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WRF module available on



There is a WRF model already installed on TemsAtos. The module is available only for Intel programming environment and Mellanox Open MPI because this combination has given the best performance. Consequently, the module is only available once the following pre-requisite modules are loaded:

Code Block
titlepre-requisit modules
$> module load prgenv/intel intel/19.1.3 openmpi/
$> module load wrf

To see all pre-requisite conditions for the WRF one can use module spider command:


If you need any additional versions installed, or under another programming environment please contact us via Support Portal

WRF Example

To set up a working directory for running WPS and WRF from the public install, use the WRF utility script called build_wrf_workdir. This script creates the appropriate folder structure for running WPS and WRF under your $PERM folder:


After it has been executed once, every other time you just have to load the module to run the model.

Geogrid Data

Geogrid data for various different resolutions (30", 2', 5', and 10') is currently available in in /lusec/pfs1res4/hpcperm/usbk/geog.
The 'geog_data_path' variable in WPS's namelist.wps has already been configured to use this greogrid data. Please note that this location could be unavailable for 3-4 hours per year during system sessions. Consequently, any operational or "Time Critical" work should not be based on it.

Boundary Conditions

Boundary conditions from IFS HiRes are provided for date 30/04/2019 at 00 UTC +6 hours ahead and domain covering most of Europe. These BC files are already linked inside script. For other geographical regions, BC can be download from publicly available ftp server:


For more information look: ECMWF WRF Test Data

How to install your own version of WRF on



Intel compilers & Open MPI

To install WRF with Intel compilers, the following modules need to be pre-loaded:

Code Block
$>module load prgenv/intel netcdf4 hpcx-openmpi jasper/2.0.14
$>module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) intel/19.1.2   2) prgenv/intel   3) netcdf4/4.7.4   4) openmpi/  hpcx-openmpi   5) jasper/2.0.14

WRF needs to be pointed to NETCDF location manually:


Code Block
titleWRF running script
module load netcdf4

CSH is not installed on TEMS. To execute CSH scripts one can use locally installed as part of the WRF module:

Code Block
module load wrf
tcsh ./compile

Compilation should be submitted as a batch job and an example is given in the WRF module:


In modules such as netcdf4 on TEMSAtos, libraries are linked using environmental variables:


Everything else should be done following the official WRF user guide.

Intel compilers & Intel MPI

There are only a few differences in the compilation process with Intep MPI:


Code Block
$>module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) intel/19.1.2   2) prgenv/intel   3) netcdf4/4.7.4   4) jasper/2.0.14   5) intel-mpi/19.1.2

  • In configure.wrf and configure.wps make the following settings:
