Versions Compared


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1. Forecast system version

System name: CMCC-SPS3.5

First operational forecast run: 1st AprilOctober, 20182020

2. Configuration of the forecast model

Is it a coupled modelYES

Coupling frequency: 
Atmosphere-Ocean: 90 minutes (every third timestep of atmospheric model)

Atmosphere-Land: 30 minutes (also timestep of atmospheric model)

Atmosphere-Sea Ice: 30 minutes (also timestep of atmospheric model)

2.1 Atmosphere and land surface


CAM 5.3 (Atmosphere)

CLM 4.5 (land surface)

Horizontal resolution and grid1/2° lat-lon approx
Atmosphere vertical resolution46 vertical levels
Top of atmosphere0.2 hPa (60 km approx.)
Soil levels10
Time step30 minutes

Detailed documentation:

CAM Model documentation


Atmosphere initialization
ERA InterimERA5ECMWF IFS operational analysis
Atmosphere IC perturbations1010

Land Initialization

Forced (obs. atmosphere) monthly run

initialized from 10-year spin-up

Forced (obs. atmosphere) monthly run

initialized from 10-year spin-up

Land IC perturbations33
Soil moisture initializationFrom land initializationFrom land initialization
Snow initializationFrom land initializationFrom land initialization
Unperturbed control forecast?NONO


More ocean data assimilation details available at

4. Model uncertainties perturbations:

Model dynamics perturbationsNO
Model physics perturbationsNOYES (Ocean Model only)

If there is a control forecast, is it perturbed?

N/ANo Control Forecast

Detailed documentation: N/A
