in configserver_environment.hcfg


Code Block






Name of the ecFlow log file




(stdout and stderr of the process ECF)




Name of the ecFlow checkpoint file




Name of the ecFlow backup checkpoint file




The frequency of checking time dependencies




Default time between automatic "check pointing"




Default ecFlow submission method

## Copyright 2009-2020 ECMWF.
## This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence version 2.0 
## which can be obtained at 
## In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities 
## granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation 
## nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. 

# This file is used to define the standard defaults for ECF.
# Most are *variables* used in the server
# Some like ECF_TASK_THRESHOLD are used to debug job generation
# ******************************************************************
# Warning: Do *NOT* use quotes around the value part.
# ******************************************************************

#  *******************************************************************
#  * ECF_HOME is typically the home/root for all '.ecf' files
#  * Can be overridden with a environment variable of the same name
#  *******************************************************************

#  ******************************************************************
#  * The name of check point file. i.e. defs file with state
#  * Can be overridden with a environment variable of the same name
#  * default: is <host>.<port>.ecf.check
#  * Note: Any settings will be prepended with <host>.<port>.
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_CHECK = ecf.check

#  ******************************************************************
#  * The name of the backup checkpoint file
#  * Can be overridden with a environment variable of the same name
#  * default: is <host>.<port>.ecf.check.b
#  * Note: Any settings will be prepended with <host>.<port>.
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_CHECKOLD = ecf.check.b

#  ******************************************************************
#  * The intervals within the server that the checkpoint file should 
#  * be saved.
#  * Can be overridden with a environment variable of the same name
#  ******************************************************************

#  ******************************************************************
#  * Check point configuration:
#  * 
#  * Mode must be one of: 
#  *   CHECK_NEVER    /* No auto checkpointing                       */
#  *   CHECK_ON_TIME  /* At intervals specified by ECF_CHECKINTERVAL */
#  *   CHECK_ALWAYS   /* After any change                            */
#  * The checkpoint filenames can be configured using environment variables
#  ******************************************************************

#  ******************************************************************
#  * The port number, this must be consistent between client and server
#  * If we get "Address in use" then both client/server number should changed.
#  * Also if two servers are started on the same machine with same port
#  * then we will also get "Address in use" error and server will bomb out.
#  * Can be overridden with a environment variable of the same name
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_PORT = 3141

#  ******************************************************************
#  * The name of log file.
#  * default log file name is: <host>.<port>.ecf.log, i.e. machine1.3141.ecf.log
#  * this is required since we can have multiple servers for a single
#  * machine, where each server will have a separate port number.
#  * Can be overridden with a environment variable of the same name
#  *
#  * Note: Any settings will be prepended with <host>.<port>.
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_LOG = ecf.log
#  ******************************************************************
#  * The period in second for which we should traverse dependencies
#  * and submit jobs. This should *RARELY* need changing, as it can affect
#  * correspondence with real time
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_INTERVAL = 60       

#  ******************************************************************
#  * The standard command use for job submission. 
#  * Provides DEFAULT can be overridden by user variable
#  ******************************************************************

#  ******************************************************************
#  * Define variable for killing any jobs. 
#  * Provides DEFAULT can be overridden by user variable
#  * The output of the command should be written to %ECF_JOB%.kill
#  * ecmwf: ${ECF_KILL:=/home/ma/emos/bin/ecfkill} %USER% %HOST% %ECF_RID% %ECF_JOB% > %ECF_JOB%.kill 2>&1
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_KILL_CMD = kill -15 %ECF_RID%  

#  ******************************************************************
#  * This is run by the SERVER 
#  * define variable of obtaining status. 
#  * Provides DEFAULT can be overridden by user variable
#  * The output of the command should be written to %ECF_JOB%.stat
#  * ecmwf: ${ECF_STAT:=trimurti} %USER% %HOST% %ECF_RID% %ECF_JOB% status> %ECF_JOB%.stat 2>&1
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_STATUS_CMD = ps --pid %ECF_RID% -f > %ECF_JOB%.stat 2>&1

#  ******************************************************************
#  * This is run by the CLIENT .  check from GUI
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_CHECK_CMD = ps --pid %ECF_RID% -f

#  ******************************************************************
#  * define variables used for url command. 
#  * Provides DEFAULT can be overriden by user variables
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_URL_CMD    = ${BROWSER:=firefox} -new-tab %ECF_URL_BASE%/%ECF_URL%
ECF_URL        = display/ECFLOW/ecflow+home

#  ******************************************************************
#  * Defines the character used in ECF_ pre-processing. i.e. identifies includes
#  * and is also used in variable substitution in '.ecf' scripts
#  ******************************************************************

#  ******************************************************************
#  * The ECF_LISTS is used to identify a file, that lists the user 
#  * who can access the server via client commands. Each client command 
#  * (ignoring task based commands, i.e. init, complete, event, meter, label)
#  * will encode the user name of the process initiating the client request
#  * This is then compared with list of users in the ecf.lists file.
#  * If this file is empty, then no authentication is done
#  * Each server can potionally have a different list.
#  * default: <host>.<port>.ecf.lists
#  * Note: Any settings will be prepended with <host>.<port>.
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_LISTS = ecf.lists

#  ******************************************************************
#  * Password file: Use when every user needs password authentication
#  * Each server can potionally have a different password file.
#  * default: <host>.<port>.ecf.passwd
#  * Note: Any settings will be prepended with <host>.<port>.
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_PASSWD = ecf.passwd

#  ******************************************************************
#  * Password file:, when only a few users need password, typically
#  * when a users UID on the remote client, does not match that on the server
#  * Each server can potionally have a different password file.
#  * default: <host>.<port>.ecf.custom_passwd
#  * Note: Any settings will be prepended with <host>.<port>.
#  ******************************************************************
ECF_CUSTOM_PASSWD = ecf.custom_passwd

# ***************************************************************************
# * Report on an task taking longer than the threshold. !!
# *    export ECF_TASK_THRESHOLD=4000
# ***************************************************************************
ECF_TASK_THRESHOLD = 4000         


