Versions Compared


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This configuration will allow access to any host which mounts the same $HOME directory. 

Other Notes

SSH Agent is required

If you have logged in but ssh fails to connect, it may be that your SSH agent is not running.

The Agent can be started and tokens refreshed this way:

Code Block
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
tsh logout
tsh login

And this will make sure the Agent continues to run in your environment:

Code Block
echo 'eval $(ssh-agent -s)' >> ~/.bash_profile

SCP, X11, Agent, and Port Forwarding

scp, agent, and port forwarding will work through the Teleport gateway.


X11 forwarding will work in a couple of months when we have an update from the vendor.

Legacy Configuration

For OpenSSH clients older than 7.3, the following configuration can be used:

Code Block
# ~/.ssh/config file:
Host ecgate
  User ab0
  ProxyCommand /usr/bin/ssh -q -W %h:%p

Difficult client environments

You might not be able to download and run tsh, or access our web login service, from where you wish to use ssh.

Instead you can use (or copy) the identity file which tsh stores in $HOME:

Code Block
# ~/.ssh/config file:
Host ecgate
  User ab0
  IdentityFile ~/.tsh/keys/
  ProxyCommand /usr/bin/ssh -q -i ~/.tsh/keys/ -W %h:%p

This is a good way to access Teleport credentials via a shared file system from any host.

Windows Clients

There are various ways to initiate SSH from Windows 10, so it depends on your system and your preferences.


titleNative SSH from Windows 10 (own machine)
  1. Start the Windows SSH Agent Service
  2. Download tsh (you may need to instruct antivirus software to ignore the file)
  3. Login using tsh (you will always need to specify the --proxy setting)
  4. Use an SSH config as below:
Code Block
# Windows currently has a bug, you need the full path to ssh or you will get:
# posix_spawn: No such file or directory

Host *
  User ab0
  ProxyCommand C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe -q -W %h:%p

# this assumes the SSH Agent is running, otherwise add:
# Host
#   IdentityFile ~/.tsh/keys/


The Windows 10 Terminal is a decent tabbed command line interface (albeit with no X support). New sessions can be configured following this example:

Code Block
  "guid": "{717406b0-06cb-454c-a0c4-875267fa373d}", # run "[guid]::NewGuid()" in a PowerShell to generate this
  "name": "ecGate",
  "commandline": "ssh"
  "suppressApplicationTitle": true,
  "hidden": false,
  "fontSize": 10,
  "fontFace": "Fira Code",
  "cursorShape": "filledBox",
  "cursorColor": "#073642",
  "colorScheme": "Solarized Dark",

Other Notes

SSH Agent is required

If you have logged in but ssh fails to connect, it may be that your SSH agent is not running.

The Agent can be started and tokens refreshed this way:

Code Block
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
tsh logout
tsh login

And this will make sure the Agent continues to run in your environment:

Code Block
echo 'eval $(ssh-agent -s)' >> ~/.bash_profile

SCP, X11, Agent, and Port Forwarding

scp, agent, and port forwarding will work through the Teleport gateway.


X11 forwarding will work in a couple of months when we have an update from the vendor.

Legacy Configuration

For OpenSSH clients older than 7.3, the following configuration can be used:

Code Block
# ~/.ssh/config file:
Host ecgate
  User ab0
  ProxyCommand /usr/bin/ssh -q -W %h:%p

Difficult client environments

You might not be able to download and run tsh, or access our web login service, from where you wish to use ssh.

Instead you can use (or copy) the identity file which tsh stores in $HOME:

Code Block
# ~/.ssh/config file:
Host ecgate
  User ab0
  IdentityFile ~/.tsh/keys/
  ProxyCommand /usr/bin/ssh -q -i ~/.tsh/keys/ -W %h:%p

This is a good way to access Teleport credentials via a shared file system from any host.