Versions Compared


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CESM 1.2 - CAM 5.3 (Atmosphere)

CESM 1.2 - CLM 4.5 (Land surface)

Horizontal resolution and grid1/2° lat-lon approx
Atmosphere vertical resolution46 levels in the vertical
Top of atmosphere0.2 hPa (60 km approx.)
Soil levels (layers)

(10 soil layers plus 5 bedrock layers)

Layer 1 (soil): 0.0000-0.0279m 0175m
Layer 2 (soil): 0.02790175-0.0623m 0451m
Layer 3 (soil): 0.06230451-0.1189m 0906m
Layer 4 (soil): 0.11890906-0.2122m 1655m
Layer 5 (soil): 0.21221655-0.3661m 2891m
Layer 6 (soil): 0.36612891-0.6198m 4929m
Layer 7 (soil): 0.6198-1.0380m 4929-0,8289m
Layer 8 (soil): 10.03808289-1.7276m 3828m
Layer 9 (soil): 1.72763828-2.8646m 2961m
Layer 10 (soil): 2.86462961-4.7392m
Layer 11 (bedrock): 4.7392-7.8298m
Layer 12  (bedrock): 7.8298-12.9253m
Layer 13  (bedrock): 12.9253-21.3265m
Layer 14  (bedrock): 21.3265-35.1776m
Layer 15  (bedrock): 35.1776-50.0000m 3.8019m

Time step

Main (Physics) Time-step: 30 minutes.

“Tracer” Advection Time step: 225 seconds
(1/8 of the Physics time step)

Fluid-Dynamics Time step: 56.25 seconds
(1/32 of the Physics time step).


3. Initialization and initial condition (IC) perturbations

3.1 Atmosphere and land

Atmosphere initialization
ERA5ECMWF IFS operational analysis
Atmosphere IC perturbations1010

Land Initialization


(obs. atmosphere)

monthly run

initialized from 10-year spin-up

Forced (obs. atmosphere) monthly run

initialized from 10-year spin-up

from a continuous transient simulation with initial-date January 1993, started after a 10 year spinup (with climatological forcings)

Forced monthly run from a continuous transient simulation with initial-date January 1993, started after a 10 year spinup (with climatological forcings)

Land IC perturbations33
Soil moisture initializationFrom land initializationFrom land initialization
Snow initializationFrom land initializationFrom land initialization
Unperturbed control forecast?NONO
Horizontal resolution of perturbation N/AN/A
Perturbations in +/- pairs NONO
Data assimilation method for control analysis ERA5ECMWF operational

Detailed documentation:

For more details on atmospheric DA, see ECMWF operational analysis documentation at: 


Model dynamics perturbations


Model physics perturbationsYES (Ocean Model only, only during perturbed data assimilation cycles)

If there is a control forecast, is it perturbed?

There is no control forecast

Detailed documentation: For more info on ocean DA perturbations, see Brankart (2013)   DOI:

CMCC technical documentation Gualdi et al (2020) CMCC Technical Note RP0288 DOI: 
