Versions Compared


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Horizontal resolution and grid


(approx. 110km)

Atmosphere vertical resolutionL60
Top of atmosphere0.1hPa
Soil levels3
Time step30 minutes

Detailed documentation: JMA, 2013: Outline of the operational numerical weather prediction at the Japan Meteorological Agency, Appendix to WMO Technical Progress Report on the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Research. Japan Meteorological Agency, Tokyo, Japan.

2.2 Ocean and cryosphere

Ocean modelMRI.COM v3
Horizontal resolution1ºx0.3º -0.5º on a tripolar grid
(See for more information on a tripolar grid)
Vertical resolutionL52 + Bottom Boundary Layer (BBL)
Time step20 minutes
Sea ice modelpart of MRI.COM v3
Sea ice model resolutionsame as ocean model
Sea ice model levels5 categories + open water
Wave modelNone
Wave model resolutionN/A

Detailed documentation: Tsujino et al., 2010, H., T. Motoi, I. Ishikawa, M. Hirabara, H. Nakano, G. Yamanaka, T. Yasuda, and H. Ishizaki, 2010: Reference manual for the Meteorological Research Institute Community Ocean Model (MRI.COM) version 3. Technical Reports of the Meteorological Research Institute, 59, 273pp.

3. Initialization and initial condition (IC) perturbations


Perturbations in +/- pairs: Yes

Detailed documentation: Kobayashi et al., 2015Kobayashi, S., Y. Ota, Y. Harada, A. Ebita, M. Moriya, H. Onoda, K. Onogi, H. Kamahori, C. Kobayashi, H. Endo, K. Miyaoka, and K. Takahashi, 2015: The JRA-55 reanalysis: General specifications and basic characteristics. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 93, 5-48.

3.2 Ocean and cryosphere

Ocean initialization

Multivariate Ocean Variational Estimation (MOVE)/MRI.COM Global 2 system


Multivariate Ocean Variational Estimation (MOVE)/MRI.COM Global 2 system


Ocean IC perturbationsMOVE/MRI-COM-G2 driven by JRA-55 with BGM perturbationMOVE/MRI-COM-G2 driven by JRA-55 with BGM perturbation
Unperturbed control forecast?NoneNone

Detailed documentation: Toyoda et al., 2011T., Y. Fujii, T. Yasuda, N. Usui, T. Iwao, T. Kuragano, and M. Kamachi, 2013: Improved analysis of seasonal-interannual fields using a global ocean data assimilation system. Theor Appl Mech Jpn, 61, 31-48.

4. Model Uncertainties perturbations:

Model dynamics perturbationsNone
Model physics perturbationsStochastically Perturbed Parametrization Tendencies (SPPT) scheme

If there is a control forecast, is it perturbed?


Detailed documentation: Yonehara, H. and M. Ujiie, 2011: A stochastic physics scheme for model uncertainties in the JMA one-week ensemble prediction system. CAS/JSC WGNE Res. Act. Atmos. Ocean Model/WMO, 41, 6.09–6.10.

5. Forecast system and hindcasts
