Versions Compared


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Examples of usage

grib_check options
Code Block
usage: [-h] [-v VERBOSITY] [-w] [-f] [-his] [-l [LISTING]]
                     [inp_file [inp_file ...]]

positional arguments:
  inp_file              enter input file name(s)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v VERBOSITY, --verbosity VERBOSITY
                        increase output verbosity [0-2]
  -w, --warning         warnings are treated as errors..
  -f, --fail            force abort for undefined parameters..
  -his, --history       add value ranges history, if exists, to listing..
  -l [LISTING], --listing [LISTING]
                        list defined parameters (search if argument provided!)

Checking LC-WVF data
export BIN=/home/ma/emos/def/s2s/s2s_prod/bin

python $BIN/ lw.grib2
warning: lw.grib2, field 700 (Peak wave period, paramId=140231), matched definition (default) => minimum value -9.699028 is not in [0.000000,35.000000]
warning: lw.grib2, field 718 (Peak wave period, paramId=140231), matched definition (default) => maximum value 41.463626 is not in [0.000000,35.000000]
Checking parameter set up

List all defined limits

python $BIN/ -l
165   [10 metre U wind component]   [min <-150, -0.1> max <0.1, 150>] (default)  
                                   [min <-150, -0.1> max <0.1, 150>] (class:ti, model:lam, suiteName:mogreps-mo-eua)  
166   [10 metre V wind component]   [min <-100, -1> max <0.5, 100>] (default)  
                                   [min <-100, 10> max <-10, 100>] (class:ti, model:lam, suiteName:mogreps-mo-eua)  
260260   [10 metre wind direction]   [min <0, 1> max <359, 360.1>] (default)


See allowed limits for parameters with paramId containing 141


python $BIN/ -l 141 -his 141
228141   [Snow depth water equivalent]   [min <-1e-10, 0> max <100, 15000>] (default)  

# History of changes:  
#    1.version (valid from: 2017-01-01)
#     min <-1e-10, 0>
#     max <100, 15000>
#        info:See long history of changes in tigge_check.h!

228141   [Snow depth water equivalent]   [min <-1e-10, 0> max <100, 40000>] (class:s2, origin:cwao)  

# History of changes:  
#    1.version (valid from: 2013-02-11)
#     min <-1e-10, 0>
#     max <100, 40000>
#        info:s2s.z_s2s_c_cwao_20130211000000_glob_prod_sl_000.grib2, field 23: snow_depth_water_equivalent_sfc.glob.s2 maximum value 30452.5 is not in [100,15000]

228141   [Snow depth water equivalent]   [min <-1, 0> max <100, 100000>] (class:ti)  

# History of changes:  
#    3.version (valid from: 2017-08-08)
#     min <-1, 0>
#     max <100, 100000>
#        info:z_tigge_c_RKSL_20170808000000_glob_prod_cf_0240_000.grib2, field 119 (Snow depth water equivalent, paramId=228141), matched definition (default) =>  maximum value
94537.8 is not in [100,15000]
#    2.version (valid from: 2017-08-08)
#     min <-1, 0>
#     max <100, 90000>
#        info:warning: tigge_mogreps-g_2017080812_00.grib2, field 445 => maximum value 67640.3 is not in [100,15000]
#    1.version (valid from: 2017-10-17)
#     min <-1, 0>
#     max <100, 90000>
#        info:warning: ncmrwf_tigge_20170807_000.grib2, field 1749 (Snow depth water equivalent, paramId=228141), matched definition (default) =>  maximum value 78601.367188 is
not in [100.000000,15000.000000]


Show If


Show If

ECMWF users should get the latest version from the GIT repository.

The prerequisite is  to have eccodes python 3 modules available in the system. The tool itself consist of two python scripts attached to this page:
