Versions Compared


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2.1 Atmosphere and land surface


CAM 5.3 (Atmosphere)

CLM 4.5 (land surface)

Horizontal resolution and grid1/2° lat-lon approx
Atmosphere vertical resolution46 vertical levels
Top of atmosphere0.2 hPa (60 km approx.)
Soil levels10
Time step

Main (Physics) Time-step: 30 minutes.

“Tracer” Advection Time step: 225 seconds (1/8 of the Physics time step)

Fluid-Dynamics Time step: 56.25 seconds (1/32 of the Physics time step).

Detailed documentation:

CAM Model documentation

CLM Model documentation

CMCC technical documentation Gualdi et al (2020) CMCC Tech Note 288 

2.2 Ocean and cryosphere

Ocean model

NEMO v3.4

Horizontal resolution1/4°
Vertical resolution50 vertical levels
Time step18 minutes
Sea ice modelCICE 4.0
Sea ice model resolution1/4°
Sea ice model levels1 thickness only
Wave modelNO
Wave model resolutionN/A


Detailed documentation:

For more atmospheric DA details, see ECMWF operational analysis documentation at: 

For more ERA5 details:

3.2 Ocean and cryosphere

Ocean initializationC-GLORS
Global Ocean 3D-VAR
Global Ocean 3D-VAR
Ocean IC perturbations48
Unperturbed control forecast?NONO


Model dynamics perturbations


Model physics perturbationsYES (Ocean Model only, only during perturbed data assimilation cycles)

If there is a control forecast, is it perturbed?

There is no Control Forecast

Detailed documentation: For more info on Ocean D/A perturbations, see Brankart (2013)  DOI: N/A

5. Forecast system and hindcasts
