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Seasonal forecasts and the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

Introduction to seasonal forecasting

The production of seasonal forecasts, also known as seasonal climate forecasts, has undergone a huge transformation in the last few decades: from a purely academic and research exercise in the early '90s to the current situation where several meteorological forecast services, throughout the world, conduct routine operational seasonal forecasting activities. Such activities are devoted to providing estimates of statistics of weather on monthly and seasonal time scales, which places them somewhere between conventional weather forecasts and climate predictions.

In that sense, even though seasonal forecasts share some methods and tools with weather forecasting, they are part of a different paradigm which requires treating them in a different way. Instead of trying to answer to the question "how is the weather going to look like on a particular location in an specific day?", seasonal forecasts will tell us how likely it is that the coming season will be wetter, drier, warmer or colder than 'usual' for that time of year. This kind of long term predictions are feasible due to the behaviour of some of the Earth system components which evolve more slowly than the atmosphere (e.g. the ocean, the cryosphere) and in a predictable fashion, so their influence on the atmosphere can add a noticeable signal.

Seasonal forecasting within the C3S

The C3S seasonal forecast products are based on data from several state-of-the-art seasonal prediction systems. Multi-system combinations, as well as predictions from the individual participating systems, are available. The centres currently providing forecasts to C3S are: ECMWF, The Met Office and Météo-France; in the coming months data produced by , Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) and , Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) will be included in the C3S multi-system, National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), and you can find the details about when each system was introduced in the information contained in the Summary of available data.

Each model simulates the Earth system processes that influence weather patterns in slightly different ways, makes slightly different approximations, leading to different kinds of model error. These errors typically increase with the increase of integration time, so that the accumulated model errors become significant in comparison to the signal that the model is meant to predict. Some such errors are shared by the different models but others are not, so combining the output from a number of models enables a more realistic representation of the uncertainties due to model error. In most cases, such combined forecasts are, on average, more skilful than forecasts from the best of the individual models.

Currently, the C3S seasonal service offers graphical forecast products, available on the C3S web site, and public access to the forecast data, via the C3S Climate Data Store (CDS). 

Seasonal forecasts are not weather forecasts: the role of the hindcasts

Seasonal forecasts are started from an observed state of (all components of) the climate system, which is then evolved in time over a period of a few months. Errors present at the start of the forecast (due to the imprecise measurement of the initial conditions and the approximations assumed in the formulation of the models) persist or, more often, grow through the model integration, reaching magnitudes comparable to that of the predictable signals.  Some such errors are random; the effect of these on the outcome is quantified through the use of ensembles. Some errors, however, are systematic; if these systematic errors were determined, corrections could be applied to the forecasts to extract the useful information. This is achieved by comparing retrospective forecasts (reforecasts or hindcasts) with observations. The same forecast system is run for several starting points in the past in the same way as a forecast would be run (with only knowledge of the starting point), for the same length of time as an equivalent forecast. The resulting data set constitutes a 'climate' of the model, which can then be compared with the observed climate of the real world. The systematic differences between the model and the real world - usually referred to as biases - are thus quantified and used as the basis for corrections which can be applied to future, real-time forecasts.  Given the relative magnitude of such biases, some basic corrections are essential to convert the data into forecast information - therefore a forecast by itself is not useful without relating it to the relevant hindcasts.


Note that for reasons related with the availability of computing resources, the hindcasts usually have fewer ensemble members per start date than the real-time forecasts, e.g. ECMWF SEAS5 5 has 51 members for the real-time forecasts, and just 25 members for the hindcasts.

Seasonal forecasting systems' versions and updates

Every forecasting system that contributes to C3S will have a different lifetime, so different versions of the systems are expected to be changed, upgraded from by their original institutions. For the real-time forecasts just one version of each one of the contributors will be made available to C3S as at a real-given time forecasts. For instance, in November 2017 ECMWF has changed its operational seasonal forecasting forecast system from system 4 to SEAS5, but both systems will be were kept routinely running in parallel at ECMWF for a while. Despite that factHowever, the only version of ECMWF seasonal forecasts available at C3S from November 2017 onwards will be is from SEAS5.



do seasonal forecasting systems build their ensembles? And how are data



"Burst" vs. "lagged" mode

In the last few decades, in the earth system modelling it has been an established technique Earth system prediction has established the use of "ensemble" runs to take into account , to quantify the effect of errors due to both the uncertainty in the initial conditions and model deficiencies. This means that the forecasting systems produced a set of "slightly" different runs of the same forecast which form - the members of the ensemble , in a way that the outcome - and thus the output of the forecasting forecast system is not a single model output solution, but a set of different results which allow to produce a forecast in terms of a probability distribution as opposed to a single deterministic forecastsolutions. Since, by design, all ensemble members are equally likely, the forecast offers a distribution of outcomes, rather than a single deterministic answer.

Different techniques are commonly used to build the different members of an ensemble forecast, but one of the most common ways to create a set of slightly different members that mainly maps so that they sample the uncertainty in the initial conditions, is the use of a "lagged" approach in the start dates.:

  • "Burst" mode: all the members are initialized (with conditions on the same start date) at the same value , but from slightly different (perturbed) initial states, intended to sample the uncertainty in observations. (e.g. all members initialized on 1st March 2017, ; this is the case for ECMWF's system)
  • "Lagged" mode: members are initialized in on different start dates, the differences between which are sufficiently small (e.g. 2 members initialized every day of the month, ; this is the case for Met Office system)

Among all the systems that contribute to the C3S seasonal forecasts, some of them have opted to use a "burst" mode, while some others lag the start dates of the members of their ensembles. For more details, refer to the table below in the "Production schedules" subsection.

Fixed vs. on-the-fly hindcasts

Due to For several reasons, from computer load balance to flexibility in the introduction of changes in the systems, the different seasonal forecast contributors to C3S use different schedules to produce their hindcast sets:

  • Fixed fixed hindcasts: . Some systems are designed so their expected lifetime will be around 4-5 years. Thus, once Once the system has been designed and tested, its development gets frozen and exactly that version of the model is used to run all the hindcast members ensemble hindcasts for the whole climate period for that model. In that way, the hindcasts are produced reference period are run. The advantage is that this reference dataset is available well in advance the of real-time forecasts and they constitute a fixed dataset during the lifetime of that seasonal forecasting systembeing issued, and its properties (biases, skill) can be quantified once for repeated use. As this is a very expensive exercise, it cannot be repeated too often and thus the system remains fixed for a long period of time.
  • onOn-the-fly hindcasts: . Some other systems run the necessary set of hindcasts every time they produce systems prioritise more frequent upgrades, which means that the hindcast sets have to be run more frequently. To achieve this in practice, the full hindcast set is run every time a new real-time forecast . They are produce just is produced, slightly in advance (a few weeks) of the real-time forecast and using exactly the same version of the forecasting system. In this way changes in the system can be introduced more frequently and the computing of the hindcasts can be spanned over a longer period, then balancing the load of the computing resources.
Production schedules in the seasonal forecasting systems contributing to C3S

In the following table, it is shown the information about the ensemble sizes, start dates and production schedule for the seasonal forecasting systems contributing to C3S.


51 members

   26 start around the 22th
   25 start around the 15th


15 members


51 members

   1 starts on the 1st
   24 start on the 25th
   24 start on the 20th


25 members

   1 starts on the 1st
   12 start on the 25th
   12 start on the 20th


7 members on the 1st
7 members on the 9th
7 members on the 17th
7 members on the 25th



produced around 4-6 weeks in advanced


  • This also offers the advantage of balancing the requirement for computing resources, but the compromise is the regular change of the model climatology.


This document has been produced in the context of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

The activities leading to these results have been contracted by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, operator of C3S on behalf of the European Union (Delegation agreement signed on 11/11/2014). All information in this document is provided "as is" and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose.

The users thereof use the information at their sole risk and liability. For the avoidance of all doubt, the European Commission and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts have no liability in respect of this document, which is merely representing the author's view.


(a) Despite they are produced in a lagged mode, the data from MeteoFrance system5 is produced and provided at CDS as if all the members were initialized on the 1st

(b) The production schedule of the MetOffice forecasting system doesn't prescribe how to build an ensemble for an specific nominal start date. The following choices are currently in use for the data archived in C3S:
FORECASTS: 50 members starting on or before the 1st of the month (NOTE: The original daily/subdaily data from all the daily members, and not just those 50, is processed and made available at C3S)
HINDCASTS: 28 members (7 starting on the 1st of the month and 7 on each of the 9th,17th and 25th of the previous month)

(c) Due to the flexibility of MetOffice forecasting system, incidences on a given data are not usually recovered re-running the missed forecast but incrementing the number of members in one of the following days.
Example: An incidence happened affecting the 22nd of August/2017 forecast so no members are available for that date. Instead, there are 4 members available starting on the 23rd of August

(d) CMCC seasonal forecast system routinely produces 80 real-time forecast members but just 50 of them are made publicly available as their contribution to C3S