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WARNING: This page has been moved to Access ECMWF Public Datasets.

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Access ECMWF Public Datasets
Access ECMWF Public Datasets

WARNING: This page has been moved to Access MARS.

Accessing the batch service with Python

Installing the Python library

You can install the ecmwfapi python library by running:

Code Block
sudo pip install

Installing your API key

To access ECMWF you will need an API key that can be obtained at Copy the information in this page and paste it in the file $HOME/.ecmwfapirc

Code Block
titleContent $HOME/.ecmwfapirc
    "url"   : "",
    "email" : ""

Sample Python script

Below is a simple Python script making use of the ecmwfapi library:

Code Block
titlePython client
#!/usr/bin/env python
from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer

server = ECMWFDataServer()

    'dataset' : "tigge",
    'step'    : "24/to/120/by/24",
    'number'  : "all",
    'levtype' : "sl",
    'date'    : "20071001/to/20071003",
    'time'    : "00/12",
    'origin'  : "all",
    'type'    : "pf",
    'param'   : "tp",
    'area'    : "70/-130/30/-60",
    'grid'    : "2/2",
    'target'  : "data.grib"

The "dataset" parameter is one of:

datasetNameLicenceProposed licenceLicence link
demeterDEMETER Projectdemeter_mnthdemeter
gems_nrealtimeGEMS Reanalysis and Near Real-timegems_nrealtimegems
macc_reanalysisMACC Reanalysismacc_reanalysismacc
tigge_lamTIGGE LAMtigge_lamtigge_lam
interimERA Interim (Jan 1979 - present)interim_full_dailyinterim
era40ERA-40 (Sep 1957 - Aug 2002)era40_dailyera40
era15ERA-15 (Jan 1979 - Dec 1993)era15era15

ISPD v2.2

ispdinterim (or "general")

ICOADS v2.5.1 with interpolated 20CR feedback

icoadsinterim (or "general")

To access these dataset, you need to agree on the  the corresponding terms and conditions that can be found at

The other parameters are described at: