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The European Commission H2020 CHE (CO2 Human Emission) project is has been coordinated by ECMWF and ran from October 2017 to December 2020 to prepare the building blocks of an anthropogenic CO2 monitoring system. Its follow-on project CoCO2 (Copernicus CO2 prototype) started from January 2021 to December 2023 to deliver the first prototype of a European CO2MVS (CO2 Monitoring and Verification Support capacity).

Image AddedSnapshot of the CO2 concentrations (part per million) simulation by the CHE projectImage Removed

Project web-site: ; Media channel:

Project resources (all online deliverable reports):

CHE Project important dates:

Consortium work-space:   CO2 Human Emissions Project Home

CHE Project publications/key-contributions:


New CoCO2 project web-site:  ; Media channel:

Project resources (all online deliverable reports):