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The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) generates daily forecasts of aerosols and reactive gases in an operational manner using ECMWF’s data assimilation and forecasting systems. Graphical and data products are available through the web site

CAMS supports scientific teams in field campaigns by providing custom products for flight planning and the analysis of campaign data.

Furthermore, to facilitate the product specification and to agree on the terms and conditions of the collaboration and document our involvement, we ask that a principal investigator of the field campaign fills and signs the form below.

Please note that the Field campaign support is provided on a best-effort basis, and that it might not be possible to provide all the requested data or graphical products.


You must be logged in to successfully submit the completed form.

Should you encounter difficulties completing the form, please let us know by raising an enquiry ticket on our Support Portal.

Please make sure you are logged in before completing the form below!

Thank you.

ConfiForms Form Definition
registrationFormTitleRequest form for CAMS field campaign support

FieldCampaignThank you for submitting your request. The submitted form has generated a ticket on our User Support Portal. We will get back to you soon.Complete the request formINLINE

GeneralCampaignInformationGeneral Campaign Informationsection

fieldnameFull title of field campaign:texttrue

fieldacronymAcronym/abbreviated title of field campaign:text

DescriptionShort description of field campaign objective:textareatrue

websiteProject web site (if applicable)select title from country order by title ascf28e566c8c706e1b8cc382314b57280atext

NamePIName and affiliation of Principal Investigator (PI):texttrue

StartDateStart date of campaign:false[1=Agriculture|2=Aviation|3=Construction|4=Education|5=Energy|6=Engineering|7=Forestry|8=Health services|9=Insurance|10=International organisation|11=Media|12=Oil & Gas|13=Ports & Shipping|14=Public Sector|15=Renewable Energy|16=Research Institute|17=Satellite|18=Traffic & Road Management|19=Weather Forecasting|20=Other|]id;falsedatetrue

EndDateEnd date of campaign:false[1=Agriculture|2=Aviation|3=Construction|4=Education|5=Energy|6=Engineering|7=Forestry|8=Health services|9=Insurance|10=International organisation|11=Media|12=Oil & Gas|13=Ports & Shipping|14=Public Sector|15=Renewable Energy|16=Research Institute|17=Satellite|18=Traffic & Road Management|19=Weather Forecasting|20=Other|]id;falsedatetrue

subperiodSub-period(s) for which plots are required, if different. Please specify exact dates:text

RequestforForecastChartsRequest for Forecast Chartssection

infoinfoThe list of species that are routinely available from the CAMS near-real-time analysis/forecasting system is described in Appendix 1. The request for species, levels, time steps, and timeliness cannot exceed the availability described in Appendix 1, with the exception of some special tracers that are described in section 4. Forecast charts will be provided on a designated part of the CAMS web site. Please keep your request for the number of forecast charts to a reasonable amount to ensure responsiveness of the server and to avoid too much pressure on CAMS resources. The charts can be made available 4-6 weeks after the field campaign support has been approved.simpleinfopanel

e.g. Carbon dioxide, Ozone, Total AOD at 500nm, etc...RequiredSpeciesRequired species:false[1=Yes|2=No|]textareatrue

PLRequired pressure levels for geographical charts:false[1=Yes|2=No|]text

SFCSurface level for geographical charts? (yes/no):false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

VerticalCSVertical cross sections:section

hPa to hPaaltitudeAltitude range:[266594989|FieldCampaign|fieldacronym|true||]text

Please add Cross section coordinates in the following order: Lat0|Lon0|Lat1|Lon1crosssectionCross section at:[266594989|FieldCampaign|fieldacronym|true||]textarea

GeographicdomainsGeographic domain(s) and extent of field mission (please provide exact lat-lon coordinates of the study area):section

hPa to hPaMapProjMap projection:false[1=Lat-Lon|2=Polar|]checkbox_grouptrue

DomainNumber of geographical domains requiredtext

Please indicate the extent of the domain(s) in rows with the following template: Domain1 - Southern/Western/Northern/EasternDomainextentGeographic domain(s) extent of field mission (exact lat-lon coordinates, Southern/Western/Northern/Eastern, of the study area):textareatrue

SpecialRequirementsAny other special requirements (e.g. colour scheme …):false[1=Standard Commercial|2=Maximum Charge|3=Research|4=Other|]textarea

RequiredRangeRequired forecast range and forecast step (e.g. 3-day forecasts, every 3 hours):false[1=Standard Commercial|2=Maximum Charge|3=Research|4=Other|]textareatrue

RequestaddRequest for additional tracerssection

infoxinfoThese will be treated as pure tracers with a specified e-folding life-time. The tracers will not be part of the operational CAMS real-time system, but will be provided by a separate research-mode forecasting system on a best effort basis. The required definitions of the graphical products will be the same as in Section 2.simpleinfopanel

TracersnumberNumber of additional tracers requiredtext

Please provide the details of the required tracers in rows with the following information: Tracer details, Source region (e.g. Tracer driven by anthropogenic sources of CO over Europe (35N-75N;15W-50E), Tracer driven by ship emissions of NOx (N. Atlantic), Tracer driven by NRT biomass burning emissions (Siberia: 40N-75N; 50E-180E)tracersdetailsAdditional required tracers details (Tracer, Details, Source region):textarea

CollaborationCAMSCollaboration with CAMSsectiontrue

info4info4CAMS is continuously striving to improve its modelling and data assimilation systems. Observations are a key element in this process and CAMS is therefore very interested in collaborating with the research groups that participate in the various field campaigns. Please provide an indication of to what extend you are willing to share your data and/or collaborate with CAMS partners on the results from your campaign.simpleinfopanel

CampCampaign data will be available to CAMS partners:false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

RestrAny restrictions on the use of the observational data:textareatrue

DetCollInterest in more detailed collaboration after the end of the campaignfalse[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_group

TermsAndConditionsTerms & Conditionssection

info5info5I confirm that I have read and accepted the license to use Copernicus products available on I agree that the aforementioned project will make use of the CAMS products requested above and provide feedback on the product quality and usefulness to the CAMS team. Publications (including conference presentations) that make use of the CAMS data products will acknowledge CAMS as described in the Licence to use Copernicus products.simpleinfopanel

tocI accept the Terms & Conditions:false[1=Yes|2=No|]radio_grouptrue

Appendix1Appendix 1section

info6info6The CAMS real-time forecasting system provides twice-daily 5-day forecasts that are archived with 3-hourly time steps for the model and pressure level fields and with 1-hourly time steps for the surface fields. The system consists of the ECMWF IFS data assimilation and forecasting system. Horizontal resolution of the CAMS global forecasts is T511, which is roughly 40km, at 137 model levels. The list of parameters that are available and how to access them can be found on: The CAMS real-time forecasting system provides twice-daily 5-day forecasts that are archived with 3-hourly time steps for the model and pressure level fields and with 1-hourly time steps for the surface fields. The system consists of the ECMWF IFS data assimilation and forecasting system. Horizontal resolution of the CAMS global forecasts is T511, which is roughly 40km, at 137 model levels. The list of parameters that are available and how to access them can be found on: simpleinfopanel

trueCreate JIRA IssueonCreatedThank you for filling in the customer registration form for prospective MARS users[entry.AdmContact5]