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Teleport is software which provides an SSH Jump Host (or Bastion host) service in a secure, modern way, with support for role-based access control and single sign-on.


Teleport is meant to be the future replacement for the ecAccess SSH service. Both services are currently operational and can be widely used at this point, but note that only Teleport will be available for the new data centre in Bologna.


The Teleport gateway SSH Host Key is currently: SHA256:ST5P3QlRZdI88o79ozjPdp0+FWTczckLTKzGD2z3xmU  


Please report any feedback or issues through the ECMWF Support Portal .

Table of Contents


The Teleport It is used to access a number of services at ECMWF, including our Atos HPCF and ECS services. The service provides:

  • Single SSH hop from client systems anywhere on the internet to servers inside ECMWF (ecGate, HPC, etc)
  • Re-authentication required only every 12 hours (usually once per working day)
  • Integration with standard tools such as the OpenSSH ssh client, scp, and ssh-agent
  • Web-SSH interface for in-browser terminal access, with scp
  • X11 and Port forwarding

The single sign-on step is performed using an application called "tsh", every 12 hours.After . After that you use standard ssh or scp to connect to systems inside ECMWF.

Alternatively you can have simple terminal access in a web browser

Downloading tsh 

The tsh application is required to perform user authentication once every 12 hours.

tsh is open source, very portable, and has minimal dependencies.

The binary is available for Linux 32-bit, 64-bit, and ARM, as well as Windows 64-bit and a signed package for MacOS.

MacOS users can also use homebrew for installation (brew install teleport).

User Authentication

Once every 12 hours, you will need to refresh your tokens with the tsh command, through your web browser.


SSH connections can remain active for longer than 12 hours, but new ones will require re-authentication.

First Time

Run tsh, giving the location of our gateway:

Code Block
tsh login

Your default web browser will open and you should login with your email address, ECMWF password, and then HID (ActivID) Token code.


If you're already logged in to the ECMWF website, or have recently logged in to this service, the password prompt might be skipped.

Subsequent Occasions

Code Block
tsh login

Connecting to hosts through the gateway


Windows users should skip to our Guide for Windows SSH to ECMWF.

OpenSSH 7.3 or later has a simple command line option to connect via our gateway ( to the destination-host:

Code Block
ssh -J username@destination-host

For example, if your username is ab0 and you wish to connect to ecgate:

Code Block
ssh -J ab0@ecgate

The OpenSSH configuration setting for this is named ProxyJump:

Code Block
Host ecgate
  User ab0

See the Legacy Configuration note below if your ssh client is older than 7.3.

If your connection fails after working for some time, it could be because your tokens have expired. You can check them:

Code Block
$ tsh status
> Profile URL:
  Logged in as:
  Roles:        *
  Logins:       ab0
  Valid until:  2020-06-22 23:26:30 +0100 BST [EXPIRED]
  Extensions:   permit-X11-forwarding, permit-agent-forwarding, permit-port-forwarding, permit-pty

From OpenSSH 8.4 the client may refuse to connect with the cryptic message: "Connection closed by UNKNOWN port 65535".

This is because the Teleport system has to remain compatible with some old OpenSSH server versions. The problem will go away when our Bologna data centre is used instead.

The fix is to add this extra line to your OpenSSH configuration:

Code Block
Host ecgate
  User ab0

Destination Hosts available

The hosts directly available through the Teleport gateway are:

  • ECGATE (interactive node only)
  • CCA and CCB login nodes


  • Linux VDI (both legacy OpenSUSE and production CentOS 8)
  • Physical office workstations

To access any other host, the ProxyJump feature allows chaining by using a comma, like so:

Code Block
ssh -J,ab0@ecgate ab0@lxc

You can also set password-less login, as below.

Configuring password-less login


This configuration enables single-hop ssh (using ProxyJump) to other ECMWF hosts.

Not required for ECGATE, CCA/CCB login nodes, Linux physical workstations and Linux VDI.

Add the Teleport certificate authority to your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, on the relevant system at ECMWF, e.g. ecgate, cca:

Code Block
curl -fs >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

On cca/ccb, you will need to load the curl module beforehand.


This configuration will allow access to any host which mounts the same $HOME directory.

Terminal Access in a Web Browser

You can open a tabbed terminal in the web browser, with support for SCP upload and download.



Only available for ECGATE, CCA/CCB login nodes, Linux physical workstations and Linux VDI.

Here are the instructions on how to set it up depending on your platform:

titleSystem Administrators

If you are a system administrator setting up access to teleport from your organisation, have a look at the Teleport SSH Access - Network requirements for additional information on how this system works and its network requirements.


Please be aware that you must use a version of "tsh" equal to or lower than 13. We are working on removing this limitation in the very near future



Only available for ECGATE and CCA/CCB login nodes.

Browse to (replacing destination-host and username with your selection).

For example, if your username is ab0 and you wish to connect to ecgate:

Code Block

The destination host should be just the short name, without "".

If you open another tab inside the web terminal, use the QUICK LAUNCH box and enter "username@destination-host:22", for example ab0@ecgate:22.


The web terminal works very well to access tmux or screen running on the destination host.

Windows Clients

There are various ways to initiate SSH from Windows 10, so it depends on your system and your preferences.


We recommend using the Windows Subsystem for Linux if you can (on your own machine), followed by starting the SSH Agent and then connecting as for Linux/MacOS systems.


titleMobaXterm SSH from Windows 10 (ECMWF laptop)
  1. Install MobaXterm if it is not already on your system
  2. Download tsh (you may need to instruct antivirus software to ignore the file)
  3. Start MobaXterm
  4. Login using tsh (you will always need to specify the --proxy setting)
  5. Use the following in $HOME/.ssh/config (MobaXterm's home):
Code Block
Host ecgate
  User ab0
  ProxyCommand ssh -q -i c:/users/ab0/.tsh/keys/ -W %h:%p
  IdentityFile c:/users/ab0/.tsh/keys/


titleNative SSH from Windows 10 (own machine)
  1. Start the Windows SSH Agent Service
  2. Download tsh (you may need to instruct antivirus software to ignore the file)
  3. Login using tsh (you will always need to specify the --proxy setting)
  4. Use an SSH config as below:
Code Block
# Windows currently has a bug, you need the full path to ssh or you will get:
# posix_spawn: No such file or directory

Host *
  User ab0
  ProxyCommand C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe -q -W %h:%p

# this assumes the SSH Agent is running, otherwise add:
# Host
#   IdentityFile ~/.tsh/keys/


The Windows 10 Terminal is a decent tabbed command line interface (albeit with no X11 support).


titleNew sessions can be configured following this example
Code Block
  "guid": "{717406b0-06cb-454c-a0c4-875267fa373d}", # run "[guid]::NewGuid()" in a PowerShell to generate this
  "name": "ecGate",
  "commandline": "ssh"
  "suppressApplicationTitle": true,
  "hidden": false,
  "fontSize": 10,
  "fontFace": "Fira Code",
  "cursorShape": "filledBox",
  "cursorColor": "#073642",
  "colorScheme": "Solarized Dark",

Network architecture

Gliffy Diagram
nameGravitational Teleport ECMWF Implementation v1.0 Copy Copy

Other Notes

SSH Agent is required

If you have logged in but ssh fails to connect, it may be that your SSH agent is not running.

The Agent can be started and tokens refreshed this way:

Code Block
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
tsh logout
tsh login

And this will make sure the Agent continues to run in your environment:

Code Block
echo 'eval $(ssh-agent -s)' >> ~/.bash_profile

SCP, X11, Agent, and Port Forwarding

SCP, Agent forwarding, X11 forwarding, and Port forwarding (including SOCKS proxy), all work through the Teleport gateway. A nice application of port forwarding with Teleport is the use of the ecflow_ui client on your local system to follow ecflow suites running at ECMWF.  See Teleport - using local ecflow_ui for more details.

For scp you can use the -o option:

Code Block
scp -o ab0@ecgate:/remote/file/path /local/file/path

Avoiding storing SSH Keys

You may wish to avoid storing SSH Keys to disk and always (and only) use the SSH Agent.

tsh  client versions 7.1.0 onwards have this feature:

-k, --add-keys-to-agent        Controls how keys are handled. Valid values are [auto no yes only]. 

X11 under macOS

Code Block
$ brew cask install xquartz
# start xquartz app
$ export DISPLAY=:0
$ ssh -X ....

Legacy Configuration

For OpenSSH clients older than 7.3, the following configuration can be used:

Code Block
# ~/.ssh/config file:
Host ecgate
  User ab0
  ProxyCommand /usr/bin/ssh -q -W %h:%p

Difficult client environments

You might not be able to download and run tsh, or access our web login service, or run the SSH Agent, from where you wish to use ssh.

Instead you can use (or copy) the identity files which tsh stores in $HOME:

Code Block
# ~/.ssh/config file:
Host ecgate
  User ab0
  IdentityFile ~/.tsh/keys/
  ProxyCommand /usr/bin/ssh -q -i ~/.tsh/keys/ -W %h:%p

This is a good way to access Teleport credentials via a shared file system from any host.

Even more difficult client environments

Recent Fedora Linux distributions (such as Fedora-33) using OpenSSH 8.4p1 no longer accept the "ssh-rsa" signature scheme using the SHA-1 hash algorithm in conjunction with the RSA public key algorithm.

As a workaround for this problem, you  may need to add ssh-rsa (rsa-sha2-256 or rsa-sha2-512 can also be used) as a PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes to your ~/.ssh/config file:

Code Block
# ~/.ssh/config file: Host ecgate User ab0 PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa IdentityFile ~/.tsh/keys/ ProxyCommand /usr/bin/ssh -q -o PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa -i ~/.tsh/keys/ -W %h:%p