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No Format
$> ssh aa
# or for users with no formal access to HPC service:
$> ssh ecs

See also HPC2020: Persistent interactive job with ecinteractive if you wish to customise the resource limits of your interactive session.


Upon logging in, please take a look at the message of the day displayed on the login nodes (or review /etc/motd). 

titlePassword access

If you have not changed your password since 18 January 2021, password access may not work.

External access

If you are using Teleport, Direct access from outside ECMWF through ECACCESS or Teleport is not available yet. However, if using the latter a chained ProxyJump could be configured as an interim measure. Below is a suggested entry which you need to place in your End User Device's ~/.ssh/config. It also includes the settings for X11 forwarding and to avoid your connections to drop after a period of inactivity. Note you must set your ECMWF username in the User option

Code Block
titleExample snippet of ~/.ssh/config with chained ProxyJump
Host aa ecs
    User yourusername
    ForwardX11 yes
    ForwardX11Timeout 0
    ServerAliveInterval 60
    TCPKeepAlive yes
    # Temporary extra jump through ecgate until direct access is sorted

See also HPC2020: Persistent interactive job with ecinteractive if you wish to customise the resource limits of your interactive session.


Upon logging in, please take a look at the message of the day displayed on the login nodes (or review /etc/motd). 

titlePassword access

If you have not changed your password since 18 January 2021, password access may not work.

 Direct access from outside ECMWF through ECACCESS is not available. You must choose a valid host such as ecgate, and once there ssh into the desired host.

Password-less access from / to other platforms


  1. Check if you have an existing rsa ssh key pair on other ECMWF platforms:

    No Format
    $> ls ~/.ssh/id_rsa*
    ~/.ssh/id_rsa    ~/.ssh/ 

    If you don't, you may generate them like so:

    No Format
    $> ssh-keygen -t rsa                          # press 'enter' 3 more times

  2. Make sure it is added into the different platforms to be used


    If the key was already present in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, it will be duplicated.

    No Format
    $> ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ ecgate
    $> ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ cca
    $> ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ aa
    # or for users with no formal access to HPC service:
    $> ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ ecs

  3. Copy also your private key onto those platforms so you can make the connections in both directions:

    No Format
    $> rsync -av ~/.ssh/id_rsa cca:.ssh/
    $> rsync -av ~/.ssh/id_rsa aa:.ssh/
    # or for users with no formal access to HPC service:
    $> rsync -av ~/.ssh/id_rsa ecs:.ssh/
