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The GEWEX Global Energy Water cycle Exchanges - Scientific Steering Group (SSG-30) met in Washington DC for its 30th edition  
edition ( 29 January to 1 February 2018). All the shared presentation material is available on the GEWEX Web-site agenda:

The 30th Session of the GEWEX Scientific Steering Group ( SSG ) held from 29 January to 1 February 2018 was held at USRA’s Washington, DC office at 425 3rd St, SW, Suite 605, Washington, DC. The meeting of the SSG focus focused on updating GEWEX’s strategy documents and Imperatives ( ) GEWEX Imperatives to align with WCRP’s new priorities. U.S. program managers and representatives (DOE, NASA, NOAA) and other agencies (JAXA) were present. The 2018 SSG-panel counts on 12-members.

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Sonia Seneviratne (GEWEX Chair), Graeme. Stephens (GEWEX Chair), Peter van Oevelen (International GEWEX Project Office - IGPO) gave the welcome.

Guy Brasseur (WCRP) introduced a WCRP review program outcome. A review panel chaired by Julia Slingo and produced a report (yet about to be released) addressed to the sponsor of WCRP (WMO, IOC, ICSU). A February meeting will discuss the report. The program, panels, GCs is thoroughly reviewed and 7 recommendations are drafted. An integrated and seamless with weather, WWRP-WCRP interactions: Processes, variability (minutes to month, seasonal to decadal), human activity response (CO2 and anthropogenic modifications).

The new aim is to be much more Cross-Cutting, Ocean-Atmosphere-Land and embrace human-sphere to develop a new generation of models. The 10-year strategic plan for WCRP aiming at projecting a (punchy) vision done in 2 steps:
1) The strategic plan, with ideas and topics without organisational ties first.
2) An implementation plan 5-year into the future with more logistic aspects.

Discussion on the 8th GEWEX Science Conference, May 6-11, 2018, has advanced the definition of the program.

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GEWEX Panels Reports

The panels' report have been presented and extensively discussed. Sizeable advances with respect to SSG-29 where favourable commented (e.g. GASS and GDAP in particular for which large improvements were notices thanks to renewed leadership, and with GLASS and GHP continuing to ensure a good level of activities in a number of projects).



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Remy Roca

Tristan L’Ecuyer

Remko Uijlenhoet

B.J. Sohn


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Michael Ek

Gab Abramowitz

Paul Dirmeyer

Branka Ivancan-Picek


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Daniel Klocke

Xubin Zeng

Qingyun Duan

Gianpaolo Balsamo


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Jason Evans

Joan Cuxart

Lisa Alexander


BosilovichGerman Poveda


German Poveda


A large amount of information was shared and several fruitful discussions followed each of the presentations. Those will consolidate in the revision of the GEWEX science questions, and in contribution to the SP-2019-2029 along the guidelines of the sketch below prepared by Sonia Seneviratne et al. during the final brainstorm and shared at the end of the SSG meetings.

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Upcoming events:

Full calendar of GEWEX meetings/conferences/workshops at :

Contribution to GEWEX-SSG

The contribution to GEWEX SSG-30 included a presentation of ECMWF research on surface-atmosphere interactions within the IFS.

The presentations/documents/articles prepared are linked:

I have mentioned CHE and Extreme-Earth mentioned as two significant community-based efforts for which GEWEX feedback/advise would be is highly relevant /and appreciated.

Related to the CHE (CO2 Human Emissions) European H2020 project and the 1st General Assembly:

The Foundation CO2 foundation document that describes & motivates the investment detailed in CO2 is given by the European Commission CO2 Task-force Report: 

Related to Extreme-Earth - the European Flagship Programme On Extreme Computing and Climate, ECMWF/OXFORD jointly coordinated (Peter Bauer/Tim Palmer):

List of Participant to SSG-30


Gab Abramowitz (remote)UNSW Australia
Lisa AlexanderUNSW Australia
Jennifer ArigoUSGCRP
Gianpaolo BalsamoECMWF
Eleanor BlythILEAPS-CEH
Guy BrasseurWCRP
Joan Cuxart-RodamilansU Balearic Islands
Paul DirmeyerU. Mason
Qinyun DuanBeijing Normal U
Michael Ek NOAA/NCEP
Jared EntinNASA-HQ
Jason EvansUNSW/CCRC
Lawrence HislopCliC, Cryosphere
Branka Ivancan-PicekCroatian NMHS
Renu JosephDOE
Neil HarrisSPARC
Wayne HigginsNOAA
Jin HuangNOAA
Jack KayeNASA-HQ
Daniel KlockeDWD-MPI
Tristan L'EcuyerUW Madison
Hal MaringNASA-HQ
Sally McFarlaneDOE
Riko OkiJAXA
Shannon MackenGEWEX IGPO
Mike PattersonCLIVAR / US-*
Germán PovedaU. de Colombia
Michael Rast (remote)ESA
Remy RocaLEGOS
Sonia Seneviratne (chair)ETH Zurich
B.J. SohnSeoul University
Soroosh SorooshianUCI
Graeme Stephens (chair)NASA-JPL
Remko UijlenhoetWageningen U
Qinyun DuanBeijing Normal U
Peter van OevelenGEWEX IGPO
Xubin ZengU. Arizona

The social moments included a dinner reception on the Capitol View building and early morning Mall's jogs.
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